Title: They're Applauding Us
Author: BloodyEccentrik
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jo, Gabriel, Anna, Bobby, Michael
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1014
Spoilers: Not a one. Totally AU.
Summary: Dean has just won custody of his son and moves him back to his hometown of Lawrence to be around his family and ends up meeting author Castiel Novak. (Wow, I'm sucky at summaries…awkward)

A/N: First fanfic please forgive me.

Part I

"Daddy, can I gets some fruit leather? Please?"

Dean grimaced at his son, Jesse's, desire for the organic dried fruit that sat in baskets arranged around the kiosks of organic fruit in the produce section of the small local market a few blocks from their home. He blamed Sam completely for this grim development in his child's growth.

"Sure, dude, why not," Dean said, biting back a grieved sigh, offering his five year old an indulgent smile instead.

Dean watched as his son pondered the selection before he finally decided on the apple (a preference that Dean could get behind considering his it was the main ingredient in his favorite pie), and wondered why he listened to his lame brother anyway.

"Dean, you should consider going to the market over on Cloverleaf, they really do have the best selection of organic meats and produce."

Dean shot his little brother a disgusted look.

"Seriously, Dean, do you know how many hormones that they feed the chickens to get them all plump and pretty? Have you ever wondered what effect those types of hormones might have on a growing child?"

The disgust on Dean's face morphed into panic as he considered that at least giving organic food a try wouldn't actually kill him…

Dean was pulled from his memory at the sound of Jesse's voice.

"Dude, you're weird!"

Dean was momentarily confused at the statement until he saw the man standing beside the display of citrus fruit, shooting his son a bemused look.


Jesse whipped his head around to his father, shock at hearing the censure in his father's voice.


The man also looked up at Dean's voice and Dean was struck at the vivid blue of the man's eyes, and tried not to stutter at their intensity.

"Jesse, that is rude. Please apologize now."

Jesse crossed his arms across his chest, his face composed into a familiar composition of stubbornness.

"I din mean it bad, Daddy! He was talkin' to the fruits in a funny voice and I neber heard that before!"

Dean's gaze flicked over to the man, curious about his son's statement but not about to let his son get away with bad behavior.


Hearing the warning in his father's voice, Jesse turned to the stranger sullenly.


The other man had been watching father and son and seemed slightly startled to hear the little boys reluctant apology.

"Um…I forgive you," the man said graciously, "and just to clarify, I wasn't actually talking to the fruit, I was practicing my Russian and I understand how that may have been considered…unusual."

Dean raised an eyebrow.

"Russian, huh? You planning a trip there?"

"No. Why?"

Dean was confused.

"I just assumed that since you were practicing your Russian…."

"Oh," the other man said, "I apologize, my sister tells me that I can be rather obtuse…"


The awkward level was suddenly in the red.

"So, ok then, we should let you get back to your shopping. Come on, Jesse."

Dean waited for Jesse to drop the dried fruit in the basket before turning away from the other man, mentally berating himself for his inability to communicate with the attractive guy. When had he lost his skills? There used to be a time when he had to beat them off with a stick. Ok, maybe not so much but still, he never used to have a problem attracting men. Of course, Jesse wasn't exactly wrong, the other man was a tad peculiar.


Dean turned back to the dark haired man thinking that maybe he hadn't lost it after all.

"Do you know where the Hungarian paprika is located?"

Dean started at him blankly.

"I mean, I don't usually come to this market, but my car broke down and this place was in walking distance and I really need to restock my supply of Hungarian paprika and I have not been able to locate it. The paprika I mean, not the market, because obviously I found the market."

Dean watched, amazed, as the man babbled and wondered how the faint pink that was now staining his stubbled cheeks managed to be the exact shade as his full lips. The gentle tugging at the hem of his grey t-shirt brought him out of his intense study of the man, realizing that there had been several seconds of silence as the other man had stopped talking.

Dean cleared his throat.

"Actually, this is our first time here too. I usually just go the grocery on main but since I don't want my son to grow a third testicle from eating weird chicken hormones, I thought I would try organic."

Dean almost cringed at his own version of insanity but stopped himself just in time.

"So other then telling you that we passed the spices four aisles back, I can't really offer more help than that, however," he said, reaching into his wallet for a business card and handing it over, "I run Singer's Auto and if you bring your car in, I can take a look at your problem."

"Dean Winchester," the man read from the card. "Thank you, I will certainly do that. I'm Castiel, by the way, Castiel Novak."

Castiel had abandoned his perusal of the business card, and directed that laser sharp gaze back at Dean as he introduced himself.

The hem tugging had resumed and when Dean looked down at his son, he saw the warning signs of the little boys temper.

"I'm hungry," the little boy whined.

Rolling his eyes, Dean returned his attention back to Castiel, flashing his most charming smile full of blinding white teeth.

"Bring your car in and good lucking finding your Swedish pepper."

"Er, Hungarian paprika and thank you again."

Dean quickly steered both his child and his grocery cart out of the produce section and towards the checkout counters, hoping they could make it back home before Jesse devolved into one of his major tantrums.

As they left the store, Jesse turned to his father, his nose scrunched in puzzlement.

"Daddy? Whas a testicle?"