Halloween Party and Trick Totes
by MountainHive

When there's mysterious guy staring at nothing but your ass, you know well that he's a godamn pervert.
But this Mikan Sakura is too clever for her own good. She conversed and even allowed the pervert
to get a sip of her drink. How would you think the night follow?

Authors Note: This was intended to be a Halloween oneshot last year, but I was too lazy to continue and therefore, I plan on making this a multi-chaptered story for maybe three to four chapters. Not very long. Probably my first time attempting a M-rated.

The Halloween Party was wild, definitely not the same as the one that I've been to last year. Well, this is expected from a bunch of university students in their last senior year. A couple making out in some corner, a glutton having his eyes on the food and also dirty dancers on the dance floor. Really, what more could you ask for?

Well, there's this guy with a mask that's looking my way and I'm getting the creepy goose bumps chill up my back. Somehow, his intent gaze - though his eyes are behind that weird looking mask – made me feel as though he's trying to strip me from my already-so-expose dress. Yes, the first thought I had when I felt someone staring at my back is a pervert. He has this smirk on his face and he's never looking away from my ass.

"Do any of you know that guy over there?" I asked the blonde girl beside me.

"Which? The blonde guy, the guy with a large skull tattoo on his arm, the-"

"The one with the mask that seems to be unable to bring his fucking perverted eyes off my ass," I said.

She giggled at my statement and brought her eyes to the guy.

"Know what? I really don't know." She said and gave me a kind smile. "Why don't you go there and ask him?"

"You've got to be kidding me. Want me to ask him, his name? When I know obviously that he's trying to get me to suck something in his pants?"

"How would you know? He might turn out to be some really hot guy behind the mask? Might be some really cool senior and fucking hot in bed?"

"You go ask him out. I'm so not interested." I said and rolled my eyes.

Getting info through bitches isn't something that's worth my time. It's all about hot looking guys and Prince Charming. Where's the values of a guy and whether they think he is good enough for you or not?

I walked slowly towards the bar counter and I swear I saw that masked guy follow my every move. I still continued walking nevertheless. He can't do anything to me anyway. Not in this crowded place, at least.

'What a good way of thinking, Mikan. It's obvious that he can. Everyone in this room is practically groping each other' I thought to myself and shrugged the thought away.

"One cocktail, make it red and with sparks," I told the bartender. I played around with a stray coin on the counter and somebody – rather, someone – blew at my neck and a chill ran up my spine. I held my breath as he continued sniffing my neck.

"Sexy, mmm," he said and grabbed a seat beside me.

True enough, it's that masked guy.

"Who exactly are you and what do you want from me?" I asked straight, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Just...someone," he said.

His voice is down-right freaking sexy and weird? But I have the urge to want to hear his voice more than anything else. Oh God, what's happening to me now? Just a moment ago, the words pervert just kept bombarding at him, and now – sexy?

"Well, it would have been less rude if you eyes weren't stuck to my lower bodyparts."

"Couldn't help it," he said and leaned in closer to my ear, "After all, I love watching porn."

I bit the inside of my cheeks as I mentally scratch out a reply.

"So it appears that you're interested in sex. Sorry to say but, I am not interested."

"That is exactly what every chick I sleep with says. By the end of the party though, they'll get all boozed up and tipsy, then start accepting every offer I give and are usually the wild ones in bed. I doubt you'll be any different from those exes. In fact, you seem much more vulnerable and weak than you think you are."

"That's exactly where you go wrong. You are too confident for you own good, which isn't a very good thing." I pointed out and it seems that he didn't like it when someone points out something he knows well that is right. Sadly, I love that very expression of his.

"Here you go, Miss," the bartender told me and served my red cocktail. I took a sip and slowly let it the hot liquid run down my throat. Feeling the hot stinging feeling as it went down.

"I feel disgusted for asking you this, but do you want a sip? I swear it's tasty," I told the masked lad. No longer a man, but a lad.

He smirked and brought his lips closer to the mouth of my drink and took a sip – right at the spot where my lips were earlier. "Definitely tasty."

"Can you like, take your mask off?"

"Why? Are you really that interested in me that you would want to see my face before we would even spend the night together? Wild, aren't you?"

"No one will be spending the night together with you. At least, I know that I will not. Besides, it'll be bothersome and scary if your face appear to be seventy year old man with a teenager's body. Disgusting."

The moment I said that, he didn't make a sound. In fact, he got pretty bored that he started rocking his own chair. Being around him can be pretty relaxing though. He has one dirty mind but he also gives out a pretty childish aura when he gets bored. He looks like the exact type that would tug his mother's dress and ask 'Can we go now?' I personally find that cute.

While he was staring into space, I took this opportunity to scrutinize his figure – except for the masked face, he has a dark raven ad messy hair, owns a tall and lean muscular figure and also perfect lips. Everything is perfect, except for his face, I think.

"You're looking at me because?"

"Because you're arrogant and you wouldn't allow me to drink my cocktail in peace."

"I'm not even disturbing you."

"You don't have to be. Your very existence bothers me."

He smirk grew wider and this time, he placed his palm by my waist. "Know what? You have to cool off with a dance."

His hands are hot, damn it - and right.

"Dirty dancing with a bunch of nothing but high school sluts? No thanks."

"What sluts? You're dancing with me and I don't grope. I touch."

"That" I pointed out "doesn't make me feel any better."

"Wasn't intended to. It was all meant for you to feel hot all over."

"You sick bastard," I spat and got off my seat and walked towards the exit.