
It wasn't that he was possessive - well, he was but that wasn't the point. It was just that his lover, partner, bestfriend, his everything was so God damned sexy. Normally that wouldn't bother him. After all, his lover came home to him at night, and he was fine with that. He was more than fine, he was shittingoutrainbows fantabulous.

It was just...he didn't mind Kyle having a life. Having friends. They did their own thing in the day, came home to each other at night. They cooked together, cleaned together, slept together. It was domestic and it was nice but that was at home.

It was just outside. When they actually went out together. It was Hell for him, and even though Kyle always seemed ecstatic about their dates, no amount of smiling or beautifulandsosowarm green eyes would ever make him happy. In the beginning, it was enough. But that was the beginning, and this was now and now had a waiter slipping a hand over Kyle's ass, winking at him and -

"If you ever want to have a real good time, sugar, call me up. I could give you a better romp than fatass any day."

His blood ran cold. Eric's eyes narrowed. It was one thing to look but another to touch, and he really hadn't been called "fatass" since they saw Kenny at Christmas and - shit, had it been that long? He really should call McCormick and see how the guy - no. He needed to focus now.

He was already standing, ready to smash someone's face in, because Kyle wasn't liking the attention and that just...that just pissed him the fuck off.

Before he could so much as step forward, the waiter - an attractive guy, probably a year or two older - went crashing to the ground. Kyle shook his wrist lightly, fingers splaying over his sore knuckles. He was smirking though, which was good, it meant nothing was broken.

Green eyes flashed at him, dancing with amusement. "I didn't like him calling you fatass. That's was my nickname for you." He paused, looked down at his hand. "Been a while, huh?"

"Since your scrawny ass got into a fight?" Eric had to clear his throat, once, twice, against the lump that had formed because shit. He really did love this day walking ginger bitch, didn't he?

"Yeah." Kyle watched as other staff rushed over, and he shrugged his slim shoulders. "Let's go home, jackass. I'll make us a frozen pizza. Pepperoni." He winked saucily, already sauntering off. He put some extra sway into his hips, and Eric realized it wasn't for him - it was for the waiter. To show what he didn't have.

Snorting loudly, the larger man stalked off after his little ginger. Lightly, he groped the same place that had already been molested. His hand was larger, but the message was clear.
