A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this. I wanted to make things a little different. Add in more elements, more secrets etc... This is set after Dimitri tells Rose love fades and Adrian's still mad.

Summary: Rose and Christian leave when Lissa and Dimitri do something unforgivable. But Rose can't stay away from Dimitri for very long. Rose unravels secrets of the vampire world

Disclaimer: I sadly don't own Vampire Academy or any of its characters. Not even Dimitri!

It's official. My life sucks. I lost Adrian. But...that wasn't the problem. Dimitri was. Dimitri. Tall. Sexy. Gorgeous. Amazing. And no longer mine. Apparently love fades. But...I'd seen it in his eyes. He'd been lying. But obviously I'd done something. Something to piss him off. I couldn't work out what though. I mean, I'd travelled half the world for him. Broken someone out of prison and gone through a load of shit to bring him back. Only to be told he didn't love me anymore.

I sat in my room. Moping. A knock on the door managed to get me out of bed. It was Christian.

"Hey Sparky." I said smiling a little. The one person I didn't mind seeing at my door.

"Can we...hang out?" He asked sounding a little annoyed at the idea.

"Sure." I let him in. I sat down. As I did my emotions went crazy. Well not mine. Lissa's.

I went into Lissa's head to discover she was making out with someone. Surprising to say the least. She loved Christian.

"No. Princess I'm sorry. But I can't." An accented voice said as he pulled away. My heart stopped. Dimitri.

"Dimitri...please. I want this. I want you." Lissa practically grabbed his face and turned it to his. She compelled him. She compelled him to sleep with her. And the thing was...he didn't even fight it. I watched. In horror. As my supposed best friend and love of my life had sex.

Christian pulled me out of it.

"Rose! What's wrong with Lissa?" He asked frantically. He still loved her.

"Nothing. Unless you count the fact she's a slut who can't keep her legs shut for more than five seconds." I said evenly.

"What are you talking about?" Christian asked slowly. He was beginning to panic.

"She fucking compelled him to sleep with her!" I shouted.

"Who?" He placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Dimitri." I whispered.

Christian wrapped his arms around me and we cried together. It felt like hours but I was sure it was longer. I knew Adrian would tell me they weren't worth our tears. And he would have been right. I pulled back.

"Christian...I need to get out of here. Out of Court. Do you want to come?" I said quietly. He nodded.

"We need to speak to Hans first." I said taking his hand and pulling him through Court.

We got several strange looks. Especially me. Rose Hathaway never cried. And there I was. Tear streaked face pulling a still crying royal Moroi through court. Kinda weird. I knocked on Hans' office door. He called us in. He looked at me expectantly.

"I want to become Lord Ozera's guardian and we're going to leave Court." I said.

"All right. The two of you are going to leave anyway. You might as well do it legally." Hans found some pieces of paper and got us to sign them. It was done. I was officially Christian's guardian.

"I'll have the Princess informed once you have left." Hans smiled a little, "Good luck Rose. With whatever it is you have to do." I gave him a curt nod and then we left.

Once we'd packed we left our bags in my room and went to grab some lunch before leaving. I was starving. We got a table to ourselves and sat down.

"How about we go to your father, wherever he is?" Christian suggested.

"Sure." I smiled at him. While we were eating Lissa and Dimitri walked in. Together.

I closed my eyes for a second before reaching out and squeezing Christian's hand. Lissa came over, with Dimitri and sat next to me. Dimitri sat opposite her, next to Christian. I looked up at him, he wasn't looking at me.

"Rose." Lissa squeaked excitedly, "I spoke to the Queen and she agreed so...do you wanna come shopping with me?"

"Shopping! Shopping?" I shouted standing up, I had the entire Court cafe's attention, "After what you just did you think you can just come here and ask me about shopping? You're nothing more than a spoilt brat who doesn't accept or realise the fact that I gave up everything for you. My life for you! And you repay me by compelling someone you know I love to sleep with you. And you!" I turned to Dimitri, "You said no. But you didn't even try to resist the compulsion. And you need to accept something too. Lissa may have rammed a stake through your chest but I did everything else. I travelled half way round the world for you! I freed someone from prison for you! I became your God damn blood whore! And all you do is turn around and repay me by feeding me love fades crap and by sleeping with my best friend. Well you know what? I'm done. I am not doing this anymore. I won't be your Guardian and I won't sit around pining after you Dimitri. I'm leaving."

I raced out of the cafe with Christian on my tail. We grabbed our bags and then we left. I called Abe while Christian called a Taxi. Abe told me his was in Russia and that we had to catch a plane to Novosibirsk. We got in the Taxi. But once we'd started to leave Dimitri practically ran out of Court.

"Rose! Wait!" He shouted.

"Miss," The Taxi driver said, "I think he wants you to stop."

"Just give me two minutes." I said. The driver pulled over. I gave Christian a quick glance before getting out the Taxi.

I walked over to Dimitri.

"Please Roza. Please stay." He begged.

"Give me one good reason why I should." I demanded.

"Because I love you." He said taking my hand.

"Love you too Comrade." I said bitterly. Then I walked away.

A/N: Please review. This is my first fanfic!