I know I suck at updating. I'm sorry !

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Katie squeezed her eyes shut against the light that was streaming in through the window. When that didn't help, she flipped over and flung a pillow over her head. She didn't want to get up. She couldn't face the rumors that surely had been passed from room to room last night. If she was embarrassed before, today she would feel humiliated all day, even if no one said anything to her.

"Katie, you've gotta get up. Everyone else is downstairs." Annabeth grabbed the pillow and tried to take it. Katie groaned and held the pillow over her head tighter. "Come on. Last night wasn't that bad. It just looked like … well, I don't really know what it looked like, but who cares. I've never cared what people think and you've never either, so let's go."

"After last night, I do. I hope something kills me on the way to Olympus."

"Don't say that. Now, really, let's go, Katie!" Annabeth tried to tug of Katie's covers.

"I'm sick. I cannot go."

Groaning, Annabeth stuck her hands in her blonde hair and spun a 360. "Do you really want everyone to think they've gotten to you? Everyone is going to know why you didn't come today." When she got no response, she stalked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

Ten minutes later, Katie heard the door open again and Annabeth jumped on the bed beside her. "Guess we're stuck here all day."

Katie peeked at Annabeth from under the pillow. "Didn't you want to go? You love Olympus."

Annabeth shrugged. "I've seen it before, and they're only doing half the tour today. Tomorrow we will both be on the other half of the tour. Today, we are going to talk."

Katie groaned. "No, go away."

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Get up, Katie. We're not allowed to leave this room because of you. The least you could do is talk to me."

Katie sat up and flung the pillow to the side. "What do you wanna talk about?" she asked in a mock cheerful voice.


Sighing, Katie leaned over and pressed her face in the pillow. She knew what Annabeth wanted to talk about, but Katie was too embarrassed to talk about it with anyone, let alone Annabeth, who was probably a lot more experienced than Katie was. Avoiding Annabeth's gaze, Katie sat back up. "What about me?"

Annabeth thought about how to word what she was about to say, hoping to the gods she wouldn't offend Katie. She opted to leave out what Travis had told her. For now. "Well, you know, everyone's been really worried about you lately." When Katie nodded her head, she continued. "I just want to know what's wrong and if I can help."

"No." Katie said, not unkindly.

"Really, Katie. If you just need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. I promise I won't tell anyone else the things you tell me." Annabeth rested her hand on Katie's leg.

Katie sighed. "Well, when did you lose your virginity?"

Flustered by the turn in conversation, Annabeth flushed red.

"You don't have to answer, but it was with Percy, right?" Annabeth turned redder. She didn't need to answer. He was her first boyfriend and she wasn't the type to just sleep with anyone. Katie pressed on. "After you two had been together for awhile. After you knew he cared about you and would most likely stay with you no matter what happens?"

Annabeth regained composure and decided to turn the conversation back on to Katie, realization dawning on her. "Is this about having sex with Travis? You lost your virginity to Stoll?" Annabeth was only half shocked. Really, she was shocked Katie wasn't a virgin at all. That was why she had a hard time believing Travis' story.

Katie started tearing up, a blush spreading across her cheeks. She nodded quickly, trying to stop the tears from spilling over. Annabeth reached for Katie's hand. "It's not the worst thing in the world," she tried comforting her.

"My dad and step mom always t-told m-m-me …" she tried to stop her stuttering. "They always told me it was something special and then I went and threw it away. They said I should wait until marriage for a man that would really love me." She paused as if she couldn't bear to say the next part. "And Travis doesn't even like me." Her voice went up an octave and her tears finally flowed freely down her cheeks.

Annabeth scooted closer and hugged Katie as she cried. "I feel so cheap."

"No, no. Katie you are not cheap." She rubbed circles soothingly into Katie's back.

"It hurt so bad." Katie sobbed harder. "Then it was just over and he dropped me off at camp, so he could ditch the car. And the worst part is, it's all my fault."

Annabeth pulled back and gripped Katie's shoulders. "Sure you made a mistake Katie, but you can't hate yourself for it. If everyone hated themselves for every mistake they made, the whole world would be miserable. I'm sorry you had such an awful first time, but I wouldn't be so sure that Travis doesn't like you at all. I mean, the guy has been trying to check up on you for the past couple of weeks even though you were ignoring him. And he has tried to talk to you. And to an extent he does understand that it's his fault you've been acting so not yourself lately. Also, I'm guessing you didn't tell him he was taking your virginity, so …"

Katie cut her off. "It's not fair to him. I've been awful, just thinking about myself. I didn't even really think about the mixed signals I was sending him. I just thought of him as a sex crazed boy with no feelings." She rubbed her hands over her face, shaking her head. "Now I feel bad."

"It'll be fine." Annabeth said, common sense taking over. "He wants to talk to you anyway. When everyone comes back to the hotel tonight, I'll leave you two alone for as long as you need. I can stay with Percy anyway."

Katie suddenly realized two things. She had wondered why Annabeth had wanted to room with her. And she never told anyone about her and Travis. Sure she would apologize to Travis tonight, but now her plans also included a punch or two.

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm thinking I'll write one or two more parts and be done with this story. Thanks for reading !