Well guys this would be the last chapter..

I would love to thank all my readers that stuck with the story..

And to my beta chocorose64 you are amazing :)

So I hope you guys enjoy the last chapter. :)

"I love you and I will see you after all of this is over." Dimitri said

kissing me one more time.

"I love you too. Stay safe." was my reply.

I took in every detail of him before I ran off. I dashed past a group of

Guardians and grabbed two of them.

"I want you two to go to the infirmary and protect the princess. If anything

should happen to her I will make sure you die slowly and painfully." I


They nodded and ran off in the opposite direction.

I busted through the doors of the building to find everyone running around


Out of all the mess a woman came up to me and handed me an earpiece.

"Every Guardian has one and they are at the forest waiting." She told me.

I didn't even need to what she was talking about, I already knew. I slid the

earpiece into place. "What are they waiting on?" I questioned.

"You." She said a little shakily "he's waiting for you." She repeated herself

and pointed towards the east side of the court.

"How many?" I asked walking away.

"At least one hundred."

She yelled after me.

I nodded to myself "I would have thought there would have been more." I


I pushed on my ear piece and started to speak. "Okay, I need every available

Guardian to the east side right now." I barked.

I heard a bunch of yes's and I made my way slowly over to the east wing. I

knew Damon wanted me and I wasn't going to make it easy for him.

When I made it to the east side I saw the line of Strigoi. They looked like a

pack of wolves just waiting for the signal. I made a sound of disgust and made

my way through our line of defence making sure I stayed hidden. When I got

close enough I stopped and sought out Damon. I found him standing next to five

other Strigoi. Those five stood out amongst all of the others and that meant

only one thing. Those ones were the ones more trained then the others. If he

had had more I would have known. I went to my earpiece again.

"The five standing next to Damon you need to leave them to me. If you come up

against any of them your death will be certain." I said in a low hushed voice

but it wasn't enough because Damon spoke.

"Come out Rose and stop playing your little girl games. I'm tired of this cat

game." He yelled into the line of Guardians.

I took a deep breath a stepped between the two men that were in front of me.

Damon's eyes instantly met mine.

"There you are my dear. I had thought you decided not to show." He said


I laughed harshly "And miss watching you and your misfits die? Not for the

world my dear." I spat.

"Then let your end begin." he said seriously.

I laughed and flipped him off. I know it wasn't really needed but hell I was

feeling very Rose like at that point.

It worked. It ** him off and he yelled. The pack of Strigoi came running

towards us.

I pulled my blades out and ran, jumping into the pile. This is what I lived

for, what I was trained to do. To kill. And a scary part of me loved it but

that would be one thing I would never admit out loud. The count of our dead

was staying low which made me ecstatic. That meant Damon didn't think I had

enough time to train them enough to kill his men. I laughed at that thought as

I cut a head off.

I looked over at Damon and he was speaking to the five in a circle. Damon kept

glancing over one of the Strigoi shoulders at someone. I put a Strigoi that I

had in my hands into a head lock and looked over to where they were staring

at. My grip loosened and I dropped one of my blades in shock. Because the

person they were staring at was Dimitri. The next thing I knew I was on my

back looking up at all the stars my head hurt like hell. I came too and

remembered I was fighting before. I quickly dispatched the one that hit me and

put my attention back on Damon and the damned five. Damon said something and

one nodded his head and went walking towards Dimitri. Anger flew up in me.

They were going to attack him while his back was turned! Well my back wasn't

turned and I didn't care if this was a trap or not, I would rather die then

let them touch Dimitri. As I was about to run over to him I noticed one

Guardian was taking on three at a time. I turned and threw three throwing

knives, never missing my mark, they fell to the ground. The guardian nodded

towards me and I made my way to Dimitri.

The Strigoi was too close; I wasn't going to make it. If I didn't think of

something fast Dimitri was going to die and it would be all my fault. So

instead of running towards them I ran away from them, that was until I had a

nice shot of the Strigoi's back. I pulled out one of my throwing knives,

flipped it, and threw it as hard as I could, hoping to god it would sink into

his heart before he made it to Dimitri. I stood there waiting for what seemed

like forever until I saw a glint and I watched as the knife slid easily threw

his back and into his heart just as he reached Dimitri. I sighed in relief.

Dimitri turned around shocked as he stared at the site below him. He raised

his head looking around for the cause of its death and met my eyes. I didn't

have time to stare into his beautiful brown orbs because Damon had ordered the

other four to attack me.

I twirled my blade in my hand and looked around. I noticed that we had now out

numbered the Strigoi and their numbers were dwindling slowly. I smiled at that

as I ran towards the advancing four. I dodged one and rammed into another

knocking him down and cutting his head off. I discarded the now headless body

and slammed the head into the ground and hit it in the jaw. I saw stars but

shook them off. I let go of my blade and grabbed a knife from both halters and

slammed them into the stomach of the Strigoi that was on top of me. He

screamed out in pain. I brought my knee up and flipped him over me; I held on

to his shirt so that I would go with him. Once on top I grab one of the blades

out of his stomach and shoved it into his heart. I jumped up and side stepped

just as a Strigoi tried to kick me. I threw the bloody knife at the Strigoi

behind him. I didn't think twice as I shoved the Strigoi who had now

recovered and was coming at me again into the Strigio behind him. I heard a

blood curdling scream and I knew the knife had gone all the way in.

"We have checked the perimeter and there are no more Strigoi." I heard some

one call through the ear piece. I smiled as I pulled out two more knives and

waited for them to attack.

Instead of one at a time they both came at me. Fighting the two at the same

time was like fighting Damon. We went back and fourth getting hits in and

dodging. I finally managed to kill one of them and then the second was easy,

we were both tried but I was more determined. When I felt it drive into his

heart I dropped to my knees breathing heavily. I looked down at my hands and

noticed that they had gotten pretty banged up but they were healing quickly.

Damon started to laugh "You may have killed all my men my sweet Rose but you

failed to kill me." he said circling me like a lion his prey.

I looked up from my hands and notice all the Guardians and made a tight circle

around us. I continue to look around looking for the pair of eyes I was

longing to see. When I found Dimitri I wanted to scream for joy. I met his

eyes and they are pleading me to get up and fight but I can't. I was too weak

and all I had left were four throwing knifes and a useless switch blade. I

gave him a small smile and mouthed 'I love you' before I let my head drop in


"NO!" He screamed and I heard him try to make his way to me only to be stopped

by other Guardians.

Damon put a hand under my chin and lifted my face upward.

"You know the way you look at him, it still surprises me that I am not dead

after what I did to Dimitri."

I felt anger surge through me "What did you do to Dimitri?" I growled.

He took his hand out form under my chin stood up and turned around looking for

Dimitri. They met eyes.

"You did not tell our sweet Rose here who gave you those lovely marks on your


I snapped my head towards Dimitri confused, I never did finish that

conversation with him. I just figured it was one of them I killed.

"** YOU!" He said pulling against the five Guardians that held him.

He laughed and turned back to me. "Well it seems your so called lover back

there didn't tell you. I will be more then happy to do it." He said cockily

By this time I was sitting straight up listening to everything the fink head

had to say. He bent down so that he was eye level with me.

"I bit him." He said grinning evilly.

My mouth dropped in shock.

"It's a shame you cant taste him My sweet Rose. He is so delicious." He said

closing his eyes and licking his lips.

I felt that dark matter start to well up in me as he kept speaking.

"In fact, once I kill you, I'm going to go drain him." He said matter of


"LIKE HELL YOU ARE!" I screamed jumping up and tackling him.

I took one of my knives and shoved it through his hand and into the ground

bending the edge so he couldn't pull his hand free. He groaned in pain as he

reached up dragging his nails down the side of my face. I screamed.

I pulled back and knocked him square in the jaw. I pushed his other hand down

to the ground and did the same thing. This time he yelped. He tried bucking me

off all the while trying to get a kick to the back on my head. I made sure I

was securely on him and leaning forward just a bit so nothing could put him

back in control. He let out a painful growl.

"What's the matter Damon, can't you take the pain?" I mocked.

He growled again but this one came out clear. He tried to lift his hands up

but they wouldn't budge. I laughed madly as I got up and walked to his legs as

he was trying to kick at me I stomped on one of his knee caps, hearing it

crack I pulled out a blade I shoved it into the shattered bone so it couldn't

heal. I stepped over him and waited for the right moment and did the same to

the other knee.

I stood up and circled around him just as he did me earlier.

He was silently watching me. It was ** me off that he was not screaming in

pain. I wanted him to suffer just as I had. I wanted him to endure all the

pain I had. I was about to walk back towards him when my foot hit something

solid. I looked down and it was a stake. I bent down and grabbed it.

"Now let the pain begin." I said in that voice.

I looked down at Damon he froze and swallowed noisily.

"What are you going to do Rose?" He asked in a panicked voice.

I laughed harshly "You sound scared Damon. That couldn't be you, the big bad

Damon's not scared of anything." I said mockingly as I crawled on top of him.

"What I'm going to do my dear Damon is make you suffer."

I brought the stake to his face and started to drag it down his face deep and

slowly. He grunted but not giving me what I wanted.

I pulled back and shoved the stake into his shoulder.

He yelped but soon his yelping turned into a mad laughter.

"You may not be a Strigoi all the way through Rose, but you will always be one

of us..." He said with a smug look.

I growled. "I will never be one of you."

I pulled the stake out of his shoulder and slammed it down into his throat. He

let out a gurgled laugh escape his lips.

"And doing that proves you will be." He said through the blood falling out of

the side of his mouth

I ignored him. "That's for Lissa."

I pulled it out and rammed it in again.

"That's for Dimitri!" I screamed

Again. He started chock oh his blood.

"That's for all the people you have ever made do things that they didn't want


After that I felt the dark matter take full control. I pulled it out and went

on a stabbing frenzy. I only stopped when I felt the stake dig into the

ground. I looked at my hands that still clutched the stake tightly and they

were covered in his blood. I let the stake go and tried to wipe the blood of

on my clothes only to find that they too wee covered in Damon's blood. I fell

off his body crying.

When I was lifted off the ground by a pair of strong arms I knew right away

that it was Dimitri. I clutched his shirt and buried my face into the crook of

his neck. That would be the last thing I remembered before I had to black out.


It has been five years since that horrid day. It may have been that long ago

but I still wake up in the middle of the night sweating. Every time that

happens my fiancé is there to comfort me. Yes, Dimitri purposed to me about a

year ago and we plan on getting married in the spring. Speaking of Dimitri, he

stands by my side as the number two and is just as important as me. I made

sure of that.

The cure was let out and those who wanted it could come get it willingly and

would not be killed. Those who didn't were hunted down. Now they are not

extinct but they are close to it. I only get a report of a killing every once

in a blue moon.

As for Lissa and Christian, they got married a year after everything happened.

She said life was too short and made Christian propose. It was the funniest

thing to watch his proposal and she already knew. But they have two children

and there is talk among the people that she will be our next queen.

I lay in bed next to Dimitri, thinking about everything that has happened in

the past five years and I smile. I snuggle a little closer and breathe in his

heavenly scent.

"I love you." It came out muffled.

He kisses the top of my head and I could feel the smile. "I love you too my


So Love It? Hate It? Just let me know and please don't forget to review..

