A/N: Well hello everyone. It has been a while! After playing so much Inquisition, coming back to this story and actually writing it is a little difficult. Not feeling it really. But, hopefully that will change.
A HUGE thank you to alyssacousland for editing and making sense of this chapter. You are wonderful and awesome as always. A big thank you too everyone who takes the time to read this story.

The road to Lothering

November 12th 2009



Longest. Day. Ever. Oh, how I loath walking. I am not sure how long we've been walking, I stopped looking at my watch after hour number three. According to Morrigan we have at least two more hours of walking ahead of us. My feet did not appreciate this grim news, as I'm sure there are now blisters forming on top of older blisters. Yes. I know that I am whining excessively, just keep in mind that we mages aren't exactly the athletic types.

At least I'm not a dwarf. Brand is sweating like a whore in a chantry, but still managing to keep up with everyone. Marlya is a different story. Despite her efforts to keep up with us, and constantly refusing piggy back rides from that ever so nice Templar, Alistair; she finally gave in, and is currently riding on top of Alistair's backpack. What a boy scout.

Jessica, Marion and Morrigan lead the pack.. I should be up there flirting shamelessly with the hottest mage I have ever laid eyes upon. Alas, here I am, walking besides Wormy, who is glued to her phone, trying getting through to her Templar love at the circle. Given furrowed brows and the deep frowny face, she is having no luck contacting him.

"You'll get permanent wrinkles if you keep scowling like that." I advised.

She glanced up from her phone long enough to give me a rare Wormy-death glare.

"He hasn't messaged me or called me." She grumbled bitterly.

I roll my eyes. New love is a breeding ground for paranoia.

"It's only been a day since you've last heard from him. Are you worried he's found some other little cute mage to obsess over?" I teased. Which earned me a rather surprising hard punch on my shoulder blade. I winced in surprise, and some pain.

"I know something is wrong." She said with some determination.

"Well that is no excuse for brute force, Wormy." I rub the sore spot on my shoulder. So I'm a wimp, I already mentioned I am no athlete."

"You had it coming you big baby, and you know it."

I did.

"So, you can feel something is wrong because he hasn't messaged you in a day? Don't you think that you might be jumping to conclusions a little too soon?" I asked.

She shrugged before turning her attention back to her phone. She dialed Cullen's phone number and handed the phone to me. I reluctantly accept her phone and place it against my ear. There is no dial tone, only a recording of the number being out of service. Now my curiosity is peaked.

"That is how I know something is wrong." She said, grabbing the phone from my hand. "I've tried Cullen, the main desk, hell, I even tried the First Enchanter and the Knight Commander's direct lines. All of them give me the same message." She slipped her phone back in a pocket in her robe.

"I will admit that is strange, but I really don't think you have to worry." I am curious, but not concerned.

"Why wouldn't I worry? It is the same exact message no matter what number I try at the tower." She argued.

I know full well why she's worried. I just don't care.

"Why the hell should we worry about a place that had no problems using us to catch a blood mage and his girlfriend, then cast us out like we were to blame?" She opened her mouth to argue. Apparently the warning look I gave her kept her from saying anything more. "You know damn well had we stayed, we would both have been made tranquil by now. Purely as a precaution of course. Since blood magic is contagious through association and all."

"I'm not arguing with you. I believe the exact same thing. But we do still have friends there. Aren't you the least bit worried something may have happened to them?" She countered.

"They can take care of themselves," I sigh. "we do have that warden treaty with the circle. If you are really that worried, talk to Jessica and ask her if you can take a party with you."

This suggestion did not seem to ease her mind. However, it did give her an excuse to visit the tower. She flashed me a warm smile, before running to catch up with Jessica.

If she wanted to visit the tower, more power to her. I for one, have no interest in revisiting my former place of oppression. I've tasted freedom and I kind of dig it. I understand why so many mages try to make a break for it.

Instead of dwelling on my dislike of the circle, I go back to my previous mission of looking for a car. This has quickly become a futile task, as the Darkspawn seem to enjoy setting shit on fire. Yet, I continue to search, in hopes of giving all of our aching feet a rest, and make this Maker forsaken trip just a little faster.

I took a break from car scouting, and turned my attention to the front of the line. Wormy was wearing a satisfied smile. Jessica must have agreed to her demands. Good. At least now she'll stop worrying for a bit.

Without warning, Jessica stops in her tracks. We all, quickly, follow suit in order to keep from tripping over each other. I follow her gaze to a field holding a rather sizable group of Darkspawn. They appear to be chasing something. From what I can gather, it appears to be an animal of sorts. If I had to guess, the four legs and stout build tells me it's a dog.

"Holy shit!" Jessica yells, before pulling out her gun; tearing off like a bat out of the fade, towards the hoard of darkspawn giving chase.

Oh goody. More fighting.

Our group exchanges perplexed looks, but quickly follow suit. The better equip members take the darkspawn head on, while we three mages take them out with spells from a distance.

A Hurlock manages flank a bow wielding Zara, and bring its blade across her shoulder. I was about to pick the fucking thing off for her, but she ignored her pain and quickly unsheathes a hidden dagger in her boot. With lightning speed, she jabs the small blade upwards, into the Hurlock's jaw. Not giving the Hurlock time to recover from its surprise, she roughly yanks out the blade, breaking her larger opponent's jaw in the process. As the beast tries to recover from the lower half of its face dangling by a jaw hinge, Zara shoves her blade deeply into its neck, over and over again until it falls to the ground.

Well that sure was brutal. Not saying the damn thing didn't deserve it, but damn. Mental note to self, make friends with the Dalish very quickly.

There were bullets flying, swords and axes clashing. The fight takes far too long for my liking, but once it ends relief washes over me. A few less Darkspawn to worry about later on. I'm a glass-half-full kind of a guy.

I walk over to Zara and tend to her shoulder wound. She is reluctant at first to receive help from a domesticated elf, but quickly gives in when I wave my hands about and her wound is healed.

"Thanks." Zara mumbles.

I stare at her for a moment, trying to determine if she's being sarcastic or not.

"I must say, I've never seen anyone use a dagger quite so...resourcefully before. Or ever at all actually. It was impressive."

A blush creeps in to her cheeks. She looks around uncomfortably, no doubt trying to find some place to hide from my praise. I don't give her the chance. I wave my hand dismissively before turning my back on her, and walking away. Who knew Dalish could be so adorable, and easy to embarrass?

I scanned the field to be sure there was no one else who needed tending to. Satisfied that no one else was in need of healing. I turn my attention to the noise coming from Jessica who is on the ground laughing, and being assaulted by the tongue of a rather intimidating looking Mabari hound.

"Ahhh! Yes, I'm happy to see you to boy." She laughs, as she gently shoves the hound off of her. The hound waits until she is upright before continuing its tongue assault. More laughter from Jessica follows.

I find myself smiling at the heartwarming scene. Everyone but Morrigan has at least half a smirk, or a full blown grin. Morrigan looks on with disgust, which is hardly surprising. Still looks hella sexy though.

"Noodles! Let me get up." Jessica commands. The Mabari jumps around in circles, while waiting for his obvious owner to get to her feet.

"Noodles? You named your Mabari Noodles?" I asked. I expected something more, I don't know, bad-ass.

"I was five when my dad brought him home, and at the time I had an obsession with noodles." She snapped.

Makes sense I suppose. Odd name nevertheless.

"Awww. Look at the cute Mabari." Alistair says, as he holds out his hand for the hound to sniff. Noodles sniffs and wastes no time rubbing its massive head against the Warden's hand. "Lovable thing aren't you?" He gushes, as he rubs Noodles head.

"Ugh. Don't tell me we are bringing this slobbering beast with us." Morrigan scoffs.

Jessica turns towards Morrigan, her eyes hard and cold as ice.

"Do you have some kind of problem with me bringing my dog along?" She asks. I get the feeling it's a rhetorical question.

Morrigan narrowed her eyes at the dog, then at Jessica; who was holding her own ground with her own scary glare. Almost as if she's daring the mage to start a fight.

"I thought having one slobbering idiot in our mists was enough." Said Morrigan, as she glanced in Alistair's direction.

The Warden didn't argue. Instead it kept his attention on the hound.

"Don't listen to the mean old bitc...I mean witch. She's just jealous because she doesn't have any two-legged or four-legged friends." Alistair cooed at the hound.

Ouch. That was just cold.

Morrigan merely laughed off his insult.

"Let's get going people." Jessica called out before any more could be said. She began walking without looking back to see who followed. The hound was quick to break away from Alistair in order to catch up with his owner. Alistair almost looked hurt the hound would choose his owner over Alistair himself.

Wordlessly, we all followed suit and followed Jessica down the paved road towards Lothering.

Instead of walking besides Wormy, as I typically do, I decided to walk alongside Zara who ignores my presence for a time. However, I do catch her giving me glances out of the corner of her eye once in a while.

Oh good Maker. This is going to be a very long day.


November 12th 2009



The royalty of Denerim is hardly pleased at my announcement. Apparently, Bann Teagan has something against my ruling this country. He will get over this in due time. If not, there is always a need to send disobedient nobles nobles to Antiva, or the Free Marches.

Anora appears to be slightly shocked at my announcement as well. The timing could have been slightly better on my part, seeing as she is mourning the loss of her husband. Deep down she may be perplexed by my decision, but Anora knows I have her best interest, as well as the best interest of Ferelden in mind.

What just transpired in the landsmeet is not what bothers me at the moment. I have received a report from one of Howe's spies, that several Grey Wardens have survived Ostagar. This worries me, as one of the survivors is Alistair and the other is the Cousland girl. The other Wardens worry me; but both Alistair and Cousland surviving threatens my plan a great deal.

Alistair because of the blood that runs through his veins. As far as I know, he has no interest in being King. That tiny detail will not stop Arl Eamon from placing the boy on the throne. The old man is crafty that way.

Cousland could take back Highever. Chances are she will at some point, but not until her silly little warden duties are taken care of. She also worries me because she is crafty and smart. It won't take her long to link me to Howe, thus associating myself with her parents demise. Let us hope for now that her hatred of Howe keeps her occupied a little while longer.

I need to deal with Arl Eamon first. The man is suspicious, and no doubt Teagan has already told the Arl what transpired at the landsmeet, (A meeting which Eamon was conveniently not invited to), the Arl will work hard and fast to discredit me as King.

I have already devised a plan to get close to Eamon without actually really being there myself. Howe's spies tell me that the Arlessa has been looking for a mage. No one knows why, but it provides me with an opportunity. It just so happens I have a mage in my possession. A blood mage at that.

The lad was being led back to the tower by Templars, when I just so happened to stumble across him. The Templars were easy enough to capture, the mage was slightly skittish and less trusting. I finally managed to tempt him with promises of redemption. I had no use for him then, but one never knows when a blood mage may come in handy.

It is a plan I am about to put into motion. As the car comes to a stop in front of the former Arl of Denerim's estate, (it is now my estate.), I walk through the front doors and quickly make my way to the mage's quarters which just so happens to be located next to the dungeons. I purposely placed the mage here as a reminder that he is to do what I say. I'm sure Arl Howe's midnight pleasures keep the mage cringing in fear at night.

I knock on the mage's door. There is a mumbled greeting from the other side. I open the door to find the mage sitting on his bed, book in hand. Typical. Once I entered the room, he tossed his book aside and jumped from the bed.

"Relax Jowan. There is no need to stand on ceremony on my account." He does not relax.

I make him nervous. Good.

"Is there something I can do for you your grace?" He mumbled nervously.

I smile and nod.

"Yes. I need you to take a little trip to Redcliffe."

I waited for some line of questioning on his part. He merely waited for me to elaborate. Good. I like a mage who listens.

"You will be meeting the Arlessa outside of the city. Why she wants to meet there, I do not know. But those are the instructions she sent."

I replied to her ad in the paper several weeks ago. She took her time responding to my letter. No doubt to make sure I wasn't someone trying to scam her. Smart little Orlesian whore.

"Do whatever she asks of you. Fit in. Gain her trust. The Arl's trust as well."

"I get the feeling I'll be doing something else on the side." He injected.

Smart lad catches on quick.

"Indeed. I need the Arl out of the way. All I ask is it be discrete and non-traceable," I paused, expecting objections from Jowan. There were none. "You will write to me daily with updates on the Arl's health. Also, I would like to know why the Arlessa is in need of a mage so urgently."

Jowan nodded.

"What if I get caught." He asked.

I shrugged.

"Then you, my dear mage are fucked. I suggest you be careful and not get yourself caught," I took a step closer to him. Wearing my best intimidating smirk. "If you are caught, and pin your actions on me in any way, I will not only publicly denounce your actions, I will also find a way to kill you slowly and painfully."

"How does this earn me my atonement? This sounds a lot like murder."

"Hardly. I am not telling you to kill the Arl. I am simply asking you to keep him indisposed. We are trying to bring a nation together, Eamon would only care about his own interests." It is the truth. I'm not asking for the Arl's head, but if he should die, I wont shed too many tears.

"How are your own interests any more important than the Arl's? Aren't you just trying to get the Arl out of the way so you can further your own selfish interests?"

I scoff. Mages ask too many questions sometimes.

"My only interest is Ferelden and keeping its people safe. The Arl only cares for himself and his family. Will you do as I ask? Should I find a more willing mage to get the job done? I am fairly certain the circle would be most interested in getting their hands on a blood mage."

At this Jowan pales.

"No, no. I will do it." He said, sounding somewhat defeated.

"Good. Be packed and ready within the hour. Since she's looking to hire a mage I suggest you bring spell books. The car will be waiting for you out front."

Jowan nods curtly and turns to pack what few belongings he owns.

"Oh. Jowan. Since you have a bit of a record with the circle, I couldn't risk the Arlessa finding out who and what you really are. You are Michael, a traveling malificar for hire."

"Of course your grace." He says without looking up.

I wordlessly slip from his room. I am pleased with how that went. Soon I won't need to worry about the Arl. In fact, I have already put him from my mind. I turn my attention to the Wardens.

I have spread word of the Wardens involvement with bringing the darkspawn to Ostagar and Lothering. I doubt any town in Ferelden will welcome any warden that passes through.

The group that escaped Ostagar are my primary concern. They can point fingers. Not to mention royals in their mix. I need to deal with them quickly.

My phone rings, which jolts me out of my deep thoughts.

The number is Howe's.

"What?" I bark.

"We have a solution to our problem." He announces proudly.

"Which problem would that be?"

"Our little Warden infestation," He pauses. I know it is for dramatic effect. Howe is an idiot sometimes. "Ever heard of the Antivan Crows?" I can hear the happiness in his tone.

"I've heard of them, but don't know much about them."

"I will meet you in the throne room. What I can tell you now is that they have agreed to put a permanent end to our problem."

I like how promising that sounds. I hang up the phone as I hurry towards my throne room.


November 12th 2009



Finally! Lothering! I can't even begin to express how happy I am to see buildings, lights, especially the flashing neon sign above the tavern. I'd kill a man for a beer right about now.

Mostly I'm just tired and need to sit down. I have my doubts Lothering has any empty spaces available, but it doesn't hurt to try. At the very least, it will be nice to sit back for a while.

Ahead of us was a group of rather large men, blocking the way in to the city. This only meant one thing. They were looking to profit from others desperation and suffering.

"Well. There goes my happy mood."

The gang springs into action upon our approach.

I can't wait to see if they want a toll to enter the city. Or maybe it will be something original.

"Why hello there, weary travelers," called out the obvious gang leader. "Refugees are required to pay a toll in order to enter the city."

Nope. No originality with this idiot. I'm almost disappointed.

"Listen asshole," I keep my voice level, but threatening. "Since we aren't refugees, nor are we stupid you can shove your toll request up your ass and let us in."

"Oh, oh. A lively one right here boys." The leader and his merry idiots chortled. "Listen bitch. You'll pay the toll of 10 gold ahead, or die."

"Let me level with you. I've been traveling with a bunch of tired and whiny Grey Wardens all fucking day. Not only am I cranky, but I have no time for stupid people. So, here's the deal. Either you pack up your little swindling operations right now, and live to see another day. Or, I can put a bullet right between your eyes. Choice is yours."

The gang members faces pale at the mention of a group of Grey Wardens. The leader merely smiles.

"There is a bounty on you Wardens." He nearly sings.

I know this guy is going to take us all on in hopes of collecting a bounty. I can practically see the gold in his eyes. I don't give him a chance to even think of a way to kill us all.

I pull my gun from my side holster, take off the safety, aim and pull the bullet hits him in the forehead.

Should I have given him a second warning? A chance to change his mind and run away? Maybe. I have no patience for his kind today.

The leader slumps to his knees, then falls face first into the dirt. Dead as road kill.

I turn my attention to the other members of his gang.

"Run." I say.

None of them think twice. All five men run past our group as if their asses had been lit on fire. They didn't even grab any of their crap. More for us I guess.

"They had it coming." Alistair suddenly steps in next to me. "Frankly, people like that deserve what they get."

I'm kind of surprised. I assumed if anyone was going to give me the human-right-to-live speech, it would be him.

"Search the body for any money and move along. I'm dying for a nice cold beer." I mumble, as I already walking towards the nearest tavern/

Morrigan searches the surrounding crates. We come across some crap we can sell and a few gold and silver pieces. Adding it to our money collection, we had enough for a refresh on supplies, and drinks. Best see if anyone has any paying work while we're in town.

"So, now that we are finally here," says Alistair. "Have you come up with a game plan?"

I had thought on what our plan might be, but I wanted everyone's opinion. I really don't want to be the dictator here. Everyone should have a say.

"Oh? Have you decided to stop brooding?" Morrigan smirks,as Alistair glares at her with obvious annoyance.

"I am not brooding. I was thinking."There was a defensive edge to his tone.

"Your definition of brooding, and mine are obviously very different."

"You read people so well witch. It's a wonder you have no friends given your gift of emotional E.S.P

"Hold on a moment. Did you say you were thinking? My word, miracles really do happen..I'll be sure to write it all down in my diary tonight. "

Pamela cut in before Alistair can retort.

"Leave him alone Morrigan."

Morrigan says nothing as she wanders on ahead of the group in a huff.

"You have been awfully silent. Have you been thinking up your own plan?" Pamela asks.

Alistair grins and nods. A lie. We all know what has been on his mind. No need to bring attention to the obvious.

"I still think our best bet is to start with Arl Eamon, and worry about using the other treaties later. He's a very powerful voice in the landsmeet, and his help would be invaluable."

He does have a valid point. We will get to asking the Arl for his help. Eventually.

"I already promised Pamela that I would go back to the circle with her. Whoever would like to come along for that fun trip was more than welcomed."

I am by no means thrilled to visit the circle tower. The circle enrages me. The chantry is opposed to slavery, except when it comes to mages. The circle is nothing but a legal form of slavery every one turns a blind eye to. Bind and control that which we do not understand. One of the many reasons I have turned a blind eye to the chantry and it's Maker.

I did promise Pamela to take her there. I tend to be a woman of my word.

"We'll set up camp outside of town and discuss it then." I said. Hopefully putting an end to this conversation for now.

Thankfully, Alistair gets the message and drops the subject for now.

"Why the hell are we setting up camp when there are hotels here?" I hear Marlya yell.

"Do you think with all the refugees around, there will be a single room available?" I ask.

"We could kick people out. We're wardens saving the world. Would it hurt for people to accommodate us?"

I don't even bother with a response, I turn on my heels and head through the center of town. Given the footsteps behind me everyone else picked up on the hint to move on.

Upon entering the tavern, we were met by several soldiers.

From behind me, Alistair growls.."Shit. These are Loghain's men."

"Son of a fucker! All I want is a fucking beer! Is that too much to ask for?" The voice in my brain screams.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" One of them said. The others behind this douche bag laughed.

"Fuck off." I growl before I can stop myself.

"Feisty one we've got here boys," More laughter follows. "Didn't his Majesty tell us to kill any Wardens we saw on sight?"

"Aye!" The others cheered.

"Hold on a moment," came a soft voice from behind me. "There is no need to fight."

She was dressed as a chantry sister. Fiery red hair, small button nose. It was the .22 caliber guns she had strapped at her side that caught my attention.

What the hell did she expect to kill with those guns of hers? A mouse?

"Stay out of this sister. Majesty's orders."

I sigh as I reach once again for my gun.

Too many bloody fights tonight.

No talking. No bargaining with these assholes. I brought up my gun, and shot a nearby "Guardsman" in the neck. Blood gushed from his wound. His hands flew up to his neck, but it didn't take long for him to bleed out. He fell to the floor gasping for air that would not come.

There leader looks at his dead comrade on the floor. His eyes are wide and if I'm not mistaken, there is a hint of fear in them as well.

His fear stirred a sense of smug satisfaction within me. As frustrated and tired as I am, I give the men in front me a knowing smirk.

They are greatly out numbered by a bunch of pissed off Wardens.

"Fine. If it's a fight you boys want, then it's a fight you boys will get."