A/N: Hi guys, I'm back with a new One Shot, yay :D *everybody does a happy dance :P* I know it's been A WHILE since I've written something but Real Life has just not really been working with me as much as I would have wanted… But I came up with this last night and I had some spare time so I decided to quickly write it down before life would interfere again :) I hope you all enjoy it; it's just a fluffy little one shot that has no point other than to amuse me and hopefully you :) Let me know what you think :)

How I Met Edward

Every morning I wake up with a happy smile on my face. This smile is mostly, or probably completely, due to my beautiful husband. Edward Cullen. We have been married for almost a year now and we have been together for five years in total now. And it is perfect. I couldn't have wished for a more sweet, loving, caring, smart, handsome, and wonderful and altogether perfect husband. He loves me unconditionally and I never thought I could even love someone as much as I love him.

And his family members, my in-laws, are wonderful people, one by one. His father, Carlisle, is a wonderful doctor. Carlisle's wife, and Edward's mother, Esme, is an amazing woman with such a big heart I'm sure anyone else would have exploded by now with all the love she has for everyone. Then there are Edward's siblings, a wonderful bunch. Alice and Jasper are the most loveable couple you'll ever meet, they are perfect together. Alice is my best friend in the whole world; she has so much energy that it is impossible not to get excited and happy when you're around her.

And Jasper, my bond with Jasper is special. We got off to a bit of a rocky start, since there is a huge secret to the Cullens; they are not like normal people. They are not human, they are vampires. But they are good vampires, they don't feed on humans, and that's exactly what makes them so great. Jasper was the last to join the Cullens, before me that is. And no I am not a vampire yet, Edward and I have been talking about it for years now and for some reason he keeps convincing me to stay human one more year. I could never deny him anything if it was something he really wanted but this was one fight he was going to lose in the end because I am going to join them! Being human around a bunch of perfect, supernatural beings that are literally good at everything is not what you'd call a boost for your self-esteem! Especially not for a clumsy person like me.

But back to Jasper, Jasper has had the most difficulties with being a 'vegetarian', as the Cullens like to call themselves. He has also been living the longest feeding on humans. He has had quite a hard 'life' since he became a vampire and in the beginning he had difficulties controlling his urges. It's not like he ever bit me or attacked me or anything like that but there have been some instances where it had gotten close. All of a sudden I would be on Edward's back and we'd be running into the forest at high speed. This all made it quite hard for me, a human, to form a bond with Jasper. It wasn't anything personal, I knew that. And eventually he got better at controlling himself, he's quite the master at it now, and we began hanging out more.

Now, whenever I want some quiet time or just some calm company, I go to Jasper. He and I will just be reading together for hours without needing to say anything. It's so comfortable and I enjoy my time with him very much. Luckily neither Edward nor Alice are ever jealous of our relationship, they both know they are our true loves and that what we have is just like a brother and sister kind of bond.

Then we have Emmett and Rosalie. Emmett is just the best big brother anyone could ever wish for. He is a happy-go-lucky kind of guy and he is so much fun to be around. I adore him! He always knows ways to cheer a person up.

That leaves us with Rosalie, Emmett's girlfriend. She is the most perfect-looking girl you'll ever meet. All the Cullens are extremely good-looking, they could all very easily be models, but Rosalie is even beautiful for a vampire and that's saying something. I was scared when I met her, intimidated by her looks as well as her evil stares. She didn't like me much when we met. Mostly because she saw what I wanted to give up in order to be with Edward, everything she ever wanted. I was going to give up my humanity in the end and that was something she had difficulty accepting. She would have never chosen this life for herself and she hated me for making the wrong decision. But now she sees that Edward can't be without me, just like I can't be without him, and the only way for us to be happy is when we are together. And she realizes that that will eventually entail me becoming a vampire. She knows I have definitely thought it all through and that was all she needed to forgive me and for us to become great friends. She truly was my sister now as well and I loved her just as much as I loved the rest of the Cullens.

With all of them in my life, not a day goes by where I don't thank the stars above for how much I have been blessed.

And I really feel like the stars above are the reason for my meeting with Edward.

It all started at the pool five years ago…

"Come on Bella, let's go!" my friend Jessica encouraged me to come out of the changing booth at the pool.

"Yeah, yeah," I said annoyed.

I stepped out of the booth with my new bikini on and the rest of my clothes in my hands, ready to store them away in a locker for the day. I wasn't all too happy about going swimming right now. I'd rather just be home reading a book and relaxing. But my friends had begged me to come along and I had had no choice but to participate.

"I really like your bikini," Angela said kindly.

"Thanks," I said with a blush.

We walked towards the swimming pool area after we had put our stuff in our lockers. The guys were already waiting for us and when we walked in Mike, Eric and Tyler started whistling. Jessica confidently walked towards Mike and gave him a kiss on his lips. They had been dating on and off for the past couple of months and I knew that Jessica was far more interested in Mike than he was in her but they made it work nonetheless. If they were happy, I was happy.

Last one out of the changing areas was Ben; he was a sweet boy, very calm and quiet. I knew Angela had a crush on him but she was too shy to actually act on it. I could tell Ben was interested in Angela as well and I wanted nothing more than for the two of them to get together and be happy. So I was determined to arrange that for them.

"Where should we go first?" Eric asked enthusiastically.

Eric was a nice boy but that was all. He had asked me out frequently and I had turned him down just as often. Luckily, after a year of pursuing me he had given up and finally accepted that we would never be more than just friends. Tyler on the other hand was not as willing to let go and my rejections didn't seem to affect him in the least. He just kept asking and asking even now that he was with Lauren, a good friend of Jessica's and the most snobby person I had ever met, he continued to give me not even remotely subtle hints that he would still like to 'hook up'. This was also the main reason Lauren hated my guts, like it was my fault! I didn't want anything to do with her boyfriend! But alright.

"How about we go to the slides first?" I suggested.

"That sounds like fun!" Angela said enthusiastically and I gave her a knowing smile.

She didn't know about my little plan to get her and Ben to get together today but she would find out soon enough. There was one slide that required two persons in one tire, it was a long ride and it was almost completely dark the entire ride, only a few lights, I figured that was the perfect setting for Angela and Ben to get a little bit romantic.

"Let's go on the moonlight," I suggested when we reached the slides.

"Sure," the rest agreed.

So we climbed up the stairs and we were waiting in line for the slide. It was already clear that Jessica and Mike were going together and I had managed to get Eric and Tyler to go together and now I was pushing Angela towards Ben, encouraging her to ask him to go with her. She smiled at me thankfully when Ben said yes and I just smiled back.

That left me to go all by myself. I didn't mind in the least. But apparently the guy working there, making sure everyone waited the appropriate time and that they were seated the way they were supposed to, had other plans. Because as soon as I told him it was just me he found it necessary to announce that.

"We have a single ride, who wants to go with her?" he asked the small line behind me.

I turned bright red and felt like just going back downstairs mumbling something like 'never mind'. But to my surprise someone spoke up. "I'll go with her." I recognized the voice from somewhere but I couldn't really place it.

I turned around to see who was joining me and groaned internally when I saw no other than Jacob Black walk towards me.

Jacob Black was Billy Black's son. Billy was a good friend of mine and Jacob and I used to be very good friends when we were little. But when Jacob turned 16 something changed. All of a sudden he had convinced himself that he was in love with me and he had pursued me up until a point where it became so awkward that I had broken off all contact with him.

"Hi Bells," he greeted me as if we hadn't just spent the last 2 years not talking to each other.

"Err, hi," I muttered uncomfortably.

We were holding up the line so we quickly took our places and went down the slide. I could feel Jacob's eyes burning into my back and at a certain point I felt his hand moving up my back, as if he was going to put his arms around me. Luckily that was right before the ride was over and we fell into the water. I quickly swam away from him.

I avoided Jacob as much as I could from that moment on and I had a wonderful time just hanging out with my friends, laughing and playing in the water. I always felt like a kid again when I was in a swimming pool and it was lovely.

My little plan with Angela and Ben had worked because they were constantly talking to each other and they kept standing closer and closer together. I was proud of my little plan.

Although Angela being occupied with Ben and Jessica being occupied with Mike did leave me with Eric and Tyler. Luckily Eric kept standing between Tyler and me and distracting me whenever Tyler would drop one of his little hints and every time he would I would give him a thankful smile.

It turned out to be a very fun day indeed and I didn't see Jacob once after that. I didn't even think he was actually paying attention to me; maybe he had finally given up.

Or so I thought.

I was at the bar, getting drinks for our group, when Jacob suddenly appeared next to me. I couldn't see my friends anymore so there really was no way out. I had already ordered my drinks so I couldn't very well just run away. I really just wished Jacob would leave me alone.

"I like you in your bikini," he said with a smug smile.

"Right," I said indifferently. "What do you want Jacob?" I asked rather rudely, not in the mood to play nice.

"I want you to change your mind about me," he said confidently.

"That's not going to happen," I replied surely.

"Why?" he pressed.

"I'm just not interested in you Jacob," I said sternly.

"I don't believe you, I've seen the way you look at me, and the way you always used to look at me, it's just not possible that you don't have those feelings for me," he said still not less confident.

"I have told you many times but I will tell you again if that's what you need. I. Don't. Like. You." I emphasized every word for extra impact.

Jacob wasn't fazed. "I don't believe you."

"Give it up Jake! You and I is just never going to happen!" I said as clearly as I could. I had no idea how to make him see that I wasn't lying and I wasn't playing some sort of cruel game.

"Why not? It's not like you have a boyfriend now is it?" he challenged and I was a little taken aback.

He was right, I didn't have a boyfriend. I didn't need a boyfriend. But there was no way he was going to give up until I had one. Still, getting a boyfriend just so I could get Jake off my back didn't really seem like the right reason.

"As a matter of fact, she does have a boyfriend," an unfamiliar, but beautiful, voice said from behind me.

I turned around completely in shock only to find an extremely handsome boy standing there. I had never seen him before. But before I could say anything the boy continued.

"Hi babe, sorry I'm late," he said before leaning in to place a small kiss on my cheek. "Just play along," he whispered in my ear before pulling back and smiling at me. I just stood there, looking like an idiot and bright red.

"It's okay?" I muttered. It came out as a question but Jacob seemed too shocked to notice it.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen, her boyfriend, and who are you?" the boy apparently named Edward asked Jacob confidently.

I didn't really know how we were going to pull this off, since the stranger didn't even know my name and we knew nothing about each other. Jacob was going to notice sooner or later.

"Err, I'm Jacob," Jacob said, still confused. "You're Bella's boyfriend?" he muttered a little defeated.

I couldn't help but laugh a little at Jacob's expression, he looked completely lost.

"Yes I am," Edward said confidently. "Well, Jacob, I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave Bella alone from now on, as you can see she is taken," he said, cleverly playing on what Jacob had said.

"S-sure," Jake muttered. "Sorry Bells," he said to me before walking away in defeat.

I actually started to feel a bit sorry for Jacob, after all he couldn't help that he was in love with me, but at least now he wouldn't be as annoying as he was anymore. Maybe we could even be friends again now.

Then I remembered that I didn't actually have a boyfriend and the plan of me becoming friends with Jacob again went out the window quickly.

"Thank you for that," I said shyly as soon as Jacob was out of sight. "I'm Bella, Bella Swan," I introduced myself as it seemed the appropriate thing to do.

"Edward Cullen," he said kindly. "And it was my pleasure," he continued with a smile. "I'm happy I could help, you seemed like you needed it."

Edward was extremely handsome, his skin was pale, his eyes were golden and his hair was a bronze color that I had never seen before. He didn't look like any guy I had ever seen before. And his smile made my heart skip a beat. Then I looked at what he was wearing and my head started to spin. He was wearing simple, black swimming trunks and his body was divine. My breath got caught.

I had to recover for a moment but when I was sort of sane again I smiled back at the beautiful boy. "Yeah, Jacob has been bugging me for quite a bit," I said softly.

"Well, if you ever need any help with him again, I gladly offer my services," he joked.

I laughed.

"Thank you very much. It's not even that Jacob is a bad guy; he used to be my best friend when we were little. But then he fell in love with me and wouldn't accept that I didn't feel the same way about him. So I broke contact with him about two years ago and this was the first time I had seen him since," I rushed my explanation. Not that that would interest this boy in the least but I couldn't stop my mouth before the words came out.

"I understand, I can't really blame him for not wanting to accept that he can't have you," Edward said softly. I just blushed in return. "Would you like to have a drink with me?" Edward offered.

That made me remember the drinks that were waiting for me on the bar and with that my friends as well. Edward noticed the glasses and smiled.

"Why don't I help you carry those to your table?" he offered.

"Thank you," I said kindly.

I felt like I was a damsel in distress and Edward was my knight in shining armor and the thought made me laugh and roll my eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Edward asked boldly.

My blush was deeper than it had ever been before. I didn't want to admit what I had just been thinking. "Nothing," I said dismissively.

"Didn't seem like nothing," he pressed softly.

"I just feel like a hopeless person right now, that I need a hero to save me," I muttered softly.

Edward let out a musical laugh. "You don't look hopeless to me at all. You actually seem pretty great," he said softly and I just stared at him in shock. "That's also why I'd like to get to know you better. If you want, that is," he added quickly.

"I'd like that very much, you are my hero after all," I said with a smile, relieved at how blasé I made it sound.

"Good," he said with a smile.

Edward spent the rest of the afternoon with me and my friends just hanging out and it turned out that he was indeed as fabulous as it seemed. He insisted on taking me home after the day was done, none of my friends objected of course.

"Thank you very much for today," I said shyly when we were at the door.

"You are very welcome, I'm very happy I was able to help," he said softly. "You're an amazing girl Bella," he added to my surprise.

"Thanks," I muttered shyly before turning my gaze to the floor.

"Please don't hide," Edward said softly before he moved his finger to my chin and turned my gaze back to him carefully.

I just stared at Edward for a moment, unsure what I was thinking exactly. I was grateful, very impressed and I couldn't quite place the feeling in my stomach but it sure did feel a lot like how people normally describe butterflies. Before I could stop myself I moved my head closer to his and to my great pleasure he didn't pull away appalled. As he realized what I was doing his hand slowly moved from under my chin to my cheek, cupping my face, he actually pulled me closer to him and he lowered his head so I could easily reach it. I closed the remaining distance between us and softly crushed my lips to his. It was the most perfect thing I had ever experienced. His other hand quickly moved to my other cheek and he held my face in place as he deepened the kiss. It was a good thing too because I'm pretty sure I would have fallen to the floor of all the emotions that were coursing through my body at that moment. But the one I felt most was happiness and pure and utter bliss. It was the most perfect moment in my life.

And that's how I met Edward. We are still living happily ever after and I'm pretty sure that's never going to change.

A/N: Well, that was it for this one shot :) I would like to say I'll be back soon with more, but I can't promise that so I won't :) I also thought about writing this story in EPOV so if you guys would like that, just let me know and I'm sure I could write that :) But I do have a few ideas for one shots as well as longer stories so whenever I have the time and energy to write something I'll be back with a new story :)

Until next time!

