I'm sorry.

I know that you'll all be disappointed, but I don't want to continue this story anymore. It's become more of a burden than a joy to me, because I'm not the same writer that took so much joy in making up facts about KHR characters anymore.

Another reason is that this story is too popular for its own good. Several people have approached me for translation/distribution permission, and finally, someone has tried to plagiarize it and pass it off as their own on wattpad. The staff refused to help me, and now this thing brings me nothing but horrible memories.

I'm sure you've all figured it out, that I've moved on from this site. I'm taking my writing a little more seriously now, and have decided to expand into original stories and earn money from there. If we can meet elsewhere on the internet and be friends, that'd be great.

Thank you to everyone who read this story. Thank you to those who were here for me from the start. Thanks especially to RealityBitez for being the first person ever to give me a review. At the risk of sounding corny, if it wasn't for you I might've given up on altogether. I was actually feeling discouraged at that time, y'see.

Ezcap1st, Imitation Angel, so many people I have to thank….. I'm so sorry.

Oh, and… Tsuichiro Renji? Regarding your question, I got these facts from the primarily the Vongola 77 Guidebook, the Hitman REBORN! Colore Book, and the extras from various comic books. I can't pinpoint which fact came from where anymore, but I hope you can get your hands on these books too.

Let's all meet again somewhere else, in another story.
