hey this is my first fan fic EVA! (since finally figured out how to put it on here, you don't know how many times i tried before i got it right)

disclaimer: i do not own the percy jackson idea's, they're all Rick Riordan's. but i do claim most of the characters to many to name!


Target? ME!

"So let me get this strait I'm a half-blood, half mortal, half god?" I asked. "Yes! " Zach said, "You are a half-blood." …

This is after I made the archery shot of my life! In front of a monster, a few mortals, and well all of Olympus.

My name is Emma Stone. I am 11 years old and live in Alexandra, Virginia. I go to a school called St. Jane's Boarding School.

The school is for troubled kids, and yes I am troubled.

Apparently I am a half-blood, so I am definitely not normal, but I also have ADHD and dyslexia.

ADHD is an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It means it is decease were you can't pay attention to one thing for a long time or you get distracted easily. Also you are very hyperactive so you can't sit still you must be moving.

Dyslexia is any of various reading disorders associated with impairment of the ability to interpret spatial relationships or to integrate auditory and visual information. It means that you can't read some things. It comes out distorted or messed up.

Zach is a boy who has been in my class since first grade at this school. He is a 5-foot, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He is 11 years old and he lives two streets down from me. Zach is a half-blood also, but monsters started attacking him in fourth grade.

He is at St. Jane's because he has ADHD and dyslexia too.

It all started with the office calling Mrs. Bonne's English class down for an assembly.

The assembly was on archery.

When we walked into the gym for the assembly I got a tingly feeling in my stomach. I thought it was just the ADHD, but I looked around. It looked like only Zach had the feeling no one else.

I had the feeling that there was something evil in the air. But I had forgot about the feeling by the time the guy started talking.

The archer was about 6 feet tall and he had pale skin, brown hair and a beard. He was going on and on about how your position and aim are the most important parts of archery. He also talked about Apollo and Artemis and why they used a silver bow and arrow. That part I thought was pretty interesting.

Finally after about half an hour of talking he stopped and asked for a volunteer. He called on me! I really didn't what to but I got up and went to the front of the gym.

He explained what I was going to do. He said I was going to shot an arrow at the target.

If you thought it sounded easy think again.

He showed me exactly what to do and corrected me on a couple of things. He then whispered " shot the arrow Artemis, shot." I listened to him and shot the arrow.

The front row ducked and the back row gasped. I had hit the target and once it hit the monster attacked.

The archer started to grow two huge horns and a tail. His feet turned into two giant hooves.

When he had reached a full height of 9 feet tall he lunged at me. I was too surprised to move. Luckily Zach came up behind me and shot an arrow right over my head at the monster. He hit the monster right in the chest, and then the monster exploded into black ashes.

After I had gotten over my shock, Zach dragged me outside. I asked so many questions some he couldn't answer some he could, but the main idea was that I was a half blood. The conversation we had after he said that was very short before we had to go inside and back to class.

"Really I, me, am a half-blood, wow!" I said.

"Yes, you" answered Zach.

"So what do I do now that I am a 'half-blood'?" I asked.

Zach Said, "you should get a letter like I did, then we'll be off to camp."

"What kind of letter?" I asked.

"Somebody from Olympus will send you a letter explaining everything, camp, and the monsters."

I asked "camp? What kind of camp? A camp for half-bloods or for troubled kids?"

Zach answered "both!"

like my story so far? i dooooo! of course i have to say it but REVIEW AND I WILL ADD MORE!