Natsu Dragneel is going to kick ass in the S-Class Trial! Everyone might as well give up now!
- Gray Fullbster: Not if I kick ass first! ;D
- Natsu Dragneel: Shut up you ice-block! No one gives a damn about what you have to say!
- Juvia Loxar: Juvia does!
- Lucy Heartfillia: . . .
Gajeel Redfox is Levi's partner and with me by her side, all you other Fairy Tail mages are going down!
Levy McGarden and 3 others like this.
- Happy: He llllikes you!
Levy McGarden, Natsu Dragneel, and 5 others like this.
Erza Scarlet has joined Facebook.
8937389939473293832947592042 people like this.
Lucy Heartfillia : Erza Scarlet : Awesome Erza! You finally got a Facebook!
- Erza Scarlet:Thank you Lucy. With my presence here, I will make sure Facebook will be safe!
- Lucy Heartfillia: ..Umm...Yeah...
- Natsu Dragneel: No! Goddammnit, Erza joined Facebook, now it's going to be boring... =.=
- Gray Fullbuster: Someone hack into Erza's account and do naughty stuff so her account gets deleted!
- Erza Scarlet: ...
Erza Scarlet has gone offline.
Natsu Dragneel Yay we got rid of Erza!
- Gray Fullbuster: She's going to kill you, you fucking hothead!
- Natsu Dragneel: Shut up, icehead! You were as bad as me!
- Natsu Dragneel : Brb...Someone's knocking on my door.
- Gray Fullbuster : . . .
- Lucy Heartfillia: . . .
Natsu Dragneel has gone offline.
Gray Fullbuster O.O
- Lucy Heartfillia: Oh no! Erza got Natsu! D:
- Gray Fullbuster: Ha! Serves him right! ;D
- Lucy Heartfillia: Gray...She might come for you next!
- Gray Fullbuster: Nah, she likes me :D
- Gray Fullbuster: Brb, the mail is here...
- Lucy Heartfillia: Gray, wait, don't!
Gray Fullbuster has gone offline.
Lucy Heartfillia and there goes Gray.
- Juvia Loxar : Don't worry Gray-sama! I'll save you before Lucy does!
- Lucy Heartfillia: o.o'' Juvia..I'm not you're love rival...
- Juvia Loxar: Juvia sees the way you look at Gray-sama! Don't lie to me! Juvia is going to go save Gray!
- Lucy Heartfillia: ...Umm, Juvia...
Juvia Loxar has gone offline.
Lucy Heartfillia ;[ Nooo...Not Juvia too!
- Loki: Worry not, Lucy! I shall save you from you're misery! ;]
- Happy: He lllikes you!
- Lucy Heartfillia: Shut up, Happy .! And when did you get a Facebook Loki?
- Loki: Oh, Aries recommended me to make an account 3
- Happy: Oooo...He's cheating on you with another Celestial Spirit
- Lucy Heartfillia: =.=''
Natsu Dragneel is online.
Lucy Heartfillia: Natsu Dragneel: Natsu, are you okay?
- Natsu Dragneel: Oi, Lucy! I'm gonna stay over at your house tonight...Erza destroyed my house
- Lucy Heartfillia: O.O? What? I never even gave you PERMISSION to stay over, you can't go announcing stuff like that! But then again...Erza did go and destroy your house...
- Natsu Dragneel: Hey,everyone! Sleepover at Lucy's t'night!
Wendy, Loki, Lisanna, Gajeel and 576 others like this.
- Lucy Heartfillia: What? Natsu! You Baka!
- Wendy Marvell: Umm ...Whose going to bring the soda for the sleepover.
- Cana Alberona: Screw the soda, bring the beer!
Elfman and 10 others like this.
- Lucy Heartfillia: WHY ME? D:
- Mirajane: Come on, Lucy...Think of it as a party to celebrate the oncoming S-Class Trail Exam ^-^
- Lucy Heartfillia: Your house isn't the one being raided =.=
Gray Fullbuster and Juvi Loxar have come online.
Natsu Dragneel: Gray Fullbuster: Erza screwed you over, didn't she? ;] Oh yeah, sleepover at Lucy's t'night :D
- Gray Fullbuster: Oi, at least I wasn't trying to suck up to her like you! ...Sleepover at Lucy's? Sweet :D!
- Lucy Heartfillia: *Sigh*
[ to be continued...]