
A/N this is very very short and sweet, it was once part of a larger story but it just didn't fit...ah well. Please tell me what you think *dreamkin


In the Heart of the Dreaming, the Dream King was busying himself by crafting a new dream. He furrowed his brow in concentration, as his fingers gently formed the dreams' shape. Flowing, undulating patterns calmed themselves under his touch and settled into a new body. Finally, it was complete. The Dreamweaver stood back and cast a critical eye over his creation. It was rather smaller than himself, shaped vaguely as a human female, though it was naked and its skin was a wash of aqua and magenta. The dream rose its head and spoke in a sweet musical voice,

"What is my name?"

Dream may or may not smile, it is hard to tell.

Your name is whatever you wish it to be, unless you would prefer me to provide you with one.

The creation's expression did not change, but it appeared to be in deep thought.

"What is my function?" it asked.

You were created to be a comfort to mankind. I have put them through many ordeals recently and you are to be my apology to them. You are also, in part, a replacement for another dream that has ended, one named Fiddlers Green.

"Then I wish to be named Solace, for I shall be a solace for any who have need of me."

Very well.

The Dream King turned and motioned for Solace to follow. They walked together down the length of the Throne room. After a while the Dreamer said

I had intended that you would take on the shape of a place, as Fiddlers Green once did. However, I now think that you are better suited to a human form.

" Truly Lord, I feel that I should like to be able to change between shapes at my will, for although this form is pleasant enough, I feel too contained."

The Lord Shaper did smile now.

Perhaps I placed rather too much of Fiddlers Green into you, young dream. Still, I shall grant your request. It is now time for you to enter the Dreaming. Find a place to reside Solace. I shall call for you again.

And with a wave of his hand, Solace was gone. Momentarily unoccupied, the Dreamweaver decided to visit the Library. For a change, he opened the door to his Throne room, and with a swish of white cloak, walked out of the chamber.

* * *

told you it was short :)