I do not own treasure planet.

Chapter 1

"Alright people, drop your lines!" the captain's voice sounded through the speakers. It was a quiet day at sea for the fishing boat that held nearly thirty passengers.

Shell had withstood the blistering heat from the sun for ten hours, and had gotten over her sea sickness caused by the rocky waves on the ocean. It was the last stop the captain would take on the deep sea fishing trip.

"Oh! I think I got one!" Shell exclaimed after five minutes of jigging. She gripped the fishing rod as she reeled in the fish at the end of her line.

"That's great, just keep reeling it in!" her friend called from behind her. They both stood opposite each other on the bow of the ship. It was very narrow. Shell steadied herself as she continued to haul the fish above water. The boat swayed back and forth making it more difficult for her. "Whoa!" She yelled as her foot slipped slightly. The boat was rocking, making her feel as if she were to hit the water, had it not rocked back at the right time.

"You got it?" her friend asked, not entirely sure she could handle the weight.

"I-I'm fine. This fish must be huge!" she said as she started to vigorously reel it in. Her line screeched the faster she reeled. All around the boat other men and women alike called for the gaff after having caught a fish. If only this one would break the surface!

"You got a big one?" One of the ship's crew members came to her side.

"Yeah, it's taking a bit to reel the thing up." She grunted. The crew member laughed and stood waiting for a visual of the fish.

Shell finally saw a ghostly sillouette in the water. It was the silouette of the fish slowly making its way towards the surface being carried by her line, "I've got it!"

"W-what's that?" the crew member mumbled, though Shell could tell he wasn't talking about her catch anymore. Soon after he began to run.

"Hey!" she yelled to him after seeing him flee to the captain's cabin, "I need a g-…" her words were lost after looking up from the water to find a large seventeenth century ship heading straight towards their boat. Where'd that come from?

"We need to get out of here!" her friend grabbed her.

"What about the-?" fish? Shell thought as her friend pulled her.

"Attention passengers! Grab your life jackets!" the captain ordered from the top deck.

"Forget the rods!" Listening to her friend, Shell dropped the rod and it fell overboard as she ran towards the galley on the ship. She and her friend looked through the cabinets, fighting through the other people, and found two adult life jackets. After strapping it on, she grabbed her backpack and ran out on deck. The immense ship creaked as it sailed through the waves. It was coming ever so closer to the fishing boat. Shell just watched in horror as they collided. She shot to the side from the impact, but gripped the side of the boat tightly so as to not be thrown overboard, unlike some crew members thay were thrown off the side of the boat. The ship started engulfing the fishing boat, sailing through it like a knife through butter. The boat rocked on one side and it did not cease, sending the boat into a full flip. Shell took her chance and jumped off the deck into the water and swam away from the fishing boat. People pooled out from under the boat and swam frantically away from the ship that continued to sail through as if nothing is happening. They hadn't even sent down a life boat. Shell could tell, the living from the dead near the sinking ship, and it wasn't just cause they were sinking. Everyone was yelling, screaming, crying for help. But still no answer, no recognition came from the mysterious ship.

Shell coughed and gasped for air as the rocky waves sent salt water down her throat. She frantically looked for her friend, but she was blinded by water and the disaster that continued in front of her. She held onto her backpack tightly and looked for some way she could get herself to safety. She was startled after feeling the enormous ship pass by her side only a few feet away from her. She stared at the ship in amazement and could hear grunting from the crew on the ship.
"Hey!" she yelled up to them, "We need help!" still no response. She watched as it sailed farther away from her until she spotted her opportunity to save herself. She swam vigorously to the side of the ship and grabbed hold of a ladder,a part of the ship, that led all the way up to the main deck. She slowly climbed the ladder, being weighed down by her soaked clothes and backpack pulling her back down. The life jacket didn't help her much either. B ut she wouldn't give up. Not now. She pushed through the weight and threw herself over the side of the ship. Her body crashed on the deck, and just as she was about to get up and survey the ship, she was knocked out almost instantly.