A policeman knelt by the body. "No ID. We'll have to take her in for DNA testing. Put her down as a Jane Doe. I'll take care of the papers. What's today, June 28th?"

"Right. Don't you mean Ginger Doe? I haven't seen hair like this since—"

"Show a little respect!"

The driver of the truck stood of to the side, hands shaking as he gave his report. "She just ran out in front of me. I couldn't stop. It was like she wanted me to hit her. And then there was this blond woman. From nowhere, really…"

"What do you mean, I'm dead?" Donna bellowed at the bank manager. "Do I look dead to you?"

"It must be a glitch in the system."

"I'll show you a glitch!"

"According to the system, you died June 28th."

"Well, then, I'm awfully fresh for dead, aren't I?"