Dylan's hands gradually made their way up to Aleks head, as he breathed a sigh. His fingers intertwined in his hair and he tried to pull him closer, and Alek quickly complied. He never expected that Dylan wanted him as much as Alek did. But still, the other boy pulled at his hair and begged for more.
The kiss had become more of a make out and rather repetitive and gave Alek a chance to ketch up. Alek was on top of Dylan, the man he loved, because Dylan had told him he wanted to take their relationship 'to the next level'. The only problem was, Alek didn't know what that was for men. He was just happy Dylan wasn't braking up with him so he jumped him for a passionate kiss. But this kiss was coming to a stop as Dylan began to push Alek.
"Alek." Dylan pleaded. Alek wouldn't listen and pressed harder, he wanted to know what the next level was. "Alek, I can't breathe!" He had finally gotten his mouth away from Aleks and was getting more aggressive as he pushed him. He really wanted to stop.
"Sorry." Alek got off his lover and sat next to him until he had enough breath to continue.
"Barking spiders! Didn't I ask that you stop apologizing?" Dylan was flushed and breathing heavily like Alek, but as he said this he had a glint of humor in his eye. Enough to tell Alek he wasn't really in trouble again.
"Sorry." Alek said. He leaned in again, ready to go, but Dylan stopped him. "What's wrong?"
"I..." He looked worried, like the next thing he said could define the rest of his life. "Alek, have you always been attracted to men?" His eyes veered away, his blush became very intense. It was obvious he didn't really want to ask.
"Have you?" Alek didn't want to answer. If he was being honest, no; he was always attracted to women before he met Dylan. But he didn't want to tell him that and risk stopping this. Whatever it was and where ever it was going, he liked it.
"Aye, but there are specific reasons for that. And you haven't answered my question." Cold glare.
"Fine, yes." He really couldn't stop this.
Sigh "You can tell me the truth, you know." His big kind blue eyes engulfed Alek. He felt like he was swimming in them. He couldn't lie to him.
"No, I have never been attracted to men. But then I met you and I fell in love." He took his hands. "I love you, Dylan, so I don't care what your class is or what gender you are. Please."
"Alek," he whispered. Dylan leaned in and gently touched his lips with the tip of his finger. "Why?" His hand traveled to the back of Aleks head. "Why are you saying that?"
"I don't know what you mean." Alek whispered back.
"I really love you. You know that, right?" Lean in closer and closer and closer.
"I know, Dylan. I love you too."
"Show me," and with that they began again, only more passionate and deeper and faster. They were sucking and biting each over and over as Dylan was laid back down on the bed. Alek hovered over him, getting hotter and hotter. Dylan kept pulling at him, he wanted him, but the problem was, Alek didn't know what he wanted. Alek didn't know what to do.
Dylan's tongue traced Alek's lips before he slipped it in his mouth. Now Alek was really hot. Alek slid his hands up and down Dylan's back. Unexpectedly, Dylan started to moan, a high pitched breathless moan that was driving Alek crazy.
"Alek," he moaned his name. "I'm getting hot." In response, Alek tugged at his lover's jacket, pulling it over his shoulders. Dylan did the same to Alek then went after his tie and shirt, never letting their lips part. "Alek," he moaned again.
"Dylan," Alek moaned back, but, for some reason, Dylan responded negatively to this, and pushed Alek off him.
Now on top, "I want to show you something." Dylan whispered in Aleks ear before sitting up strait, straddling him. Dylan continued to take off Alek's shirt, and when he was completely bare, started on his own shirt. He unbuttoned it slowly while he spoke. "You know how Brovil is always saying Mr. Sharp, and you know how you've never seen me undress," leaned down to whisper in his ear, "and you know how you said you would love me, no matter what gender."
"Yes," kisses him.
"Well," Dylan took off his shirt, "I might have to take you up on that." Dylan's chest was completely bandaged. A tied white cloth was wrapped around the upper torso of his beautiful lean tan body.
"Dylan when did you get injured!" Alek was shocked! That was why Dylan was breathing heavily and why he needed to breathe more! He had an injury! Alek sat up and grabbed onto Dylan's back, pulling him closer. "Why didn't you tell me?" he demanded. "Dylan how did this happen?"
Dylan just stared at him with a bemused expression. "Really?" he asked. "Really, Alek? Really?"
"What? I can't be concerned?"
"Oh God, I'm love with an idiot."
"And why is that?"
"I'm a barking GIRL you dumkoff!"
"Oh," Alek looked off into the distance as a million pieces fell into place. "I am an idiot." Looking back at her. "I thought you were a homosexual." They began to laugh, long and loud and embarrassed.
"I love you, Alek." She wiped a tear from her eye.
"I love you too, what's your name?"
"Deryn, I love you."
"Good." She pushed him down and continued to kiss him over and over and over. She slides her tongue in his mouth and began frenzy, until she just had to ask, "Alek?"
"Hmmm?" he muttered against her lips, trying to pull her back down.
"Um, now that I'm a girl, would you like to be on top?" He laughed.
"Yes. In just a moment. Get up, please."
She got off and stood in front of him. Alek was beyond the point off standing so he just sat up and ran his hands up and down her hot skin. He found the end of her wrappings and began to pull. She spun and spun and spun until the cloth fell, leaving Alek with a topless women ready to jump him.
He pulled her back down onto the bed then, as promised, climbed on top of her. She moaned as he felt the new available flesh. "Alek!" She shrieked.
"Shhh! someone will hear!" He laughed at her.
"It- its your- ah-bloody fault!" she said in a harsh whisper. He let her go and began to go down her body to her pants. As his fingers found the buckle, he glanced up at Deryn. "What?" She asked
"Are you sure?" She looked confused. "Deryn, you're a girl now-"
"I've been a girl for a very long time, dumkoff."
"So we could get married," he placed his forehead on hers. "We could wait, if you want."
"You are wrong." Now he was confused. "Alek you're still a prince, we still can't be together." Oh that's right. In all this heat and passion, Alek had forgotten. "Don't be sad." She cupped his cheek and kissed him. "Besides," her eyes had mischief swirling in them, "I know you can't wait." She pointed down, at where their hips touched. So she knew.
"Oh," he laughed. And they continued.
Next morning...
Alek woke to see that he was holding a completely naked Deryn. He smiled to himself and kissed her shoulder. "Good morning." he whispered.
"Good morning." She said with a yawn. "Can I ask you something?" She asked as she rolled over to face him.
"What?" He asked, repositioning his arms to hold her closer.
"Do you know how men have sex?" He was definitely NOT expecting that question.
"Truthfully no." He blushed as she laughed.
"So, last night, you were striding ahead blindly."
"Well, yes. But I trusted that you would guide me." She was laughing again. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing, you're just cute." She kissed him. "Now let me go." He did. She got up and started to grab Alek's clothes and through them at him. "You have to get back to your room before I bring you your breakfast."
"Oh yes, that would cause some problems." He started to put his clothes on but stopped and watched Deryn put her clothes on instead. "You don't know how much it kills me to watch you get dressed." she punched him on the arm.
"Leave off." Deryn teased as she pulled him in for yet another kiss. "Put on your pants."
"Deryn?" He asked.
"Yes?" she responded.
"How... How was it?" They both blushed at the question.
"Alek, I told you I'm very satisfied. Stop asking!" She kissed him again and kicked him out. He smiled to himself and whistled a happy tune as he watched the sun rise and strolled back to his room. Life is going to get complicated.