Disclaimer: I don't own Sym-Bionic Titan

Summary: after the war against the Mutraddi, Ilana, Lance, and Octus are back on Galaluna with the hopes that life will go back to the way it was. However, after spending a year together on Earth, Lance and Ilana have developed strong feelings for each other. Feeling that they can't act on these feelings due to social reasons, Lance decides to retire early so he could leave the castle and thus to eliminate any temptations.

Back Home

Chapter 1: The Request

There was a roar of the crowd as the war on Galaluna had finally ceased.

Ilana had started getting homesick so Lance cooked up a plan. He, Ilana, and Octus would train Titan in battle. He had even formed an alliance with G3 so they could help them train. Once Titan could wipe out a 50 foot Mutraddi with one hit, Octus found the Rift Gate Tech in Titan and they left Earth to go end the war. After a year of taking care of Mutraddi Monsters, the only hard part for them had been the initial shock that came when they learned who was behind the attack. Luckily, Lance's training had helped and Mondula was defeated.

Now the three heroes were in a carriage being led to the palace as they waved to the cheering crowd.

When they got to the castle, they left the carriage and walked up to the King. Octus saluted, Lance bowed, and Ilana ran into her father's arms.

"Well, that was quite the adventure" Octus mused.

"Yes it was" Lance agreed as he smiled while he watched Ilana reunite with her father

"Now things can go back to normal" Octus added

The smile on Lance's face dropped as did his heart. On Galaluna, the norm was that Ilana was the perky princess and he was the cold-hearted corporal whereas on Earth the norm was that Lance and Ilana were siblings (of course, six months into it, Lance added the word 'foster' for in case his secret had been discovered) and thus equals.

In other words, on Earth, he was worthy of her. On Galaluna, he would be lucky to be in the same room as her.

"Corporal. Octus. Well done" the King congratulated them.

"Thank you" they chorused with Octus saluting and Lance bowing


After the feast and the month-long clean up, Lance was FINALLY able to go to his quarters. Of course, being the person closest to the Princess next to the king, he had been called to help a LOT.

Sure enough, no sooner had he sat on his bed, there was a knock on his door

"Enter" Lance called

The door opened to reveal a familiar looking young man Lance's age who saluted at him

"Corporal Lance" the guard greeted

"Private Arthur" Lance said returning the salute as he stood up

"The King would like a private word in his quarters" Lance's old military school roommate said before leaving the paling Lance

SURELY the King hadn't figured out Lance's secret that truthfully only Octus knew

Lance left his room and went to the King's quarters.

When he got there, he stood in front of the door shaking a bit. Not only was he scared of what the King had in mind, but only the royal family and the commanding general had been allowed. Gathering up his courage, Lance stood tall and knocked on the door

"Enter" the King's voice called

Taking a deep breath, Lance touched the door handle and twisted his wrist and the handle with it thus opening the door.

"Ah. Corporal Lance. Come in" the King said with a fond smile. "Close the door behind you"

Lance obeyed instantly and walked over to the King and stood in front of the taller man

"I would like to personally thank you" the King told Lance "Not only did you protect Ilana as I instructed you, but between you, Octus, and my daughter, the Mega-manus is fully operational"

"You're welcome, Your Majesty" Lance said with a bow

"Now," the King said. "Also, with you and Ilana who had learned a few things from you, clean-up from the war is going faster than anyone could anticipate. I'd say all these things calls for a promotion on you're part"

"Really?" Lance asked wondering if he was hearing right

"Of course. According to your file, only your rash battle decisions and inability to work with others caused you to remain at the corporal level. Well, between you, my daughter, and Octus, you managed to win this war AND only true teamwork can control the Mega-Manus."

It was ALL Lance could do not to twitch at the word Teamwork as ever since watching the show, whenever Lance and Ilana would get into an argument, Octus would start playing that song

"I was thinking either Captain or even General" the King said

Lance's heart skipped a beat. Had it been a year earlier, he would have JUMPED at this.

However, a lot had changed in the year. And the promotion would mean more access to Ilana…who was now off limits.

Actually, being part of the Royal Guard would mean access to Ilana one way or another. He had to get out of the capital. If he was ever going to go back to the way life was before spending the year with the princess.

"With all due respect Your Majesty…" Lance said "I think I would rather retire from the army early"

Whatever the King had been expecting wasn't this.

"Was that time on Earth that bad?" the King asked concerned.

"It wasn't that at all Sir" Lance said. "Just…I feel it would be easier for life to go back to a relative version of normal if I was away for a while. I may return in five to ten years"

The king examined Lance. As a young boy, Lance had been around the palace as his father had been a good friend of the king. Of course, due to social status, he wasn't allowed to play with the princess. But the King had learned to read Lance. After the death of Edward when Lance was eight, the boy had learned to harden his heart. It had grown harder to read Lance, but the King had been able to learn to get a good idea of what the boy was thinking.

It had been part of the reason he had chosen Lance to protect Ilana. Not only had he hoped that some of the responsibility would rub off on her, he had hoped that some of her loving and caring nature would rub off on him causing a bit of the old Lance to return

As the King examined Lance, he realized that the teen corporal was trying to keep up the cold-hearted nature, but it was more of an act than anything. Ilana hadn't rubbed off on Lance. She had almost managed to bring the old Lance back. Something half of Galaluna had been trying to do for eight years

However, Lance was being rather difficult to read at the moment as he avoided eye-contact. Did Lance feel as if he failed in his duty to protect the princess?

"Are you sure this is what you want?" the King asked

Lance's heart was screaming 'No! I want to be near Ilana and protect her with everything I've got'. However, Lance nodded affirmatively.

"It's better for everyone" Lance added

"Well, you've done such a good job, I can't refuse" the King said with a sigh. "We will miss you Lance"

"Thank you Sir" Lance said with a bow as he made to take off his watch that held his armor

"Keep it." The King said with a smile. "As a token of our appreciation and a memorial for your service to this planet"

"Thank you Sir" Lance repeated before leaving