. | B i t t e r S w e e t | .






O n e

The Great Escape

[[ . I n f o r m a t i o n :::

Faith is a Realian with a deep, dark secret that resides in her innocent eyes. When the nineteen year old is freed of the pain of living with an abusive, mad man, her secret unlocks while in the care of her lover; a secret that can destroy all those around her, even the world eventually, or can she find her place before such a thing is to happen?

[[ . C o m m e n t s :::


I shouldn't really be doing this, I should be creating new fics, or at least writing original ones but hey, here I am! I know I planned to Re-Take Flowers Taste of Blood but I have to admit, Bitter Sweet means a lot to me; its one of the few stories I've carried on for longer then a month, no joke. It's the only story where I've carried it on and on, determined to finish no matter what. When I was scanning over the first few chapters of Bitter Sweet I hated myself; it was so out of context, and the writing was positively awful, and things don't add up in it (for instance, chaos had been a MAJOR part of Faith's life, yet he doesn't feel affected at all at the sight of a Kirshwasser that has her own thoughts and feelings and calls herself Faith? I mean come on, at that point chaos shouldn't a little freaked out and needs to at the very least leave the bridge to bring his emotions back together when he realises the past has caught up on him and he sees the state Faith's in after Albedo's relentless assaults on her). Gaignun was a little, laid back, shall we say about Faith's murderous ways, which is what I aimed for but I think he's a little too laid back, if you get me. They fall in 'love' far more easily then they should have done (Faith's supposed to be a shy girl until about chapters twenty/twenty-one where she meets up with Gabriel for the second time, who helps her bring out her fiery side, which is when she begins to properly step out of her Kirshwasser shell), and by that chapter I had sexual hints between them. I want the relationship to be just as strong but a little more realistic. Each time I read through Gaignun/Faith moments its like a page from Twilight, and its kinda weird that way. Plus I think, well a lot of people said, Faith's a direct copy of me (from her taste in colours/music to her actions in certain social situations, favourite drinks etc) and I think I need to change a few things around a little with her. She'll still be fiery and feisty and won't take sh*t from no one (yeah she does sound like me T_T) but a little less like me xD I was disappointed in how chaos came across too; he wasn't as thoughtful as I needed him to be, not as calm and whatnot; I made it so the 'love' he felt for Faith overcame everything else and I shouldn't have done. There were a few chapters out of place, which didn't flow with the storyline properly and weren't explained, and frankly all the lovey stuff just really bugged me. PLUUUUSSS I always, always think Gaignun wouldn't have had a proper relationship since Faith (and this is NOT my fangirl thing going 'Gaignun's heart will only be stolen from me!~') it's because of his past and lack of seeing girls, and quite possibly lack of interaction between his brothers (like me and Ashy have discussed, he's more of a third wheel kinda thing) plus he's a workaholic and he's just ALWAYS busy, since when the hell would he have time to be a pimp? His personality from what we see doesn't seem to be like that, at least that's what I think, so WHHHYYY ON EARTH I put in the story that he kissed her like after knowing her a few days is BEYOND me…So many things gone wrong xD

Anywaayy ENJOY 8D (oh yeah, one more moan, in the first chapter I made it look like Albedo loved her, which was when I didn't know where the storyline was going, hence why the first chapter was inspired by Gunzablaze. This story, in affect now, is in no way inspired by anyone and just a creation I came up with that I need to change around Dx).

Big fat juicy edit: I learnt another meaning of Albedo 8D I wonder why its not in my word dictionary then :/ oh and this chapter sucks and is short because well…I get bored of Albedo throwing Faith around like a rag doll :/

::: D a t e S t a r t e d . ]]

4th March 2011 (Friday)

[[ … C h a p t e r … ]]

~ O n e ~

.. Y o u L e f t M e D r o w n i n g ..

The panicked, small voice echoed through deaf ears. "I didn't mean to Sir, really-" she wanted to say more to the grown, frightening man in front of her but she was prevented from doing so. All that left her throat after that was a sharp squeak as his claws scratched against her neck, not wasting a second to wrap their way around her small flesh. While he brought his strong, un-gloved hands around her neck, she shivered as his cold flesh touched hers; his skin like ice. Tightening those strong fingers, he constricted them around her lick a snake, preventing her from the pleasure of breathing by blocking her small, child-like neck. Panic struck her; adrenaline pumping its way through her body as she looked up at the terrifying man that was causing her pain. This time, instead of hints of bliss in his mauve gems that he morbidly got from harming someone, they were filled with resentment; his thin lips pursed hard as he squeezed tighter from their eye contact. The expression frightened her more then the other look he would normally give to her. He was just furious from a mistake she didn't even make; utterly livid, meaning the chances of him letting go of her neck were most likely slim. Weakly, she brought her fingers around his, using both her hands; one wouldn't even be able to cover his due to how large they were. Wrapping her fingers around his, she tugged as hard as she could, feeling tears silently caress her cheeks, though she didn't feel like crying. Feeling numb in her face, she finally let go of his fingers, giving up just after a few minutes of attempting getting free. Her eyes glazed across his face; her lids wanting to shut as she became weaker from the lack of air. It seemed her heart and lungs were aching from lack of oxygen; her mind finally realising her fate. After what had been a year and a half of pure hell, she was finally going to get the same outcome as the other Realians that were in the white headed mans care; death.

But instantly, just as she was about to fall, the bones of his fingers snapped straight; opening her throat once more. Instead of the feeling of relief she expected to feel, it felt as if a wave had crashed into her lungs, causing her to choke. As if her body had forgotten how to breathe she struggled to grab mouthfuls of air; her lungs unsure of what to do with the oxygen for a few moments. As she panicked, thinking she would drown on water, pain surged through the side of her face. Her sight blurred as she lost her balance, stumbling to the ground like she had just been caught in a gust of wind. The side of her left knee, arm and hand smacked against the hard, almost pavement, like floor that was so cold she felt like she had landed in a pile of snow. Tensing, she felt her heartbeat speeding up again, much to her dismay; she needed it to pump slowly so she wouldn't have to pant so quickly, which was still hard to do as her lungs weren't pumping the air suitably. With her head against her left arm, she shut her eyes tightly, attempting to calm herself. She had been in situations like this one many a time before but regardless of the experience she still hadn't trained her hear to be composed.

Unknown to her, the white headed pain was staring down at her weak body with disgust; those mauve gems glowing with both anger and slight joy. Clenching his fists, his body began to tremble as he leaned foreword; casting his overgrown shadow over her body like it was to engulf her in one. Staring, he watched her body trembling from fear; heard her panting in his ears; all signs that would give him delight but the anger towards her was too strong. There was only a small space in his emotions that allowed him slight delight and a smaller amount of common sense; the common sense having stopped him from either snapping her neck like a twig or strangling her. From where the Kirshwasser uniform had revealed her skin that was as pale as his hair, he could see the scars laden on her flesh like veins on marble. All the scars actions from him, of course. They ran from her thighs to her legs, to her arms and even on her neck. How he wished to inflict more pain upon that bratty, little girl! But he couldn't; he knew that he couldn't. Instead, he turned around like a child and headed for the door; the pain filled Kirshwasser watching him wordlessly through blurred eyes. On the ground she flinched as a bang echoed through the room from him punching the wall beside the door; the bang so large it sounded as if a roll of thunder crashed within the space.

Once the door slid open, allowing thin lines of light from the empty halls to seep into the room, he left without a second glance to even check she was okay. When the door closed again, the room dimmed; the Kirshwasser staying on the ground for long minutes. All she did was blink, feeling her heart begin to fall back to its normal rhythm. Her lips had shut, meaning she was breathing calmly again through her nose and the blurred haze in her vision had disappeared. But of course, the pain hadn't. As fear subsided, pain overcame her senses. Pushing her weak body foreword, she slipped onto her knees, leaning foreword on her hands that were pushed against the navy coloured flooring. Her silver locks draped over her shoulders, brushing against her colourless cheeks as she lowered her head. Feeling tears run down her cheeks, she couldn't contain her fearful shivering as she searched her mind, trying to figure out what had irritated the man this time. No matter how much she tried to think, she couldn't come up with the answer. He had just come back to the room in a rage, and instead of taking it out on the other Kirshwasser's, she was his target. Wrong place, wrong time, kind of thing that had resulted in the usual feeling of pain. But despite having harmed her, she knew he wasn't satisfied and had most likely gone out to kill one of her sisters. Though she knew his anger was no where near her fault, a pang of guilt came into her mind that spread to overcome all the emotions of fear and hurt. Lifting her head, she looked to the door, blaming herself that in a few moments another one of her sisters would be being hurt; the reason being hers and hers only because she couldn't get the anger out of him.

Ignoring the line of blood running down her lip to drip to the floor, she watched the door carefully, wanting so badly to run out there and stop him from harming one of her sisters, but the only thing that prevented her from doing so was fear. Coming out of the room, raging at him would make him utterly furious; something she couldn't afford to happen. Either he would defiantly kill her, or harm another one of her sisters, which again would be her fault. Whimpering, she lowered her head again, squeezing her eyes shut to stop tears from uncontrollably spiralling down her face to the ground. Lifting her right hand, she wiped the blood from her lip, finally managing to open her eyes to see how much there was. Not enough to be concerned about; there was only a thin line of blood, along with her blue lipstick that she had most likely ruined. Not that she cared much; she hated the colour blue. When she felt more blood run from her mouth, she wiped it away, not letting it drop onto the floor; he hated all manner of bodily fluids. If there was blood on his floor he wouldn't exactly be happy or forgiving about such a thing.

Like a neglected child, she brought her injured knees up to her chest, cuddling them in her bone thin arms as she leaned her head on her chin, staring at the door yet staring at nothing at all. In her peripheral vision she could see the mess of his dark bedroom; the stench of blood mixed with gunpowder lingering in her nostrils; a scent she had grown to know her whole life, which despite her looks, seemed to be only a year and a half. A year and a half ago she almost 'awoke' in the world of Albedo, with a mind full of knowledge about the craziest things from religion, to languages, to maths and science and she even knew what she was; a Kirshwasser. The only thing missing from her mind was how she became to be apart of Albedo's possession but because she knew she was just simply a doll she figured he took her from somewhere and flicked a switch and there she was. But unlike her other sisters, other models like herself, she had an interesting ability to be able to speak against her Master; to talk what she wanted and to feel what she couldn't help but feel. She even came with her own name and that was Faith. The others didn't have names; she knew she was special; a special doll for her Master, even though she detested her Master with all her might. Regardless of loathe and abhorrence, she would never go against him, always being loyal even if he was damaging her or her sisters. Such loyalty angered her at the best of times.

Letting a long sigh out of the back of her throat, Faith shut her eyes momentarily; collecting all the remaining energy she had left in her mind. With all her might, she tried to push out the feelings of pain in her bones and focused on more appealing thoughts. Not that there was anything appealing to think of. After some moments she resulted in thinking of the colours she liked; those bright pinks, lilacs and beautiful blues that reminded her of the images of the ocean she had in her mind (wherever they were from was beyond her), eventually managing to cheer herself up. With her eyes still closed, she carefully moved her arms from being wrapped around her legs, setting her small, bruised, hands upon the floor. "Come on Fay," she muttered to herself; her voice soft and quiet from Albedo's squeezing of her throat. "No use sitting around being pitiful of yourself; one step at a time," as soon as she finished, she pushed herself up using her bare hands. Almost stumbling down, she took a step foreword, wondering what to do with herself. Eventually, she managed to push herself into the dark bathroom, coming face to face with her reflection almost immediately.

When she set her eyes on her reflection, disgust welled within her gut. In a snap decision, she had pulled her silver locks from her head, revealing it was nothing but a wig; underneath was her natural hair of should length, bright pink and fiery red locks.

