Warning: This fic will contain spanking of a teenager. If you don't like, please don't read.

Please be warned: This is an Alternate Universe Fiction


"Neal." Peter spoke in a soft, caring tone. "Look at me Neal." After a long moment, Neal lifted his eyes away from the chaos taking place in the room and focused on Peter. "Neal, Fermez vos yeux et vos oreilles couvrir une petite. Confiance en moi." Neal continued staring at the agent who stood firm and certain, two qualities far removed from the feelings the young boy felt. Neal was beyond terrified and had to dig deep to indeed trust the man who was standing across the room pointing a gun surely in his direction. But the frightened child did as the agent asked, almost on autopilot as he closed his eyes and reached his hands up to cover his ears. Neal then promptly drifted off to a place that was far away from the chaos of the room, from the terrifying position he found himself currently in and instead into a land of picnics and fishing trips, of family excursions to the city's museums and art galleries, to a warm room of movies with popcorn and soda, to crossing over New York Harbor in a ferry with the chilly autumn breeze blowing in his face, to Christmas time with delicious food, singing and lots of holiday cheer. He found the place he always wanted to be in and his brain made a subconscious decision to stay there forever.

Eleven months earlier….


I (love) Italian.

Peter held the photo in his hands and nervously dialled LaPorchetta, his favourite Italian restaurant. In actuality, he'd only been to LaPorchetta once, and that was for a work function but it really had left a good impression and he knew it was the place to take Elizabeth. He'd met her three weeks earlier when he was investigating a theft at a gallery downtown where she was the assistant manager. He had interviewed her after the robbery and then returned a couple of days later for a more official statement. He could have had one his junior agents do the leg work but he was instantly smitten with the beautiful brunette with mesmerising blue eyes. He was desperate for the first date to be perfect but it was possibly going to be at the expense of him having a stroke. Trying to get the final details perfect was turning him into a disgraceful nervous wreck.


Agent Burke pulled up outside Elizabeth's downtown gallery as promised on Friday evening at 6:30pm. He had sat in his car one block away for almost half an hour waiting for the official pick-up time to tick over. He wasn't going to take a chance of being gridlocked on his way to this date – unfortunately he'd had previous experience in that department and that particular date was doomed from the beginning.

"Hi Peter." El jumped into the passenger seat looking amazingly perfect for someone having spent the day at work. Peter immediately had doubts to his own appearance. He had changed his shirt and sprayed on deodorant but maybe he should have gone with a second set of clothes and a shower. Damn! Too late.

"Hi Elizabeth. You have a good day?"

"Yes. A bit slow but that's okay. Gave me time to thrash out some ideas I have for my own business I'm working on starting up."

Peter pulled the Taurus out into the traffic and headed towards LaPorchetta.

"Your own business? That sounds exciting."


Peter downed the final morsel of his mouth-watering cannelloni and stared at the beautiful woman across the table that he had just shared an amazing meal with. Life couldn't get any more perfect than it was at that very moment and he was eager to savour every moment. Picking up his glass of red, and pointing it towards his gorgeous date, he asked, "Shall we toast to this splendid evening, Elizabeth."

"Of course." El picked up her glass and clinked it against his.

Peter's smile grew wide on his face. "How about we toast to many more incredible evenings like this one?"

"Well I was going to say let's toast to World Peace but unless you've seen Miss Congeniality you may not get it so lets go with yours." El chuckled when she saw Peter's expression go from disappointment, to confusion and finally to relief as he realised she was only joshing with him.

She's beautiful, smart, articulate and has a sense of humour. Just perfect.


Peter pulled up in front of his date's Brooklyn address. He'd done some research and knew where the house was already but let Elizabeth guide him home in any case. Don't want her thinking I'm a stalker!

"Wow, great place, Elizabeth," Peter commented as he walked El to the front door.

"I like it here. Just far enough out not to feel too busy and close enough to work that I don't waste half my day in traffic." El unlocked the front door and spun to her companion in time for Peter to lean down and kiss his date goodnight.

"Thank you for the finest evening I've had in a very long time, Elizabeth."

"Thank you, sweetie. Me too. And let's also remember to thank the thief who raided our gallery last month. Perhaps he should get a reduction on his sentence for bringing us together?"

"Maybe. It's worth serious consideration!" Peter turned to walk back to his car when suddenly had a scary thought and asked before he could stop himself. "This is a big place for just one person. I'm almost too frightened to ask but I won't be able to stop thinking about it if I don't…You don't live here with your mother by any chance?" Peter had one disastrous relationship fail due to the girlfriend's over-bearing mother that lived in the same house.

"No, just me and," El paused, she'd have to tell him eventually, "… my son Neal."