Hey guys, I'm not sure that anyone will actually read this because of the parings I've picked out for this one. If it's a sucky idea feel free to let me know :) Ever since the episode which aired on 2/28 this idea just kept bouncing around in my head. I think they could be good together 3

Also, for anyone who is interested, I plan on updating my Tony and Tea pieces Matched and When Friends Become Lovers ASAP. Graduate School has been getting in the way lately :( haha

Daisy's Point of view

We were sitting in the cafeteria, not really doing much of anything. We couldn't do what we really wanted to be doing. Drinking, smoking, getting blitzed, but it wasn't so bad. We were all together. The way it should be.

Except, things aren't always what they seem to be.

I'm quiet. My friends think that I'm just a shoulder to cry on. I'm the one they can come to when someone else lets them down. They think I don't see through the facades that they poorly attempt to hide behind. I know all of them better than they know themselves. You know why? I listen. I listen to every lie that comes out of their mouths. And even the ones that come out of my own. We all have images we want to maintain. We're experts at fooling everyone around us, expect each other. We're on a different level than the other students; we get each other in a way that no one else could even begin to understand.

"You're looking cozy over there Daze." Tony sent me a condescending smirk because I was leaning against Chris' shoulder as he blatantly counted pills in front of everyone in the cafeteria. It would seem to most people that Tony was being an ass, which he usually is, but not for the reason they'd assume. Everyone hassles me and Chris about our friendship. We're close, super close. I'm still a virgin though and he's my best friend. The others don't believe we haven't fucked and Tony likes to tease me about it. But today he had other reasons for shining the scrutiny spotlight on me. He's fucking Tea and Michelle is beginning to suspect that something is up.

Tony is good.

He's a master at what he does. He can be caught red handed and somehow convince everyone around him that what they know, what the evidence shows, isn't how it really is at all.

But I'm better.

I see the way he looks at Tay. They way he grabs onto any solid surface he can get his hands on and the way his knuckles go white when he sees her making out with that Bitch Betty. Who the fuck said she could sit with us anyway?

Chris' boyish giggle was like music to my ears. His response to Tony's chiding was delayed, but a guy can't be interrupted when he's doing something as important as counting his latest stash. He knew if he got caught he would simply offer up a goofy smile and a halfhearted scolding would be the worst he would have received. They probably wouldn't even take the pills from him, because Tony would, yet again, smoothly explain some bullshit reason as to why Chris had the pills. Last time he has smoozed the principal into thinking that they were anxiety meds because he wasn't dealing well with the way his mom up and left him. I knew how Chris was dealing with his mom's sucky behavior and it didn't involve pills. I love Tony, I love all my friends. Sure He's an arrogant prick sometimes, but I know the truth. He's afraid he's not good enough. Just like the rest of us.

"Go suck a dick Tony." Tony grinned at my suggestion and I sent him one right back. He then smiled more sincerely because we both knew our banter was all in good fun. Chris finished up his task and lazily wrapped his arm around my waist. I yawned and reveled in the feeling of his fingers subconsciously stroking the tender skin on my side.

"You have to admit Daisy, it's not normal to be the way you two are." Michelle's snide remark evoked an eye roll out of me and I felt Chris' arm tense around me. He pulled me closer against his long, lean side. I found it hard to be mad at Chelle. She lashes out when she's stressed and because she's Tony's girlfriend, she's always stressed. "He gets fucked up and screws everything with a pulse and then clings to you like you're some sort of security blanket." She shot a glare at Tony and I knew that he was where her real anger resided. Why shouldn't it? He's fucked around on her since she's known him. I'll tell you why. She's not his match. Tay is his Match. None of them want to see what is actually going on, so I placate them and let them pretend to be people they're not. I love them all for who they really are.

"We're best friends, suck it the fuck up Michelle." Chris' curt answer took us all by surprise. As he spoke I felt his hand move down my side, over my hip and to the outside of my thigh. Most people would have thought that that his actions were sexual, and they may have been on some level, but it was more about intimacy for us. He could have sex with a hundred girls and never touch them they way he touches me. I felt him grip my jean clad leg and I moved my hand to his knee to let him know I understood.

"It's illegal to fuck something without a pulse." Abud interjected with such innocence that I almost felt bad when we laughed. He was such a doll. He tried so hard to be someone he wasn't. He thought he was in love with Tea, but he wasn't. He was intrigued by her. Who wouldn't be? She was the ultimate unattainable. She was gorgeous and not into guys, or so she claimed.

Chris brushed the side of his face against the side of my head, the rough bristles of his shaved head catching on the silken strands of my hair as he moved. He was normally the conflict avoider of the group, so for him to retort so flippantly, Chelle must have really struck a nerve. Normally he would go out of his way to evade an uncomfortable situation. After everything had blown up, he would come to me and talk everything out. Sometimes we would drink. Sometimes we would smoke. Sometimes we would eat ice cream. But we would always end up in the same place, lying on the roof of my house. The weather never mattered; it was our place away from the rest of the world. All best friends should have a spot like that. In some ways Chelle was right. I am his security blanket, but he's mine too.

"Are you going to let him speak to me that way?" Michelle's voice was shrill and everyone's eyes were on Tony, but I already knew the answer. Of course he was, because he doesn't love her. He doesn't love her even a little bit. If Chris had answered Tay that way, Tony would have been leaping across the table to defend her, but not Michelle.

"Chris maybe you shouldn't have been so …" Stanley began, but lost his steam halfway through the sentence. We laughed collectively as a group. Even Betty took time away from sucking on Tea's ear to chuckle at poor old Stan's expense. It was no secret that Stanley had been in love with Michelle since the beginning of time or some other lame plot of unrequited love. Personally I think they could be good together if they could both manage to get their heads out of Tony's ass.

"Don't be a bitch and I won't be a dick?" Chris was being sincere to which Michelle nodded, and then scoffed at Tony. She hadn't really been offended. It took a lot to really offend any of us. All she wanted was some type reaction out of Tony. Any reaction really. Protectiveness or even concern would have made her feel like he at least cared. He didn't have those things to give her though; they were all used up on Tea.

"Stop staring Abud" Tea giggled girlishly which was something she never used to do before. I'd only noticed her doing since I'd picked up on the fact that she was batting for the hetero team with Tony. "You act like you've never seen lesbians make out before." Or maybe he's never seen a lesbian who is in love with a guy make out with an actual lesbian. But close enough Tea.

"It's just so…" Abud was still staring opened mouthed as Betty worked on Tea's neck. "Awesome." He finished lamely, eliciting yet another round of laughter.

The bell rang and we began gathering our belongings. Purses, binders, pills, and water bottles laced with hard liquor. You know the usual. We didn't bother saying goodbye. We'd see each other later that night. There was a rave and we'd all be in attendance. It wasn't the same if one of us was missing out on the festivities. Each one of my friends brought a special dynamic to our group. No matter what happened later on in life, I knew we'd always be friends.

I watched as Michelle sauntered out of the cafeteria in an attempt to spark Tony's interest. The only thing she seemed to be able to do was give Stanley a boner for his next class. Tony was zoned in on the way Tea was uncharacteristically displaying her faux relationship with Betty. She allowed Betty to hold her hand as they found their way to class. What she was really doing was sending Tony a subliminal message. I could see the conflict in her eyes when she looked at him. She was undeniably attracted to him, but she knew it was wrong. He was dating her friend. Our friend. Abud walked close to Tea and Betty, trying to cop a feel no doubt. I shook my head. Why couldn't they just see what I saw?

"Need a ride tonight?" Chris was patting his vest pocket for rolling paper. It amazed me how I already knew what he was looking for without him vocalizing it. I reached inside the front pocket of my jeans and pulled them out.

"I promised Tea I'd get ready with her." He looked perplexed as to how I'd known what he was looking for and how they'd gotten in my pocket. "You're constantly losing things; you'd be lost with out me." He rewarded me with a smile, which just so happened to be one of my absolute favorite things.

"Mmkay" He followed me out of the cafeteria and down the hall. We stopped when we had to migrate in two separate directions. "Text me when you get there. It's going to be jumping tonight. Supposed to be more people than they've ever seen." His hand reached out and his fingers found my belt loops. He always did fidget when something was on his mind. "Wouldn't want you to get lost in the mob." He grinned again and my stomach did a funny flip-like maneuver. Was it possible that I'd been misunderstanding my friendship with Chris all along? Was I as guilty as my friends were of masking my true self?

In any event, tonight was going to be epic. I could feel it in my soul.

This one was rated M for language and the drug references. I'm not really sure if there will be Lemons in the next chapter, but I'm thinking there is a strong possibility.

What did you guys think? Is this storyline even worth continuing? It won't be focused solely on Daisy and Chris, but will be told through her eyes :) Hope you enjoyed!