Hi guys okay so this is my first time writing publicly . . . um, i don't know why but they made me put ten things instead of pretty little liars but this is fan-fic. for PLL, so . . . Enjoy!
I don't own PLL, Sara Shepard does
Aria stood in the shower monday morning contemplating what she was going to do about the situation. It had been three monthes since an unknown figure, only called by A, had strted harrassing Aria and her three former best friends, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily. But wait. There is a friend missing. A perky heart shapen face named Alison. Alison who could make the little liars worlds go from Heaven to Hell in a snap of her fingers. Ali was the supremo evil being. She had dirt on everybody. But isn't it strange . . . Ali knew all the Liars secrets, yet, they knew not hers. Strange, for sure.
Aria was woken up out of her thinking when that all too familiar cell phone chymed. Aria looked at it and felt her heart drop to her feet. She whiped her hand on the towel she kept next to her shower and clicked open the phone. Ezra! That heart that just a minute ago was lying atop aria's toes was now higher than it's original setting. Aria was so delighted just to see Ezra's name, she didn't even care what the text said. But she read on anyway . . .
Aria you probably won't even get this til after school but I just wanted to ask you if you could come over tonight . . . I know it sucks we can't go out but I really need to see you even if we can't be seen. Forever yours, Ezra
Aria's fingers weren't moving fast enough at this moment . . .
Yes Yes Yes a million times Yes!
Aria jumped up and down giddily and got more excited when her phone chymed again.
Fantastic! Wow, I dodn't even know you were up yet. Early bird, :) ?
Aria loved it when Ezra used emoticons. It made him seem easier to reach, though even Aria herself knew that seemed juvinial and stupid. Speaking of juvinial and stupid, Aria was feeling a tad daring this morning and typed in a text that was not at all student\teacher appropriate.
Yeah, in the shower . . .
The second she got the little notification saying the messge had deffinitly been sent her heart was beating out of her chest! Would Ezra think that was slutty or sexy? Would his eyes pop out at her bolness or shrink from her immaturity. Would he -
Her phone tinkled and Aria was more afraid to read this that an A- text.
Really? I am too . . .
Aria sqeeled as if she were a toddler being tickled with a feather but now she was in a pickle . . . how do I respond to that? Aria wasn't really that into sexting and was very rapidly losing time to finish her shower and get dressed in time.
We can finish this kind of talk at your apartment tonight, see you in an hour :)
And with that Aria was styling her hair and slipping on her faux designer ankle boots in no time.
Aria walzed into English with a spring in her step and a twinkle in her eye . . . until she noticed a woman writing 'Ms. McPhearson' on the board. Aria's pace slowed and she tip-toed to the Ms. Mcphearson, a small pudgy woman with red hair and glasses.
"Um Ms. McPhearson? Hi Aria Mongomery im in this class . . . where's Mr. Fitz?
A look of fluster flashed onto Ms. McPhearson's facethen quickly vanished
"Oh, um, Mr. Fitz is going to be out for at least the next few days. Dear, he had a car accident on the way to school and his arm was broken and his right cheek badly bruised . . ."
Aria wanted to throw up. She had just talked, well texted, with Ezra less than an hour ago! Not to mention when the sub started listing off injuries all Aria could see was her sweet, sweet Ezra's Arm cracking in pain. The strong, yet lean, arms that had just last week held her on his beige fouton at his apartment while they watched a campy 1970's horror movie marathon. Not to mention his beautiful boyish face being crush by the weight of an impounding car.
The sub must have now realized Aria's ghostly complection and asked her if she was alright. Aria lied and croaked that she was fine and just all of a sudden got a migrain. She asked to be excused to the nurse's office. While she walked to her actual destination, the bathroom, Aria's phone chimed. Aria plucked it out hoping it would be Ezra to tell her all what happened and that he really needed her now and to-wait! Why was she thinking she needed to read the text from Ezra. Except it wasn't Ezra. It was A . . .
Poor, poor Ezra, huh Aria? But hey, thats what he gets for sending his teenagestudent sexy texts . . .When will youlearn Aria? I'm tryingto help you! but you need to leave Ezra alone
- A
Aria was gonna kill the bitch! Aria was going to be sick. She didn't even consider that she was in first period of her class, she just left. Aria clacked out of school into the parking lot and hopped into her blue suburban. It felt like the moment her key hit the ignition, she was in front of the all to familiar Hollis Apartment Complex. She fumbled into the building and bounded up the stairs to the 2nd floor where Ezra 214 apartment room resided. She already had the key in her hand and opened the door in seconds. And there he was. His full, curly brown hair whipped around his face and his ice blue eyes looking down at his Rosewood Centenial newspaper which he was holding in his good hand. He looked up and a mix of excitement, alarm, and weariness passed over his face.
"A-aria? What are you doing here? Why aren't you in school?" Aria shut the door and went over to him immediatly careful not to touch is arm which was in a sling rather than a cast. This probably meannt it was a clean break, meaning he would heal faster, meaning he could hold Aria sooner . . .
"I heard and I just left. Ezra I can't believe this happened! WHy would she do this? To do something to me that's bad, but to do this to you . . ." Aria started crying and Ezra dropped his newspaper and pulled Aria closer to him with his right arm, being Aria was on his right of course. Aria didn't know how much better she would feel once he did that, but she knew now. Ezra kissed her head and murmered 'shh'. Then he registered what Aria had said. "Wait what do you mean 'her'?" Aria wiped the last trars from her face and looked at Ezra. All she couls whisper was
Okay guys this is chapter one! Hope you liked it . . .