Screw Geography
By: -MoonxStar-
MoonxStar: Hiru! Whats up people?
Mongolia: *hits with folded paper* Have some respect! Why didn't you offer them anything to drink? or eat? or at least sit down!
MoonxStar: I'm sorry Mongolia-kun!
Mongolia: *sign* its ok, just-
MoonxStar: Oh yeah! Anyway my readers! My friend came up with this awesome comic thingy and gave me permission to write the story of it! Isn't she awesome? I'll post the site to her comic as soon as she publishes it k? It'll be on my profile so be on the look out! Is that right Mongolia?
Mongolia: *Smiles* Za, za, Just do the disclaimer
MoonxStar: I don't own Hetalia: Axis Power
It wasn't unusual for someone to shout in the World meeting, actually it was quite a common thing, but no one had ever shouted at the quiet North American twin.
When Nations looked up, they saw their newest Asian member storming down the halls. Most of the nations, used to unusual occurrences, went back to resuming their activity, but a few curious nations followed the fumming male down the hallway.
While this was all happening, poor Canada was sitting in his room, not knowing of the enraged asian out for his blood.
He had just finished packing for his return trip when his door slammed open, granting entrance for the normally polite and quiet nation.
Mongolia got right up the Canada's face and said "What is this?" in a low voice while pointing at a world map inside a book.
"U-um, a Canadian Geography b-book?" Canada replied hesitetly.
"I know that!" snapped back Mongolia. "Whats inside the book?"
"A map?"
"I know that, but what I don't understand is WHY DOES IT SAY THAT MONGOLIA IS A PART OF CHINA?"
The Canadian quickly realizexd why the man in front of him was mad and started panicking "A-ah! I'm-I'm sorry Mongolia! I-I didn't m-mean to! I-"
"Just fix it before China sees!"
"A-Ah, b-but theirs lots of p-paper work involved and I-"
Said nation was suddenly knocked down by a red and black blur.
"Wha? China! Get off me you idiot!" exclaimed Mongolia trying to push the man off of him.
"Finally my didi has returned to me!"
"I am not your brother!"
"Come on! We must celebrate! Oh Inner Mongolia will be so happy!"
China started ragging Mongolia out the door while the young of the pair struggled fruitlesly.
"Let go of me you cree! CANADA! I will get you for this!"
Their voices grew fainter and fainter before becoming completely silent.
Canada released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
"Looks like we have to get started on the paperwork eh Kumojaru?"
"Canada, the guy who feeds you"
"Well at least he could remember me eh?"
"Sure. Hungry"
"Ok Kumarochu."
-MoonxStar-: Well, I hope you had fun reading this :D Reviews are encouraged and traded for virtual cookies!