So, after realising that like some people put this on story alert and the ending was kinda open I decided to make this a two-shot! Yay! Plus this was fun to write. I kinda like this AU universe I created.

Anyway onto the important stuff. The earth they are on kinda got messed up after the aliens attacked, so basically its shitsville and Dick's pretty much trying to fix that.

As usual, NOT MINE


"What do we do after if this is what you need Grayson?" Damian asked.

It's not really him to be concerned, "we go back to normal." I responded sliding my chair to the new section of the machine.

"What's normal?" He asked.

I had forgotten he's ten years old and all he's known is this world of ruin.

Conner laughed, Kyle paced, and Clark snored in his sleep. I haven't slept in over ten days. Nothing seems real anymore.

"Well first of all I'll send you to school." I respond.

Damian lifts up the goggles he's wearing to protect his eyes and gives me a look that tells me I must be stupid. I sighed standing up walking to my desk to look at the schematics again, "we all fought crime and went to school. You will be no exception."

Most children now a day live in dorms at schools for their protection. People try to live there lives as normal but the earth is out of energy everyone lives in darkness without a battery, unless I get my plan going.

"But...?" Is all I heard before my world turned black.

I must have passed out again. I feel a warm hand on my forehead. There are whispers and parts of words.

"Shut up clone!" I heard Damian yelled.

I groaned.

"I think he's waking up." A voice I was pretty sure was Conner's.

Conner smiled, and so did Wally.

"Welcome to the waking world." Wally said with a grin.

"How long was I out this time?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"A couple days." Conner offered.

"A couple days?" I said in shock sitting up and rushing to stand, "why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"It wasn't like we needed you." Damian snapped. Of course his way of showing he's concerned is being an asshole.

"He's right you know we were able to handle the world for a couple days." Wally added. It's rare for Wally to ever agree with Damian unless the kid had a point.

Bart poked his head into the room, "Hey Damian! Supergirl said she's willing to take us to East-Central for a mission want to come?"

The kid glared at me; it is his way of showing that this is something he wants to do.

"Sure," I said off hand, "I won't need an assistant for a while."

Damian ran off gladly.

Wally gave a look of concern, "you really need to stop doing this. You're worrying everyone."

"No, I'm just worrying you." I stated walking out the door.

I was working on the machine again when I heard it, "can you please talk to him? It's like he's possessed!" Wally's voice begged.

"Honestly I'll try but I highly doubt it'll do anything."

It's Barbara, she rolled her wheelchair in the lab and glared at me over her oval glasses.

"What am I supposed to do? I'm trying to save humanity!" I blurted out.

"We wouldn't be mad at you for getting at least some sleep." She said calmly.

I stare down at my plans and then back at the machine, "well it never stopped him."

She looked down and I begin my work again. There is silence. There is always silence whenever Bruce is mentioned.

She rolled over and began looking at the schematics, figuring out if there is something I missed.

"Do you think the left side can support the weight?" She decided to break the silence.

We talked technical jargon for what seemed to be hours before we actually got working on the machine. She helped, and not the Damian kind of helping which included whining, complaining and being a general nuisance. It's the kind of help that makes me happy I have friends.

But soon it was time for her to leave; her job has called her back.

Before she left I said, "If this works I owe you a beer."

She flashed a smile, "I'll hold you to that wonder hunk."

Clark offered to be my assistant after she left. I think it's funny now, I'm the boss of Superman.

He's smart, but not gifted. He knows technology, but isn't creative enough to actually build anything. This is what you get from a reporter; they're gift is with words and not with machines.

But then again that is why people like Bruce were born.

Why I am here.

It took longer than what I told Wally it would take, but after a few weeks, it finally pulled through.

Clark stated for this to work it needed to be in a place that was well protected and kept safe. So that meant us taking it to the Antarctic and planting it in the Fortress of Solitude.

The two brats decided that world could deal without us for a couple hours and Jamie volunteered to keep watch. So Megan, Artemis, Wally, Conner, Clark and I headed out.

Artemis dared to ask how a sheet of ice could protect something so valuable. The rest of us laugh, and laugh hard, something that hasn't been done since the days back in Young Justice.

Finally everything is all set now all that's needed is to turn the switch on. I am nervous that I can't move. I suddenly wished Kaldur was here, he would have never been scared to push a damn button.

Megan placed a soft hand on my arm, "It'll be okay."

I want to believe in her words, but all my past failures get in the way. Plugging my gauntlets computer into the battery, I press the on switch.

The fortress lite up like a birthday cake and a large hum resonated in the air. I saw Megan squeezing Conner's arm in excitement, Artemis cracked a smile but didn't say anything. Wally forced me to look at output data.

Clark broke the silence, "Well did it work?"

I started looking at the data, I played with the settings. I prayed that it works.

After an hour of connecting the battery to the world, it was still going strong and showing no signs of failing.

Clark was impressed, "with your calculations if we at least keep this running for a year or two the world should be back on track to where it was from before the invasion."

I nodded.

He smiled and did something I haven't had in a while.

A hug.

"Thank you, Thank you….thank you so much," he started crying, "Bruce would be so proud."

It was then that I realised that I was crying too.

The group decided to leave it to Clark to tell the world as Superman what we did. He's always been good with the press, seeing he is part of them.

Wally threw an arm around my shoulder, "What are we going to do now old buddy?"

I looked at Conner and he's smiling like the day Superman gave him the name Conner Kent, "Yeah Rob." He said laughing, "What are we going to do?"

I smile, "Let's go get a few beers and see what we can find."

Elvis maybe?

I dunno. Hope you enjoyed. I really hope that the ending wasn't lame. And to MEEPheheCandy I really wanted to make them search for Elvis I really did! Maybe in some crack~

EDIT: Changed the place of the Fortress of Solitude. After getting a review from Zenbon Zakura stating something that made a hell of a lot more sense.