The next I was woken up by Abigal screaming my name and bouncing on the bed.

"Mommy! Mommy wake up! Wake up!" I groaned and sat up.

"What's wrong baby girl?" She plopped down on the bed.

"It's moving day! Daddy said you wanted to start early." Then I remebered and got up.

"Thanks Abby. Where's your dad?"

"Down stairs with the boys."

"Ah. Well I'll be down in a little bit ok?"

"Ok!" Then she ran down stairs. I got up and got dresses. I put on a white tank top and jean shorts. I brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail. I walked down stairs and saw Jake, the guys, Dad, and Emmett.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"The other's went out hunting for a little bit." Dad said.

"Then Sam, Jared, Paul, and Brady have patrol in a little bit." Jake said.

"Then when do you guys want to get started?"

"How about now?" Jared said sarcasticly. I gave him a glare.

"Works for me." Emmett said. The others agreed and we all started packing stuff up.

We loaded my bed frame, matress, and dresser in Jake's truck. Then we loaded the living room furniture Alice bought in the other truck. I drove Abigal over alog with some boxes we packed last night.

"So do you want us to put the bed togeather now?" Emmett said getting out of the car.

"No I want everything to get here before we start putting things togeather." I said getting Abiagl out of my car.

"Alrighty then." Paul said as he started pulling a couch off the bed of the truck.

"Jake! You know where everything's going?" Sam asked.

"Yep. I got it." The guys all took everything in and set them in the correct room.

When they were done they all left to pack up more stuff. Abigal and I stayed behind. I was putting boxes and suiet cases inside while Abigal was jumping on the couch in the living room.

I was in one of the bedrooms when I heard Abigal screaming my name.

"Abigal what's wrong!" I said running into the room. Abigal ran over to me scared and crying. She got behind me and gripped my leg.

"It's that weird man from yesterday!" I looked over and it was the guy from back in town.

"Can I help you?"

"I told you. That child shouldn't exist!" he pointed to Abigal.

"So you had to stalk me and remind me?"

"No. I was looking for you. I'm going to take care of this." He took a step forward and I saw he had a wooden stake in his hand. Really? Ok I understand all the ledgends say it and stuff but do people really think that's going to kill real vampires? Granted I'm not a full one but you get the idea.

I took a step towards him.

"I'm sorry but you have to go. So sorry you couldn't visit longer."

"Not until I'm done." He took another step forward. I quickly thought. Abigal could reach the door easily. We were closer to it than he was and she fast.

"Abigal run!"

She then ran and as he turned towards the door I slammed him into the wall. He was pretty tough considering he got up like it was nothing. I went to throw him out the window but he stabbed me with the stake.

"Ah!" I screamed as he shoved it into my stomach. It was so deep I could feel all the blood escaping my body. Everytime I wear white too.

"Shouldn't have gotten in my way." He said. He let go of me and I fell to the floor, the stake still in me.

He stepped around me and walked out the door. I layed there trying to move. I had to get up. I got on my hands and knees and ripped the stake out, dropping it to the floor. I screamed at the pain. I quickly but painfuly got myslef to my feet and ran after him. He was chasing Abiagl. When she feel I jumped on his back and dug my fangs into his neck.

I hated the feeling of his blood all over my face and running down my neck but I didn't know what else to do. I bit as hard as I could and ripped his throught out. When he finally fell to the ground I let go and just laid there in the grass. I heard Abigal crying but I was in too much pain.

"Alex!" I heard Jacob's voice. I opened my eyes and saw Jake holding me up so I was sitting.

"Jake." I said as I winced in pain.

"Hold on! Carlise'll on his way!"

"Abigal!" I saw my mom picking her up.

"Bella get her out of here." My dad said. Next thing I knew my mother and Abigal were gone. She was safe now. "Alex can you tell me what happened?"

"That guy...I saw him yesterday...he said somthing about Abigal. That she shouldn't exist...then he came here...he tryed to kill her." I feel the anger in Jacob. I would of felt the same way if it wasn't for the pain.

"And he did this to you?" Jake asked.

"Ya. He used a stake."

"Alex!" I heard Alice's voice.

"Alex hang in there you're going to be fine." Carlise said. "Edward, get her to the house as fast as you can."

"Got it. Come here Alex." My dad lifted me up and ran to the house.

"Edward is she going to be alright?" I heard my mom said.

"She'll be fine." My dad laid me down on a table and Carlise came in. Soon after everything went black.