For those of you that reviewed I thank you. You're keeping me slightly sane during the harsh mental process of writing these fics.

"Firstly before you join I'd like you to display your abilities.", Pain stated not moving from his position, "There's a legitimate reason behind asking you to do such, Odd Body." he finished referring to her as "Odd Body" because that's what her name meant and he found it somewhat suiting but he wasn't quite sure if she deserved such a name. Hopefully however this little test spar would prove him otherwise.

The girl stretched backwards having her modest sized breasts strain against the bandages she was using for clothes in a suggestive way. She was testing Pain to see if he noticed. He did but didn't show any sign of embarrassment nor a slightly interested look at her. Instead he turned away and flagged over Deidara. He started walking toward Deidara as the blonde stepped forth. He stopped beside Deidara their shoulders parallel to each other. Pain flashed a look to him from the corner of his ringed Rinnegan eyes, "Taijutsu.", he said before whispering something else.

The girl finished her little stretch and overheard Pain say "Taijutsu".

"Bad choice." she remarked with a slight smirk. Deidara flashed an overconfident look to the girl. Henteko bent over and touched her toes in another stretch, "Since I'm fighting a girl, I shall rather enjoy this." she spoke looking back up running her pink tongue over her chocolate lips seductively. Deidara gritted his teeth, "I'm not a girl!" he screamed with his deep masculine voice at her before rambunctiously charging at her with a mid air kick with a speed that was rather impressive even to someone like Gai.

The girl smirked and slid under him as he attempted to land a kick to her face. She recovered and wrapped her arm around Deidara's shoulders while reaching in between his legs and grabbing his prized member feeling that he wasn't lying about his gender. She brought her lips close to his ear, "My mistake", she said in a rather seedy seductive voice.

Deidara gritted his teeth again in an angry expression before snapping his legs shut catching her hand and throwing his weight back into her causing her to fall. He reached to her hand and crushed it off his private area before twisting his body weight around and throwing her. Henteko recovered landed on all fours and charged back at Deidara cackling maniacally. Deidara put up a countering stance but soon realized she was simply tackling him. He couldn't really counter it in his stance so he simply took the ram before placing his hands under her form across her stomach before bending backwards and throwing her in a suplex like move.

This time she didn't recover but stood up, her cackle reduced to a chuckle. They eyed each other and circled one another in a boxer's stance. Deidara was still rather angry. Deidara was the first to reengage. He threw a low punch then doubled with a punch aimed to the face. Henteko grabbed both his fists and twisted his arms before pulling him in close to her face, "I'm liking this tango, girly man" she said topping off her insult by making a kissing sound. Deidara just grew angrier and angrier. He twisted his arms free and struck her in the cartilaginous plate slightly below her breasts with a double palm strike. His palm mouths had barred their teeth in response to his emotion and the strike hurt their teeth slightly.

Henteko stumbled back coughing but soon it turned into a giddy maniacal giggle between the wheezing and coughing. She looked to Deidara who stood there with his fists balled and his face a crimson color from his anger. She stumbled and coughed once more. "Nice. Still no blood.", she insulted, "You lack game". This didn't sit with Deidara. Not one bit. He rammed forward but quickly ducked down and swiped his feet at her ankles tripping her. He topped off his attack by swinging both of his legs upwards and then smashed them against her face while she was still falling. Deidara quickly stood up and assessed his attack. Now she was bleeding. Her nose had a messy smear of blood coming from the left nostril.

The fight continued. Henteko stood up and wiped the blood off and looked at it on the meat of her thumb. She glanced to the blonde, her red eyes clashed with his one blue one. She threw her arm backwards in a haymaker. Deidara jumped back but he soon realized the attack wasn't as it seemed. She threw her arm forward and her arm 'stretched' beyond normal human limit gripping Deidara's face and carrying him backwards until the back of his head contacted with the trunk of a tree.

Sasori's eyes widened from the girl's arm stretching to a length of 12 feet before Deidara's head made contact with the tree. What technique was this?

Henteko grinned as she removed her stretched arm's hand from the blonde's face and instead grabbed his throat. The fingers stretched around his throat and literally fused to her hand's thumb putting him in an absolute grip. Her grip tightened on his throat and Henteko slowly began to walk forward her arm returning to it's original length as she walked closer. She stood less then a few inches of Deidara's face. She raised her other hand and jutted her middle finger out as it slowly malformedand curved into a scythe like bone claw.

Deidara's anger turned to a fear as she ran the bladed finger claw across his cheek cutting into his skin and drawing blood, "Which shall it be?", she softly still in a seductive tone. She rested the claw against the curve of his eye socket and poked at his eyelid as it closed in reflex, "I gouge your eye?", she continued rubbing her claw against his cheek once more. Deidara dared not move. If he attempted to get out of her hold he might gouge his own eye out in the process.

She suddenly took her claw away, "Or a forfeit."

Deidara opened his eye once more, "Forfeit, hmm...", he choked from her hold.

"Good boy.", she said relinquishing her fused finger grip on his throat and turned away, her claw receding into a normal middle finger. She turned away and grabbed the leather bag she received from the rebels.

Kisame and Itachi were lounging in the living area of the main base Deidara, Sasori, Zetsu and the leader himself had left. Kisame was watching TV while Itachi buried himself in the small printed texts of a philosophy based novel.

"So...", Kisame tried breaking the silence obviously growing bored with the same crap that reran in a never ending cycle on TV, "Leader is supposedly looking for a new member. A partner for Zetsu at that. What do you think of this?"

"I'm waiting to see what he manages to scrounge up.", Itachi replied dully not looking up from his novel. Kisame just raises one of his blue eye brows. Konan walked into the living area in a hurried pace. She'd been looking for her partner since he disappeared abruptly without so much as leaving a notice. She also noticed Deidara and Sasori were gone.

"Has anyone seen the leader?", the cyan haired woman asked in a worried tone. Kisame and Itachi looked to her, "No. Haven't seen him since yesterday.", Kisame answered. Konan left the room and continued to root around the base for any hint as to where he may have gone. Not too long Hidan walked in stretching and yawning which wasn't out of the ordinary since he usually woke up in the late afternoon everyday.

"Man I'm really starving.", he said looking around seeing that only Itachi and Kisame were in the room with him, "Yo, where is that fire crotch when you want something to eat?", he said referring to Sasori. Kisame grinned and shook his head, "Don't look at me, he was gone when me and Itachi were up."

"What about the blonde tranny?"

"Again not here.", Itachi cut in. Hidan huffed, "Well shit...", Hidan trailed off going into the semi kitchen and grabbing a bowl and a box of cereal. Kisame raised his head hearing a low rumble and footsteps. The rumble sounded again and into the living area walked Kakuzu who was whistling under his mask. He seemed a bit happier today.

"Where've you been, asshole?", Hidan asked shoveling some cereal into his mouth. Kakuzu's contented eyes went narrow as he looked at Hidan. He didn't answer instead he just went to one of the sofas and sat beside Kisame and took the remote switching it to the news.

"Hundreds of Hoshigakure nin are in panic today as early yesterday during the Daimyo's visit to the small hidden village ended in chaos after the Hoshikage's body was found in his office dead with his eye gouged out. Investigative ninjas soon found out the Bear Daimyo had been killed more than a week before the Hoshikage's assassination and that the Daimyo that visited a day ago was indeed an imposter.", the news reporter started to talk. Kakuzu leaned forward with interest.

"Damn that must've been some master of disguise to pass off as a Daimyo for a week.", he commented.

"Investigative forces are inconclusive in their search for the assailant who disappeared last night from the Daimyo castle.", the reporter continued. Kisame cocked his head and listened to the report before looking to Itachi, "Just a thought but does anyone think that the leader went off to find this assassin? They just seem like a likely candidate to be working along with Zetsu."

"Great another dude.", Hidan scoffed.

"What makes you so sure the assassin is a man?", Kisame questioned.

"Well the assassin did pose as a man.", Kakuzu added. Kisame grunted in agreement, "Good point."

"Might I ask you what's in the bag?", Pain asked Henteko as Deidara flew them over Wind Country. Sasori was still intently staring down the back of Henteko's neck studying her over. The ride wasn't as awkward as he initially thought since the girl kept mostly to herself and only passed studying glances at the 3 of them.

"Spoils.", was all Henteko said.

"Spoils, un...", Deidara scoffed shaking his head not looking back.

"I have something fitting for you, pretty boy, as soon as you land this bird.", said Henteko seductively.

"I don't look forward to it."

Henteko just rolled her eyes and shook her head. Pain on the other hand was getting more agitated by the two of them. Sasori seemed to notice this but said nothing about it.

"Leader-sama, what of Zetsu? Will he join us back at base?", Sasori spoke up trying to get Pain's attention away from Deidara and Henteko. Pain looked back to him with the agitated look upon his face, "I should suspect so since he's smart enough to know his work is done".

Sasori suspected Zetsu was probably already back at base and he was right.

Zetsu walked through the hidden entrance of the base and dropped into the hallway leading into the living area. Everyone in the room immediately silenced themselves upon his arrival.

Kakuzu looked to Kisame, "You know, swordsman, if you want info on who the candidates are you should ask Zetsu since he's the one who's been scouting around."

Kisame took his advice, "Hey, Zetsu. Have you found someone to be your partner yet?"

Zetsu stopped in his tracks and looked to the shark man. He grinned, "You'd be surprised who we dug up.", his white half said.

"Details man!", Hidan chimed in.

Zetsu only chuckled, "Probing us for information that isn't exactly intended for your ears won't get you far, flesh bag.", his white half chuckled.

"Oh come on, flower power!", Hidan whined.

"Yeah, flower power.", his darker half also entered the conversation.

"You do realize he's referring to the both of us?", the whiter half fired back rhetorically.

"You as well as I know you want to talk as much about the delicious looking flesh that's about to become our partner.", the darker half returned. Both sides remained silent. The group gathered in the living area, save for Itachi, looked at Zetsu in anticipation. His whiter half smiled, "I think I will constrict your indulgences. Soon you will see the delicious piece this new blood is.", he chuckled.

He turned away but looked back to the group, "I will leave you with a little run down on how capable this person is.", the white half teased

"Do tell", the darker side chimed.

"I will if you'd stop interrupting.", the white said fired, "This person posed as a Daimyo, killed the Hoshikage, killed a Konoha jonin and posed as them in their escape. That is all I will tell you."

Kakuzu looked to Kisame, "So it is the assassin mentioned on TV". Zetsu raised a brow, "TV?", both sides said in unison. Kakuzu pointed to the TV as the reporter repeated the news on the assassination.

"Apparently they also killed the Daimyo and posed as him for a week to get to the Hoshikage.", Kakuzu informed.

Zetsu's eyes fixated on the TV, "Apparently our new blood is more capable than we originally thought.", the dark side stated.

Deidara landed the massive eagle and let off Pain, Sasori and Henteko. Henteko looked around to see where she was. They were near a Amegakure forest next to a river with a boulder along it's bank. She thought it a joke however Pain was the one who changed her mind about that. He raised his ring to the boulder along the riverside and it slid away revealing a hole.

How intuitive. The boulder entrance was hidden by the trees around it. Pain looked to the blonde and nodded. Deidara sighed and took control of his bird sending it into the depths of the river before performing a hand seal and detonating it. He saw a large a large bubble surface and quickly diminish with the current. Pain and Sasori jumped through the hole that had been hidden under the boulder. Deidara bowed and sarcastically showed a display of chivalry to Henteko who only rolled her eyes before jumping in as well. Deidara jumped in at last and the boulder slid back over the entrance. This place was going to be a complete pit was all she thought of the hideout.

"Cheer up, it was only a small fight.", her voice echoed through the hole.

"You threatened to gouge my eye out, un.", Deidara growled.

"I thought you'd somehow find a way out of it. Apparently I was wrong.", Henteko commented looking at the feminine man through the corner of her eye.

"Will you two quiet down?", Sasori spoke in the gruff voice of Hiruko.

"What's with the hunchback?", Henteko whispered to Deidara. Deidara chuckled, "Oh him? He's not actually a hunchback, that's just armor, un."


"You'll find out soon enough, un."

The group appeared in the living area. Where everyone's attention soon turned.

"Konan! Leader's back!", a voice called. Kakuzu looked at Henteko, "That's not all who showed either...", he said to himself. Henteko didn't really have time to really look at everyone in the room but she did catch that everyone wore black cloaks with red clouds.

"Whoa, it's a chick!", a silver haired man said before crowding Henteko's personal space. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Hey babe, how bout you and me go someplace after you're done with ol' piercings here?", he said slyly motioning to Pain.

Pain turned around with a death glare, "Excuse me?", he said putting his annoyance on the line. Henteko tried to look around the silver haired man was huddling to her. Before she knew it the silver haired man flew backwards into the wall dividing the hallway from the living area.

Pain stood there with his hand outwards and palm opened. What did he just do?

"Move out of the way, un!", Deidara cried pushing past her into the living area and into another hallway lined with doors Sasori too followed suit without saying a word. The base wasn't a complete cave like she initially thought. Just the entrance. The living area was carpeted and the walls where actually dry walled and painted a cream color.

Henteko's eyes rested on Zetsu and Kisame. She looked Zetsu up and down, taking in his strange plant like appearance however he was facing away from her. Then she looked at Kisame. His blue skin, his protruding cheek bones, the up swept dark blue hair contained by his headband, his beady white eyes, and the gill like markings on his cheeks appealed to her in a way. Perhaps she was in the right place.

Aside from the rather interesting features, he looked handsome but he looked middle aged because of his facial bone structure even though he was actually just a year before turning thirty. He smiled at her showing off his jagged triangular teeth. Shark like indeed.

Her eyes focused on Kakuzu who gave her an odd look. She couldn't really distinguish his features because of the mask he wore and the headgear.

"I'm Itachi.", she heard a voice say off to her side. She turned and saw a man with lazy red eyes with three tomoe around the iris, stress marks under his eyes and his long jet black hair tied into a short pony tail. She looked down to his hand extended to her and a book tucked under his opposite arm. She reached and took his arm, "Don't have a name but you can call me Henteko."

"Weird...", Itachi stated the meaning of it. He turned and looked around at the other members gathered around.

"That's Zetsu, Kakuzu, and Kisame.", he said pointing them out. Then he pointed to Hidan who was rolling in the dust of the trashed dry wall he crashed into shaking his head trying to get the fog from his head, "That's Hidan."

"Can you tell me how dysfunctional this place is as well?", Henteko smiled coyly.

"Oh this is just a taste.", Itachi said before turning around and walking off. Bye then... Pain was not interested in these introductions. He grew impatient.

"Henteko, if you will", he said placing his hand on her shoulder and leading her off down to where his office was.

I cannot tell you what kind of hell I went through to write this. So much editing, deletion and rewriting...T_T'

I'm just glad I'm finally done with this chapter so I can move on!

If you ask how I come up with chapters so quickly I simply have a lot of free time and I have streaks when the right things just come together beautifully.