PAIN! excruciating, undeniable pain burst through every nerve ending in the young fourteen year old's left arm. the pain was so intense, so unexpected, that the young woman tensed up and fell off the bed. normally she would find this ridiculous, but seeing as she was in too much pain to even remember her name, she didn't particularly care about falling off the bed. ~come to me, child of the dark Lord.~ a voice.....evil, sinister, full of superiority and pride. a chilling voice. ~come to me~ Krista found herself standing up, although she was sure she hadn't given herself the command to do so. now walking from her room, then through the hallway, down the stairs, into the lobby, where a large number of masked men stood. one stood at the front, beckoning her to him. "yes child of the dark Lord, come to me. Serve me until our Master Rises again." "I will serve" Krista found herself Saying, without wanting to. "Only the Dark Lord. you have no power over me." "I disagree" the man spat. "I was trusted second to Him. until he returns, you belong to me." unable to control her speech or actions, Krista could feel something strange pulsing through her. a power she couldn't understand, so powerful she wasn't sure she could survive it if it lasted much longer. ~I belong to the Master alone~ the words, snake-like in sound: shot from Krista's mouth involuntary. ~I will serve only the Dark Lord. provoke me again, and you will not live to see the next sunrise~ "YOU WILL SERVE ME!!" the man bellowed, anger and hate in his voice. the power swelled up inside Krista even more, before erupting from her chest in the same shadow of a snake that had been in the vision. it struck the man with lightening speed, sinking smoky fangs deep into the mans neck. in a flash the snake was back in Krista's body, the pulsing of power slowing slightly, before speaking again. ~I will serve only the Dark Lord.~ the snake inside her expressed simply. ~anyone who tries to force me to serve them, will face the same fate~ as though waiting for the final word of her sentence, then man who'd been bitten, burst into flame and perished in an instant. after a moment, Krista could control her own body again. clasping her hands to her chest in surprise, she stared at the group, trying to regain her composure. trying to act as though that were a normal occurrence, she smirked at the room full of men. "anyone else want me to serve them?" she paused for a moment. "no? well then I'll be returning to my room. Gute Nacht." she stated, before turning around and heading back upstairs. hopefully, no one else would try to mess with her. Krista walked slowly back to her room, not paying any attention to anything around her. she was lost in thought. The power inside her had protected her. and yet, she knew it was an evil power. ~There is no good or evil~ a voice from within her chest hissed. ~only power, and those too weak to seek it.~ "Good and evil exist." Krista argued. "I will never be evil." ~Then you will do good by serving the Master.~ the voice hissed. "I will only serve this 'master' until i find a way to stop him from controlling me." Krista Spat. suddenly, her muscles locked up as the power began to surge again. ~i can control you~ the voice sneered. ~but i allow you to choose. Soon you must choose between obeying willing, or simply obeying. there is no overpowreing Lord Voldemort. there is only obeying him, or death."