So this is the start of my new story it has been in my head for ages now and Im very very excited about it.. I hope you guys all enjoy it as much as I did writing the first chapter. But it is kinda slow because you get all the info about the story so please go with it it will def. get better.. So I hope you guys enjoy..:)

Standing next to the thrown where Queen Tatiana sat getting a debriefing on a women called Olena Belikova. She has been working on a cure for the Strigio for quite sometime now and is getting very close. Where she live, In Baia, used to be a quite place until the Strigio found out what was going on there. The attacks there have multiplied is the last month and many Guardians have died.

" My queen we can not send out anymore Guardians to there certain death its just not right." Said a Guardians Whose name I cant think of rite now.

" Well What are we supposed to do? We can not leave that house unprotected when we are so close." Said Tatiana

" We cant not afford to send any more from here and be well protected." He argued

Tatiana closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose " Rose"

" Yes Tatiana?" The Guardian growled at me I shot him a glare and he looked down satisfied with myself I turned my attention back to Tatiana.

" Rose would you go and guard the house. I have a feeling I know who it is. I would not be asking you if there was another way." She said as if regretting this outcome.

" I understand when should I leave?" I said in a monotoned voice

" Immediately my jet is waiting for you. The Information you will need on the family will be awaiting you on the plane."

" Yes My Queen." I said that with a sneer on my face looking at the Guardian below me to which he had a smug look on his face. I bowed and left to go pack my things.

Now I bet you are wondering why she is sending me and me alone. Well when I was 15 I was at the mall with my best friend Lissa we were having a good time and it was getting close to dusk I told her we should leave but wanted to go to one more store she begged until I gave in. By the time we were ready to leave it was pitch black outside. We started the for the door and My stomach turned so I knew there were Strigio lurking so where outside. I told Lissa to stay inside I gave her my phone and told her to call back up. I ran outside and was ambushed By thirty Strigio and I was kidnapped. They fed on me for weeks by the fifth or sixth week I was showing signs of having the power the they had without being one. I don't know how it happened everybody now says its because of me being shdowkissed. I have their speed, sight, hearing, and the strength . But anyways by the seventh week I grew immune to the bites so I decided to fight back. I was lucky There was only three there at the time. I killed them and got only about a hundred yards away when I was recaptured by Damon. He kept me locked in a cage for awhile studying me. He finally after much pleading and begging to let me out and I would serve him he let me out. He trained me thinking that I would stand by all the promises I had made to him. Boy was he wrong . Now five years later Im the queens one and only bodyguard except for those idiots who think they are the shit because they also guard her. They call me around here as a joke The number one. The day I got back they did a number of test on me and felt that I was no danger to them. I was caught training one day by the queen and she had all of her best men in there in five minutes. Not a single one of them could defeat me and I didn't even break a sweat. The day after that I vowed my life to her and have been by her side since then. Ever since then Damon has been trying to get to me and destroy me because I am the only one with the knowledge to kill him.

I walk through the court with two bags on my back One holding clothes and in the other my weapons. It was getting time to leave and I had to find Lissa and say goodbye or she would never forgive me and I know already she is not going to be happy about this. I followed the bond to her and the feelings that are coming through the bond she already knows. I finally spot her sitting outside the cafe sitting next to christian who was rubbing her back.

" Hey Lissa." I said

She looked up at me with eyes full of unshed tears. " Rose you cant leave me. Its not right she is sending you out there alone."

I scoffed " Hey you don't have to worry about me Im a badass remember." I got her to smile at the last part. " Plus those fuckers wont even be able to get the drop on me."

She just frowned at me. " I still don't know why you have to go." she said getting angry

" Because Im the only one that can fully protect the family and Tatiana asked me to go."

My cell phone started to ring

" Hathaway."

" Your plane to Baia is ready to leave Guardian Hathaway." Said the voice on the other line.

" Thank you I will be there In five minutes." The line went dead and I looked back at Lissa.

" Hey I gotta go my plane is leaving." I said sadly

she started crying " Rose Im going to miss you please stay safe and I love you." she said between sobs.

I felt horrible leaving her like this but it was what was asked of me. " I will you know that and I love you too." I said fighting back tears. With that I turned around and walked to the air strip to board the plane.

i looked around for the information regarding the family. I need to know what I was up against before I got there. I sat down in a chair and spotted the folder I oped and began to read.

Man I had my work cut out for me besides Olena I had to watch after her three daughters Viktoria, being the youngest, and her two other daughters Karolina she's 26 and has a son and a daughter, Paul -10 and Zoya infant, and Sonya is 22 and is currently pregnant. Then there was her one and only son Dimitri. I have heard of him supposedly they call him a god. But we will see who the god is when I get done with him. Then last but not least Olena's mother Yeva I was told by one Guardian that had survived to watch out for he I guess she's crazy or something, Oh weel some old lady isn't going to be scaring the great Rose Hathaway no sir'ee.

I sighed heavily If im going to ready for all that femaleness I need to get some sleep so I closed my eyes.

I felt the plan land I jolted up and out of my seat I grabbed my bags and pulled out my nine inch Knuckle Folder(picture on profile) before I got off just incase. See I have this weird obsession with blades I love them. Hell fuck with all the staking bullshit I wanna watch there heads roll down the street. I know its kinda demented but I know for a fact that they will be dead th Plus you don't have to get to close. Which really isn't a problem for me because I heal fast I just don't like getting close to them because most of the time they smell like week old rotten fish thats enough to churn my stomach right now YUCK. Anyways I got off the plane to have a car waiting for me. I got in and we drove an hour to the outskirts to Baia. The driver apologized over and over again saying that it was to dangerous for him to go any further I shrugged my shoulders and empty my bag with all the weapons in it. I put my Cutlass blades(picture on profile) in the sheath on my back and a dagger in my boot and the switch blade I strapped to my leg. I set out to find the house that I would be guarding until Olena was successful with the serum.

About an hour into the walk I heard fighting grunts. As I got closer my stomach started to turn I dropped my bag reached up around my back and pulled out my blades and started to run towards the grunting. I listened closely as I was running towards the and there was a Dhampir mixed in with about six or seven Strigio. I stopped and saw a ouse close to the action and took a running jump and got on the roof with out a noise. When I looked down I was right. the Dhampir was fighting for his life not giving up or missing a beat I respected that highly. Until one of them snuck away from the fight and went up behead him a stuck his in his head rendering him unconscious.I growled and jumped down with a ease.

" Hey dumbfucks how about you come over here and give me a taste." I said angrily

They all laughed and the one in the middle im taking him as the leader spoke. " You do look like you taste good. But do you really think you can take all of us on just with those two blades?" he said in a mocking tone.

" Well get over here and find out." I said in a sweet mocking tone

That was when six Strigio started to run towards me..

So what do you guys think let me know if I should continue or just forget about it.. Always R&R

