Ok i know the last chapter was short and confusing but i've read publish books with chapters like that so...DEAL! now today was the best day ever(today was my birthday) and this makes it better because i finaly get to update because i dont have a load of homework! :D yeah! Without further hesitation...CHAPTER 19!

When we where all piled back into the car, now with a happy Haddon, reality hit me. Connor was missing. "Connor's missing," i wisper to myself, totally shocked. I was so furius at Haddon i hadnt even remember he disapeared. Oh my gods! He is acctually missing. Being a demigod that is one of the worst senerios he could be in. A monster could have kiddnapped him and he could be hurt or worse dead. I put my head in my hands. "He is not dead. he is not dead." i chant.

Haddon being back to his normall self put his arm around me and gave me a hug. then wispers, "We'll find him."

"Thanks," I say putting my head on his shoulder. Any daughter of Aphrodite whould have said "Awww" at that moment. We're lucky. Everybody in the car knew we acted more like brother and sister then boyfriend and girlfriend. I thought of that idea as disgusting.

"Okay gang where to now?" Cassie asks from the front seat. We had moved from the parking lot of the toy store to the parking lot of a Burger King. it was less then a mile and a total waste of gas, but apparently Logan was "so hungry i could die." Drama King! Anywho, Cassie agreed and said she was running out of soda cans. yes she eats soda cans. Wierd but Cassie says tin cans are like candy to satyrs. Never tried one so i take her word for it. I was so worried about Connor i couldnt eat, i seemed to be the only one. Zach ended up eating my fries. no clue why i even ordered them.

"If i were a son of posidion where would i go?" Daniel asks then after thinking a bit he realized, "the title explains its self."

"What?" Zach ask. Oh poor confused boy. Will he never learn.

"You idiot!" Logan snaps, "A son of posidion loves water!"

"Oh," Zach answers. His intire face including his ears turned tomato red, and he imediatly became interrested in his shoes.

Abigail comes up and patts him on the back. he looks up and gives her a weak smile before looking back at his shoes. Logan tries for the hundreth time to make a move on Abigail but before he could get anywhere close she pulls Zach in front of her. Human shield! Briliant girl, Abigail is. Now i sound like Yoda from Star Wars. Logan not noticing Abigail was replaced by Zach continued to put his arm around Zach's shoulders. Zach gives Logan a weird look before lashing out and pushing him onto Haddon who was still building his dragon thing. Haddon drops his little toy, breaking it. Oh, not a good idea.

Staring down at his broken masterpiece Haddon pulls out his celestrial bronze sword. Logan having been at camp one day before being sent on the quest should have no clue how to defend himself. But he pulled out his sword from its shelth expertly as if he'd been doing it for years. This doesnt look good.

"Where'd you learn to handle a sword Logan," Haddon teased. Haddon may be a son of Hephestus but he was pretty handy with his sword. Also he's not to bad looking like most of his cabin. He is one of few the Aphrodite girls would consider "cute." That is actually a HUGE accomplishment for a son of Hephestus.


Sorry! I forgot they could all read my mind. I didnt mean to insult you Sir Hephestus.

"oh, you know," Logan replies, "the usual. from school"

"They dont normally teach sword fighting in Alabama Schools." When did Logan say he was from Alabama? I would guess California.

"That doesnt mean i dont know how to fight."

"Well then," Haddon growls, "feel free to disarm me." He swings first and aims for Logan's left thigh. Logan easily blocks and preforms a move only a perfesional could complete. Haddon is disarmed twelve seconds into the battle.

Cassie begins to clap.

"Why the heck are you clapping?" Zach exclaims.

"For a demigod that was at camp for twenty minutes thats pretty good," Cassie explains. This is the girl thats in charge of us. We are so dead.

"He didn't learn anything from OUR camp," i say, "obviously Logan wasn't telling us the whole truth."

"Correct," Logan answers, "I did learn anything from YOUR camp but i do know a bit about swordfighting from another camp. I used to be munber 2 in the country for fencing."

"Really?" Cassie asked totally interested.

"Oh gods! I'd rather not listen to Logans oh so interresting history," Abigail conplains, "I know all i need to know about him."

"Do you like what you know?" He asks.

"No," she states plainly, "You are irrogant, rude, and totally self obsorbed."

"Oh and Mr. Zach over here isnt?" Logan retorts.

"Dont bring my brother into the fight," I yell, "He has nothing to do with this."

"Oh, but he does," Logan explains, "He has everything to do with this..."

"Are you going to explain?" Abigail asks.

"No you have to figure it out by your self," There is too much drama in this group. We need to focus on finding our missing son of Posidion.

"Well thanks for clarifying that," Abigail snapps and storms inside the resturant grumbling something about still being hungry. Zach tries to follow her but Haddon holds him back. An angry daughter of Hades is not one to mess with. I feel bad for the cashier that has to serve her. We wait outside for her all having our own little conversations. Zach walks up to me and ask, "You worried about Connor."

"That among other things," i answer glumly.

"like what?"

"The past few weeks have seemed like a surreal dream. It's like i was reading an amazing fantasy book with me being the main charater and none of this was real. When Connor disappeared it reminded me that you are all real people and everybody here could get hurt cause of us. I guess this whole ordeal with the gods and everything is begining to settle in."

"I know how you feel,"

"if doesnt seem to be affecting you much," i answer, finally looking up at him.

"Yes it has," he replys, "my mind isnt really processing anything as fast as it should be. It's like its waiting for someone to tell me it was a lie. You do realize everything we know about life has been proved to be a lie over the course of a week. everything!"

"Yeah i guess. Maybe its a good thing your mind doesnt believe anything that is told to you. Maybe it will come in handy, later in our demigod life."

"Ugg," Zach grumbles, "Thats sound to weird. It's more of like our parrallel universe. You know our names are even a lie?"

"Yeah, maybe i should start calling you Zak."

"For me its not much of a difference but you have to go from Emma to Zoie. A bit of a change for you."

"seriously? I will respond to any name thrown in my direction. When i go home on vacations and stuff without you people have so many nicknames for me! not all of them nice. Pippi, brace face, fatty, and Joe."

"where did Joe come from?" Zach questions.

"no idea..." i trail off.

"Earth to Zoie?" Zach calls, "Abigails back i think we should head to the van."

"Uggg Zoie! I like the name but it sounds like it doesnt fit me."

Only time will tell...

"Thanks," I grumble to the mysterious vioce. I dont really know if it was my mom, another olympian, or just my conscience. I think im going crazy.

When we got back to the car immediatly alomost everyone fell asleep. I fell onto Haddon, because he didnt fall asleep, Zach fell into the wall. Daniel didnt fall alseep until after i did. And Abigail fell into the door. Dont know about everyone else, but Haddons shoulder was very confortable.

While i was asleep i had the weirdest dream...again. I heard my name called by what sounded like Connor's voice. Thats when i started to float and i saw Connor slowing come into view. i ask him "Where are you?" and he answers vaguely, " I am here." then he starts to fade away again and i see a on eof those neon, glwoing signs. it says Starbucks. What the heck? I aks my self before i am shaken awake by Haddon.

"I heard you mumble Connor and then Starbucks?" Haddon questions.

"Cassie where is the nearest Starbucks?"

okie dokie i am hopeing this made up for the confusing chapter 18! and since today was the best day ever i am posting on my blog a full acount of it...tomorrow! because i feel like it! mwahahaha! and i also updated because i wont be able to for a while because we are writing a personaly narritive in English! yayaya but also booooo! i dont get to talk to my one reviewer! THANKS GREEKHERO! i really like the reviews! and ive you do most of the time i will send you a PM and sometimes check out ur story if that makes you want to review more...BYE!