My first X men evolution story. Please don't hate me too much.

Disclaimer: I own nothing! X Men Evolution is property of its respected creator.

Chapter 1

Kurt sighed softly, trying to hide his frustration and bitter disappointment. From his bedroom window at the mansion he could clearly see his Katzchen, Kitty holding hands with Lance as they came up the drive. It was well past midnight now, herr Logan would certainly give her a talking to in the morning.

Kurt looked sadly over at his bed. The sheets were a tangled mess for no matter how hard he had tried Kurt just could not sleep. Not until his Katzchen was home safe and sound. Why must she torment him so? He tried so hard to please her, make her laugh but he was never good enough. He narrowed his golden orbs at Lance, thankful for the shadows hide him so well. What could she possibly see in him? How many nights had he, the incredible Nightcrawler, soothed her sobbing tears from Lance's mistreatment.

How anyone could stay with someone who abused them was beyond Kurt's comprehension. He had never wanted to stay with those that had abused him as a child. No matter how lonely he was for companionship. Maybe it was a girl thing. He sighed again and turned away from the window as Lance began to grope Kitty good night.

He laid down on his bed face buried in the pillow, he could hear her now. Her soft footsteps walking just past his room to the next one. Oh Why did the Professor torture him so with having Kitty so close? How many nights had he lied awake, listening with his expert hearing, praying for her delicate footsteps to stop outside his door.

He sighed, it really wasn't the Professor's fault. They all live on the same floor. The rooms went boy girl boy girl in hopes they would all learn to respect and tolerate each other. And with the no closed door policy (unless changing or sleeping Alone) that Logan had started no one worried about any bedroom inappropriateness.

Which is why Kitty left the ground with Lance so often. Tears began to well in Kurt's eyes for as much as he loved her Kurt knew.

His Katzchen was no longer pure.

"Kurt, Kurt wake up."

"Whaaa?" Kurt said rubbing at his sleepy eyes. His bedside clock glared brightly. 4am. He had only been asleep for about three hours.

"I'm sorry to awaken you so early Kurt, but a new mutant has just emerged. Please meet the others at the x-jet as soon as you can."

"Ja, Ja Professor right avey." Kurt stretched. It was always strange hearing the Professor's voice in his head. No matter how may times it happed. It was still strange.

Without bothering to brush out his fur, Kurt grabbed his X-men suit, slipped in on and with a quick "Bamf!" was at the hanger.

"What kept you elf?" Logan spoke gruffly.

"Eh, Sorry herr Logan I..vas..I just..."

"Save it and get on board, we're still waiting on one person." As Logan spoke Kitty quickly made her way towards them, obviously right out of a shower. If she was trying to hide the scent of what she had been doing just a few hours earlier. It didn't work. Logan took one sniff and roughly grabbed her shoulder as she tried to pass him.

"Like hey! That hurts!" Kitty whined.

Logan growled softly, where had he gone wrong. Kitty was turning into a right spoiled brat. "Go back to bed," He growled louder. "You ain't coming this time." he released her and she rubbed her arm glaring at Logan.

"Fine, didn't really want to go anyway." She turned and hurried back the way she came. Logan turned towards Kurt. "You know anything about this elf?"

"N-nein." He said as Logan strolled past him up the gangway.


Kurt flopped into one of the last seats of the x-jet and as it took off while Professor X filled them in. It was rare for him to join them on a retrieval mission. That fact alone had the tired Nightcrawler's attention. Also the fact that the Professor had not seemed to notice Kitty's absence. Or maybe Logan had mentally told him.

He hoped Katzchen wouldn't be in too much trouble.

"Again I apologies for getting everyone up so early, but this could not wait. About an hour ago Cerebro indicated a class four mutant. One I have never seen before popped up just a few miles out of Alexandria,Virginia. In a highly forested area I must urge caution my X-men. I'm not 100 percent sure what kind of powers we are dealing with yet."

"Professor are you sure were up for a class four?" Evan asked. "There like almost the most powerful right?" Kurt snorted a bit.

Rogue looked over at her brother when he made a sound. Something was clearly bugging him.

"I understand you concern Evan, but I felt no malice from this class four. I am sure once we find her, everything will work out."

"Her?" Scott asked. The Professor smiled to himself. "Yes her, I couldn't get a very clear picture but she's about 15, long brown hair, with shorter bangs that frame her face. Her skin is quite pale and she is small for her age. There was a feeling of confusion and of being lost."

Bobby shook his head. "Professor you just described at least half the girls in the state."

"That may be but hopefully I will be able to pin point her location the closer we get, and we must hurry. I fear Magneto will have the brotherhood mobilized on this as well."

As the x-jet landed with great stealth behind a thick grove of tree the group exited.

"This is the area she was last in." The Professor said after a moment of concentration.

"Alright teams, split up and fan out." Scott ordered in his best team leader voice.

Of course Scoot and Jean paired up, Evans and Bobby, Logan was with the Professor, that just left Kurt with his half sister Rogue. Not that he minded but she had been looking at him funny the whole trip. Once our of ear shot of everyone else, he could take it no longer.

"Vhat? Vaht is it sister?" He asked a bit of tired agitation in his voice.

"Shugar, you've been all down this whole time. Tell me is it about Kitty?" She asked.

"I don't know what your talking about. " Kurt huffed looking away blushing purple on his checks. That sealed it.

"Blue, I've been telling ya and telling ya. She just ain't right for you." Rogue tried but Kurt wasn't listening. "Fine be stubborn but you'll see one day someone's gonna come along and make ya forget all about Katzchen." Rogue used Kurt's pet name for Kitty as emphasis.

A branch snapped to there left as Kurt and Rogue whirled around to face the voice drifting though the trees.

"Ah family troubles? What a joke."

"Ugh, Who invited ya'll here?." Rogue said as Toad and the Blob stepped out of the bushes.

"Hey we came to find the new mutant same as you." Blob said.

"Get her on our side. Hope she's good looking." Toad added.

"Like anyone would go out with you frog boy." Said a new person entering the clearing.

"Pietro." Kurt growled sounding very much like Logan.

"Well well well, three against two. What you gonna do about it?" He taunted.

"I think you mean four against three!" Someone shouted from the other side of the clearing.

Kurt felt a fleeting bit of hope as Bobby and Evan joined them. They could win this now. The fight was going pretty well. Though Kurt was trying to keep and eye on Rogue. He loved his half sister and would protect her. He knew she would resist draining the brotherhood, they were so...icky and after her mental breakdown she tried to avoid touching at all, if she could. Evan shot his spikes at Pietro who made a howling wind force like a mini tornado and tossed them right back at him as well as scattering them. Rogue was right in the way of a long and sharp errant spike.

"Rogue move!" Bobby screamed but it was too late. Teleporting to her Kurt had just enough time to push Rogue out of the way.

He didn't have time to move himself. Kurt let out a scream as the force of the spike tore straight through his stomach and into the tree behind him affectively nailing him to it. His eyes were wide as blood began to drip from his mouth, it was already gushing from his stomach.

"Oh Gawd! Kurt! Kurt!" Rogue screamed falling by her brothers side. The amount of blood and sheer sickness of it all had stopped the fighting as the brotherhood and X-men could only watch.

He couldn't talk as he looked into Rogue's eyes. Everything was getting so dark. He saw a light, a bright silver light, like the moon and star dust behind them all. It came out of the trees an into the clearing moving towards him. On pure instinct he raised his hand out towards the light.

It touched his hand, so warm.

Then everything went black.

A/N: Please review