Well, here's chapter 1! Enjoy~ -Demyx

Agh... That was brutal. I think I got a sunburn... Anyway, I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter as much as I didn't enjoy being in it. I hope that later chapters will be less harsh on my fair complexion. And don't forget to review, my dear readers. By leaving reviews, you are supporting me and my fellow alternate universe Organization member in our path to becoming great...Writers. -Marluxia

Aghh! Why did you write so much? Now I have to write more to make up for it! -Demyx


It was a warm summer day that turned into an airy inferno, sweltering and suffocating anyone who dared to walk through it. Birds were falling out of trees, children were jumping into public fountains to cool off, and construction workers stopped courting young college students.

However, there was one who dared to walk through the infernal heat, for he needed the money from his mediocre teaching job to pay for both the rent and his rather obsessive gardening hobby. He trudged toward the school he worked at, the sun beating down on him and forcing him to sweat in his freshly washed short-sleeved button-down shirt. The man had taken off his tie and was using it as a rag to wipe off his forehead. His shoulder-length pink hair was drooping, but he did not notice this at all.

What he did notice was a blur that looked somewhat like the school he had braved the morning heat to go to. With new resolve and desire for the recently installed school-wide air conditioning system, he jogged as fast as his tired legs let him. However, upon his arrival on the school grounds, he was stopped dead in his tracks by the scraping of metal on concrete and the scent of burning rubber...

"Excuse me! Coming through! Sorry!"

Though there were few people who even put up with the sweltering heat, the ones who did were forced to sprint out of the way of the worn out, yet frantic, boy on the bike.

"Almost there... I'm almost thereā€¦" He muttered to himself as he pedaled faster towards the nearest escape from the heat, the school. His tie was waving and fluttering around over his shoulder as he sped up in anticipation.

He reached one hand away from the handles for just a moment to turn up the volume on his mp3 player, not noticing the uneven pavement ahead of him in time to slow down. He tried to stop the bike, but it was too late. He flew forward off his bike, flat onto the teacher that had also been rushing to the school in front of them.

The pink-haired teacher took a moment to regain the breath that was knocked out of him. He rubbed the back of his aching head and muttered, "I shouldn't have turned around..." before looking at the young man that had caused his minor injuries. He glared at the boy, then kicked him off and stood up shakily, cursing at his bruised leg. "Blast... My trousers are filthy... I'm going to get fired today, I know it..."

The pink-haired teacher spun around and looked at the boy and his mangled bicycle, then said in an authoritatively demanding voice, "What is your name, boy?"

The boy was still sitting on the hot pavement, eyes wide in fear of the teacher glaring down at him. "M-my name?" He stuttered, his voice shaking. He felt as if his mind was still in panic mode, and he could barely muster up the courage to even answer properly.

"Answer me, boy! Or I'll send you to the dean's office!" yelled the pink-haired teacher as the first bell rang. "Shit... Class is starting..." He glared at the boy and growled, "You're lucky. Don't let me catch you riding your bicycle on school grounds again..." before running off into the school building, leaving the boy to fend for himself.