Golden Star

I carried Abigal into the house. She fell asleep on the way home from the airport.

After my grandmother Renee heard about Abigal she wanted to see her. So Jake and I took her and flew down to Florida for an early vacation. We just got back tonight and it was pretty late. It was maybe about ten.

Time had gone by so fast. Abigal was already over a year old and everything was going great now. We hadn't had a vampire problem since Kathrine died. It gave Jake and I time to live again. I still live with my parent and everyone else, while Jake stayed over every once in a while. He wanted us to find our own place though. I didn't want to leave home yet though. I wanted to stay with my family. Now I had more time. I didn't have to worry about anything else but them. We understood things more and things were better.

I carried Abigal upstairs to her room. Then I took off her jacket and changed her into her pink, footie pajamas before putting her in bed for the night. When that was done I walked back down stairs to help Jake with the bags. When I got down there I saw Jake had them all.

"Could you get the car door please?" He said. I giggled a little.

"Sure." I got to the door and then turned towards him. "Please keep it down. I just put Abby to bed."

"Got it." He said going up stairs. Then I went outside to the car. I thought I saw something move in the woods but ignored it. I closed the door and turned around to see Emmett right behind me. I jumped and screamed a little. He started laughing.

"Did I scare you?" He said.

"Ya. You sure did. Your face does that to people." I gave him a fake smile.

"Ha ha." He gave me a fake smile back. "Where's Abby?"

"Asleep." I walked past him. "That means you need to be quiet." I walked into the house.

"So how was Florida?" Emmett asked.

"Sunny. Abby loved the water."

"Sounds like she had fun." My mom said coming from the kitchen.

"Ok so we get home and you guys are gone, then when I put Abigal to bed and go outside you all just decide to show up?"

"Jelous of our speed?" Emmett said.

"I'm faster than you now." I used my 'you're and idiot' tone. I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Nope I'm still faster." I could tell Emmett just wanted to race...that or a puch in the face.

"Emmett you know she's fater than you. Give it a rest already." My dad said coming into the room.

"Fine you're no fun." Emmet sat on the couch and turned on a football game.

"Turn it down!" I yelled. It was pretty loud and Emmett turned it down so Abigal wouldn't wake up.

"So how's mom?" My mom asked.

"She's good. She says hi. She misses you."

"I know." I got off the couch and walked towards her my hands in my back jean packets.

"She wants to come visit. I told I'd talk to you."

"Well that be great but what about-"

"It's fine Bella. She can visit. It's no problem." Dad said.

"Alright. Well, I'll give her a call in the morning."

"Well sorry I can't stay longer but I got to go." Jake said coming down stairs. "I have to stay at my dad's tonight and then I've got patrol tomarrow. I'll see you guy tomarrow though." He walked over and kissed me before leaving.

"Well. With that I'm going to bed." I said. "I'm really tired."

"Goodnight Alex." My paarents said.

"Goodnight guys." I said walking upstairs. I walked in my room and changed into my purple and blue plaid pajama pants and the matching purple tank top.

My room was pretty much the same. The only difference was I got a bigger bed for when Jacob stayed over. After Abigal was born he half wat moved in. He stayed at his dad's every once in a while.

I turned 18 just a month ago. The treaty between my family and the wolves was some what broken. They became friends and now they guys come here and sometimes we'd go over to La Push. The past year has been rough and kind of crazy but with my family, it's been fun and plain out great. Everything in my life was finally working out. The only bad thing was, was when Kathrine died, Leo and Emily left. They out of the state with out any warning at all. We haven't talked since. It didn't bother me much. I mean with Abigal I wouldn't have much time to talk anyways. Abigal was a handful.

Abigal had grown too. Her hair was longer. Long enough that I could braid it and put up. It was a little lighter brown too. Plua she was pretty close to having her father's tan skin. She was just a little pailer than him.

Before goign to bed I checked to make sure the monitor was on. Then I turned off the lights and went to sleep.