Disclaimer: IOOMOC

J.L.: Well, I'm back and man it's been a while since I've put anything new up, much less an update. I know I'm due for update on all the fanfics I was working on, but I'm locked in a writers block on the direction to take them (That is to say, I can't really remember where I was going with Skull or Exhale.) Anyways...since a lot has changed rather abruptly in my life I decided that I needed to get back to doing what I love doing and that is essentially writing. Normally I'd plunge back into my comics but seeing as i'm mid-move that's on haitus (my scanner's in storage.). Anydangway...as I'm sure this is all very interesting to you, allow me to introduce my newest fanfiction to you.


"Jillian Valentine get right back here this instant! This is madness!" My mother called out as I stepped outside of the mansion and handed my bags to the butler.

"These will be going to the Delta Stream, Rondel. I'll be right back in a second." I instructed. Rondel nodded and carried the bags to the carriage. I turned back around to face my mother.

"You cannot keep this up Jillian. You will bankrupt us should you continue this charade!" My mother protested. I glared her in the eye.

"Who will find Leon then? Will you? Will you continue to scour the seas in search of my brother, your son? No, you will not. You have given up hope long ago." I accused.

"As you should! Jillian, we cannot continue to hold this hope. It is unhealthy. Your brother has been gone for far too long...I don't even want to admit it but the chances of your brother being alive are-" She started but I slapped her cheek. As she raised her hand to the now cooling skin I stood firm with her.

"You remember father's last words...the very last thing he said as he lay bleeding not three feet from where you stand. He told us that Leon was alive. That the pirates of the boat Black Stillwaters had him." I spoke calculatedly.

"That was three years ago Jill!" Mother cried out.

"I doubt they've killed him mother. He was just a little boy when they took him. I will continue to fund searches for, even if I have to build and entire fleet for commercial purposes. I will find my brother, mother dearest, and I will bring him home. What you call futile I call worth my time. I am shocked and appalled at the very idea of you giving up on him. Now if you want to call it quits that is fine, go off and remarry. Perhaps your new husband won't be the businessman you fear I'll follow in footstep with. Now, my ship is preparing to leave and I must be at the dock within the hour. I bid good day to you mother and I will return within the year." I ordered. It was harsh but sometimes the woman only understood tough love. In time she will thank me, especially when I will have brought Leon home. I turned towards the carriage and made my way to.

"Please...Jilllian...please come home safe." I heard my mother bid. I waved back and entered the carriage.


"You're sure about this Chris?" Claire asked as I shifted the weight of my bag around on my shoulder. I smiled at my kid sister, ruffling her hair.

"Someone has to pay for your school and board. Besides...a journey on the seas is just the thing for a young guy like me." I replied.

"What if you've signed to a pirate ship though?" She worried.

"Nonsense. The Delta Stream is one of four ships commissioned by the Lady J for policing the waters. Why would a government sponsored ship be involved in anything like that?" I questioned. Claire shrugged.

"Redfield, Christopher." One of the men standing near the Delta Stream belted out. I hugged my sister tightly.

"Now you be good for Mrs. Burton. Her husband was nice enough to not only get me this job but to offer his home to you, it's the least you can do." I instructed.

"I will. Be careful, Chris." She said. I smiled and made my way over to where the big burly man was reading the list of sailors to board the ship.

"Hello Mr. Burton." I greeted. The older man smiled and checked me off his list.

"Go ahead and board lad. You might want to get use to calling me Barry though. Only Captain Wesker, First mate Valentine and second mate Marini get called by their last names at sea. I'm just the ship's cook after all." Barry offered. I smiled and stepped on board.

"There's the new guy!" I heard and looked over to see a couple of guys loading barrels below the decks casually.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Lend a hand here rookie?" One of the guys asked. I set my bag down and walked over to do just that.

"The name's Joseph Frost." He introduced as I helped him roll the barrel over to the drop in the ship for the galley. Another guy raised the platform to place the barrel on. Joseph pointed to him.

"That's Sully. Over there's Forrest, Brad and Richard. Our doctor is one of the two females on board, her name's Rebecca but don't be thinking any thoughts on bedding her. She'd sooner hop into bed with the first mate and Jill would gut you if you hurt Rebecca." Joseph explained.

"So uh...are the two girls...I mean...are they...like that?" I asked, feeling a little heat building up under my collar.

"Oh yeah, they are. Listening to them making love is as sweet as any siren's call-"Joseph started.

"Cut the crap, Joseph. You'll give the boy a heart attack." Sully yelled out. Joseph smiled meekly.

"I'm just thinking positively here. Rebecca's a fine young woman now, this could be the year." Joseph called back.

"I wouldn't count on it." A cool and collected voice cut in. I turned my attention to it's owner, presumably the first mate and only other female on the crew. My breath got caught in my throat when I saw her. She wasn't in usually woman's attire but rather in tights with an overcoat left unbuttoned, a true first mate's outfit.

"Ah! First mate Valentine! A pleasure to see you on board!" Joseph yammered out. The Brunette walked up and got into Joseph's face.

"How many times must I explain to you that Rebecca and I will not be carrying on about like the versions in your fantasies? I understand that a man gets so lonely at sea, but such silly and perverse thoughts should be kept to yourself, Frost. Now while Miss Chambers is growing into a fine young woman, I do believe the years around you hooligans have taught her to be wary of trivial lusts and to focus more on her responsibilities, much like you yourself need to do." First mate Valentine warned. Joseph swallowed hard and nodded.

"Yes, Miss Valentine." He confirmed and ran off to fetch the next barrel. Valentine smiled and waved to Sully, then looked over to me.

"The new lad I presume? My name is Jillian Valentine. Feel free to call me Jill once we're out to sea, or Miss Valentine if I am scolding you." She introduced, holding out her hand. I shook it eagerly.

"I'm Chris Redfield." I replied as I released her hand. She smiled and nodded, then walked off. I smiled back at her, paying specific attention to just exactly how tight her tights were on her backside.

"I wouldn't do that, unless you're eager to get to calling her Miss Valentine all the time." Sully advised.

"So we're out to sea for a year with two women, and we can't even think about them?" I asked. Sully cracked a smile and patted my back.

"Oh, no one said you couldn't think about them like that, but I wouldn't go acting on those urges. Now come on boy, we've got quite a bit more to load before we're off to sea. You'll enjoy it once we get out there. A lot less formalities. Hell, even the Captain's itching to go." Sully replied.

J.L.: So how was that for a first chapter? Not too shabby I say. Probably a little short but I'm carving out a bit of everything here. Obviously, all the characters are Resident Evil characters (sparring both you and I from having to read those damned long as character descriptions...I mean c'mon, we know what Jill looks like.). The only one you may have a problem recognizing is Kenneth Sullivan, but i always thought that Sully was a good sailor name so it just kind of came out that way. Anyways, as you may or may not have picked up, the only one who is new to the crew is Chris. Backstories will be filled in as Chris gets to knew each and every single character personally.