Chapter Nine
They walked in and things were just the way they were.
"Cozy," was all he said and she laughed.
"Yeah, it isn't much but it was home. I slept here, Aladdin there, and Abu usually was in between us," she said pointing to the cloth on the ground.
"Things really have changed for the two of you haven't they?" he asked sitting down on the window ledge. She sat next to him and sighed.
"Yes, but it's all for the better," she said looking out at the palace, "life has finally started looking up for us."
"It sure has," he said as he was staring at her.
"I mean, I live there now," she said indicating the palace, "and for most of my life I've lived here! And I still get to live with Aladdin and Abu. I remember sitting here with him and he always wished to live in that palace."
"What was your wish?" he asked and she looked at him before looking at her hands.
"My wish is to have a family and prove to my parents that you don't need to abandon your children to survive," she said. Prince Ali smiled and took hold of her chin and tilted her face to look at him.
"Well you know, you have to have a husband before you started a family," he said.
"I know," she said softly.
"And have you found someone yet?"
"You know I really like you Suhki."
"You know, I really like you Prince Ali."
"Please, just Ali."
"Okay, Ali." He smiled before leaning and gently placing his lips on hers. She kissed him back before part and smiling at him.
"So how are my chances now?" he asked.
"As high as you can get," she said.
"Suhki, Royal Vizier, might I be your Genie?"
"So I can make your wish come true."
"You want to start a family with me?"
"Yes. I know I came here for the Princess, but before I even met her I fell for you," he said.
"Wait, but that means I would have to move to your kingdom, away from my friends," she said pausing.
"Well, yes, I thought you had already realized that."
"No, I hadn't thought about it, and now I will. Can you put that question on hold?"
"If you wish," he said sadly. She gave him a sympathetic smile before they headed back to the palace and went separate ways.
Suhki made her way to her balcony and leant against the railing and thought about what could happen.
"Why so down?" came a voice from behind her. She turned and there was Aladdin.
"Where's Jasmine?" she asked.
"Doing your job, she wanted me to go see if you had come back yet," he said walking over and standing next to her, "so is there something you want to talk about?"
"Yes, actually there is. It's about Prince Ali," she said.
"Go on," he said smiling.
"Well he kind of proposed to me," she said going back to leaning on the railing.
"That's great Suhki! He seems like a good guy, I felt kind of bad when he showed up," said Aladdin leaning against the railing as well.
"But there is a problem," she said.
"He lives very far away from here. And here is where I've lived my whole life, this is my home where all my friends are," she said glancing up at him.
"Oh, I guess I hadn't thought about that," said Aladdin putting on a sullen face.
"Nor had I, but now it is all I can think about. Can I leave all of this? Should I?"
"It's your choice Suhki, you're strong enough to leave if you want to but just know that whatever you choose I will support you either way." Suhki smiled at him and hugged him.
"Thanks Aladdin," she said and they parted.
"Now Abu and I were going to go steal something from the kitchen, would you care to join us?" he asked.
"It would be my pleasure," she said and they laughed and made their way to the kitchen.
Prince Ali had decided to stay the full week to give Suhki enough time to think over his proposal. Everyone had known about it by known, which included the entire kingdom, and they were eagerly awaiting her response.
Suhki was stressed beyond belief. She had gone back to doing her job but with the added stress of everyone wanting her to accept Prince Ali's proposal. Every time she felt she was close to a decision second thoughts would come up and she would change her mind.
Finally it was Prince Ali's last night in Agraba and everyone was gathered around for dinner.
"Well we would like to wish Prince Ali a safe trip back home tomorrow and hope that he does return soon. You have been a most excellent guest, and I must apologise for the terms in which you had to come here," said the Sultan. Everyone raised their glasses to him and he smiled and thanked the Sultan.
"Er, before dinner is ready I think I have an announcement of my own," said Suhki once the Sultan finished his speech. Everyone went quiet and looked at her, ready to hear what she had to say.
"As the Royal Vizier I would like to thank Prince Ali for his visit as well, it was both informative, Genie no more making up names" she said looking at him and he smiled and blushed a bit, "and we hope you return soon. We really have enjoyed your presence and am sad that you live so far away, especially me since that means I won't be able to see all my friends that often. So thank you Prince Ali."
There was still silence as Suhki sat down and they just stared at her.
"Does that mean…?" asked Jasmine looking at Aladdin confused.
"I think it does," answered Aladdin scratching the back of his head and everyone looked at Prince Ali.
"Suhki, does that mean you just accepted my proposal?" he asked with a hopeful look. Suhki turned to face him and smiled.
"Sure sounded like it didn't it? Yes, I accept your proposal," she said.
"Congratulations dear!" shouted the Sultan who hugged her and the others expressed their congratulations as well.
"Well I guess you have some packing to do then," said Genie as he patted Suhki on the back.
"Guess so huh?" she said.
"Later, now we eat!" said the Sultan as he ushered Suhki over next to Prince Ali and sat her down there. The food was then brought out and everyone began to enjoy the large farewell dinner.
"Thank you, Suhki," said Prince Ali in the middle of dinner. Suhki smiled at him and continued to eat.
The next day is seemed all of Agraba was sad over Prince Ali and their new Royal Vizier leaving. And the news that they were engaged travelled like wildfire. Everyone was congratulating her and she was becoming quite tired of it.
Aladdin helped Suhki up onto her horse and smiled at her.
"Ready?" he asked. She nodded and watched Prince Ali smoothly get up onto his horse and smile at her.
"Excited?" he asked.
"More nervous," she said looking down at him now.
"Well make sure you send us a wedding invitation," said Aladdin.
"Will do, and make sure you take care of things here. Don't let my home fall to ruin because I am not here," she said.
"I'll makes everything is okay," said Jasmine walking over.
"Ready?" asked Prince Ali. Suhki smiled and nodded.
"Well, this is good bye, for now," she said.
"Here I want you to take Carpet with you, just in case you ever get homesick," said Aladdin handing her Carpet who was rolled up.
"Thanks, all of you. I will see you soon," she said they waved and she set up behind Prince Ali.
They had just made it out of Agraba and into the desert when Prince Ali slowed his horse down to walked next to Suhki.
"You okay?" he asked as she tried to watch Agraba as much as she could before it fell out of sight.
"Perfect," she said turning around to face him and smiling.
"Well if you need anything just let me know," he said.
"There is one thing," she said. She motioned for him to lean forward. He did and she smiled before pulling him closer and she planted her lips right onto his.
"Hmm, especially if you need that," he said smiling as they pulled away. Suhki laughed and motioned for her horse to go faster. Prince Ali laughed as well and followed after her.
Suhki was happy, things not only were better for her but for her friends as well. Agraba and Prince Ali's kingdom had a strong alliance thanks to Suhki and Prince Ali's marriage. And with the help of Carpet she flies to Agraba to do her job every morning before returning back to Prince Ali and spending some wonderful times with his as his wife.
She was sceptical at first, but now she was more than happy about the fact that she had decided to take the leap and marry Prince Ali.
"How do you feel?" asked Ali as he wrapped his arms around her waist, or at least tried to.
"I feel fine, kind of upset that I haven't see my friends in a while, but you can't fly when you're as pregnant as I am," said Suhki patting her bulging stomach.
"Well I want to keep this a surprise but they are all on their way here now, once I told them that the baby was to be born soon," he said. Suhki smiled and kissed him.
"Thank you," she said.
"Anything for you," he said, "and they were kind of eager to see the baby too."
"Go figure," she said and sat down and he sat next to her. She took his hand and laced her fingers with hers, "I love you."
"And I love you," he then leaned down to her stomach, "and I love you." Suhki laughed and rested her head on his shoulder.
Yes everything was going just fine for her.
The end.
A/n: Well that is it. Thank you to those who read and overall reviews are welcomed. This will be all that I am writing for this story and I will be posting more Disney stories. Next one up should be 'Fresh Air' which is my Little Mermaid story, so keep an eye out for that. I am nearly finished with it.
Thank you again.