3 – beginning.

Thinking back, it was now a blessing to Kazehaya that he hadn't been given the sense of direction, for if he had, he wouldn't have encountered her underneath those enigmatic roseate blossom petals – he wouldn't have approached for her the correct route, and he would've surely missed her beautifully captivating smile.

20 – green.

Laying comfortably against the afternoon grass, with their heads touching and their hair intertwining, entangling with the headphones shared between them – the world looked so blue in their small little world, their little private pasture – with only the gentle beat reminding them that this was reality.

49 – winter.

Who knew a boy's fingers – no not any boy's fingers, his fingers, could be the perfect fit within her own palm; holding and warming up those delicate, frozen fingertips.

10 – duty.

"My duty is not to protect you – but rather to love you...man that sounds embarrassing...what about..."

44 – taboo.

"They say that if you even look at Sadako, you will get bad luck – but Kazehaya has been around her for so long and for some reason nothing ever happens to him.."

35 – roses.

Hopefully no one from school would recognize him; he and his tousled dark locks revealed itself ever so discreetly from above the obscurity of flora upon the shop window – as he pulled out his wallet to complete the purchase.

4 – bugs.

What frightened Sawako from her daydreaming was not the sight of the beady little cockroach loitering in front of her face – but rather the surprising sound of someone's particularly feminine reaction towards the creepy crawler.

13 – fall.

Her slender arms held onto me for dear life, her head, gently resting upon my own, accepting everything that had happened to me; her slightest tremble, I could feel through the light touch of our skin – no matter how much I make her give her undivided love to me, it's not enough – for I have fallen so hopelessly in love with her; let me fall deeper and become trapped in her embrace.

28 – new.

Ayano held Sawako's trembling hand as she presented Sawako to him – there were no words that he was able to describe the moment; the new "make-up wearing Sawako" was indeed a beauty in his eyes, but both Sawako and Kazehaya knew that the "all-natural" Sawako was what they were more comfortable with.

2 – apples.

Having sliced them up as cute little bunnies, Sawako was quite embarrassed to be caught playing with her food – but it was there was no teasing; he simply sat down right next to her, joining in on the fun.

50 Theme set; Delta: 1sentence LiveJournal; Going to periodically update this as a result of my writer's block