The Hunted
Chapter 1: Dark Dreams
Adrenaline rushing through her body, she leapt over the tall, stone wall and ducked behind the nearest tomb stone. Her eyes darted to where the shadow was making its way over to where she was hiding. His nostrils flared, breathing in deeply, searching out her scent. Her heart beat wildly beneath her chest. She was the prey, and unless she could escape, the predator would take her. Taking a steadying breath, she jumped out to face her opponent.
But there was nothing there.
Exhaling, very relieved, she rested her hands on her knees and crouched down, glancing around, wondering where the figure had gone. Standing up, she turned around and stood face to face with the shadow. Looking up at his face, she saw pure evil. His face was twisted and his fangs gleamed bone-white in the moonlight. His body was built for hunting and killing. She knew what it was, it was a vampire. And it was up to her to kill it.
Suddenly, she knew what to do. Reaching into her pocket, she withdrew her wand and did a quick transfiguration spell to make it thicker and sharper. Ducking out of the way of one of his punches, she grabbed his shoulders and flipped him over her back. Jumping on top of him, she tried to stab him through the chest, but he gave her a mighty shove and she flew into a headstone, banging her head, instantly seeing stars. Trying to regain her focus, she shook herself, but felt the figure grab her around the waist, and then drop her onto the ground. Getting on top of her, he leaned down towards her neck, his fangs bared,
"No," she cried, twisting around in his grasp. Feeling a sudden strength flow through her body, she wrenched her hands free and punched him in the face. Holding his nose, he stumbled back a few paces giving her a chance to jump up. Running over to him, she did a double flip and jammed the stake into his unbeating heart. Giving her one last push, he exploded into dust.
Hermione Granger woke up drenched in sweat. She was having those dreams again. Getting out of her warm bed, she walked over to the window. Flipping up the latches, she wrenched it open. Grasping the ledge, she leaned slightly out the window, welcoming the cool night air. Closing her aching eyes, she felt the air brush wisps of sweaty hair out of her face.
Oh Merlin. She shuddered violently. Those bloody dreams scared her almost to death. They seemed so real. She felt the adrenaline rush through her body, the pain of being beat around by the vampire...she felt it all. Why was this happening to her? Hermione had thought that Harry was the one who was supposed to be having the horrible dreams. She didn't understand any of it, and she felt like she needed to learn about it. The dreams were reoccurring and always the same. She would be out in the cemetery and then stake the vampire. There had to be some sort of reason why the same dream kept replaying through her head, night after night.
Opening her eyes, Hermione decided that she was going to find out what these dreams meant. The overtired girl looked out onto the street. It looked so peaceful, and of course it was. Everyone was sleeping, and she should be too. In this very lonely moment, Hermione missed her friends more than ever. They would know what to do, she was sure of it. Walking slowly back to her bed, she sank into it and pulled the covers over her, but she didn't sleep right away, because she knew the dreams would come back and haunt her all night.
Hermione woke up with her room full of sunshine. It was a brand new day, a new day to start searching for information about her dreams. Hermione had decided to look through her own books first, maybe her old divination books that she'd barely read. They probably didn't have any useful information about anything but it was worth a try. She didn't want to go skipping around town in search of books about deciphering dreams about killing vampires. People would think she was a nutter.
Hermione walked over to the washroom and flicked on the light. Looking in the mirror, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and made a face at the bags underneath her eyes. Quickly brushing her teeth and combing the knots out of her hair, she pulled it into a ponytail, and went back into her room to throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
Walking downstairs to the kitchen, she opened the fridge door and pulled out the milk. Walking over to the cupboard to grab some dry cereal, she happened to glance over at the answering machine and saw that there was a message on it. Pressing the play button, she listened to the message.
"Hey honey, its Mom and Dad. We got up early to take a drive. We were going to ask you to come, but you wouldn't wake up. We figured that you would be okay by yourself for a few hours. But...the car broke down your father and I are going to try to get home soon. We'll call your with an update. We love you! Bye!"
Hermione didn't mind that her parents weren't going to be here. She didn't really want to be bothered while she was researching. Bringing the divination books down to the coffee table, she started reading.
Three hours later, Hermione was no where. She had found some vague references, but nothing definite. It was all very sketchy material and Hermione wanted something more solid. The disheartened girl walked over to the chesterfield and flopped down on it. Rubbing her temples, she tried to think of other ways to get information about a way to analyze her strange dreams. I guess there's always the library, Hermione thought skeptically. They probably wouldn't have much more of a selection then she did, but it was worth a try. Hermione unenthusiastically pushed herself up and off the couch to grab her jacket and set out the front door and down the autumn touched streets.
Hermione loved the autumn. It was her favorite time of year and she enjoyed being outside when it was all around her. The feel of the light, warm wind on her face and the smell of leafy leaves in the air drove her senses wild. Hermione watched as the red, orange and gold leaves formed mini tornadoes and swept across peoples front lawns and the near-empty streets.
It seemed like in no time at all Hermione was at the library. The library was an old building, made of stone and cement. Almost reminding her of Gringotts Wizard Bank, it looked as if it had been there forever and a year, but it held strong and gave off the impression that it could withstand some epic battle of sprts. There were beautiful colored deciduous trees lining the brick walk that lead up to the front entrance way. Off to one of the side stood and old stone fountain. Perching on a pedestal was an evil looking snake and greenish-blue water was squirting out of its mouth inbetween some sharp looking fangs and falling into the fountain below, where some massive looking goldfish were kept. Hermione remembered one time where she had fallen in. Her mother had screamed and made a huge deal of it and had yelled at no one in particular as a kind man pulled Hermione out of the mess. Hermione chuckled as the memory washed through her and strolled up the walkway. Pulling open the large front doors that were made of a very solid oak, Hermione walked into the dimly lit library.
Hermione suddenly wondered if this was such a good idea. The librarian, Mrs. Grawly was quite an eccentric lady. If it was possible, Hermione thought that Mrs. Grawly was crazier than Professor Trelawney. She would probably try to pry into Hermione's mind and figure out what was going on. It was going to be pretty hard trying to find the information by herself. The library didn't have any computers to search for the information that you wanted. The only way to find exactly what you wanted was by asking the creepy librarian yourself.
Deciding there was no way around it, Hermione walked quietly over to the big front desk and looked at Mrs. Grawly. The librarian hadn't heard her approach because she was so involved in stamping a bunch of papers. Glancing closer at the stamp mark that was left behind, it said 'OVERDUE' in thick red letters. Hermione couldn't help but make a little snigger. Mrs. Grawly sure must enjoy making those stamps, because she still didn't look up. The librarian was wearing a ploofy white blouse and dangly parrot earrings. Her curly gray hair was tucked up into what looked almost like a gray bonnet and her glasses had slid all the way down to the very tip of her nose. Hermione cleared her throat loudly, "AHEM!"
Mrs. Grawly looked up at Hermione and the nervous girl shivered. She hated the librarians queer gaze. "Yesa?" Mrs. Grawly had a strange accent that Hermione could never place.
Hermione forced a smile, "Hi Mrs. Grawly. I was looking for some books on a specific subject."
Mrs. Grawly raised an eyebrow and threw her arms out wide as though she was going to give Hermione an intense bear hug, "Hermione! Howa are you doing? I haven't seen you for some ages, yes?"
"Err, yes. I been busy with.. school and all," Hermione said loudly and winced. She shifted from the foot she was leaning on to the opposite one.
"But it's summa vacation! You haven't come to seea your Mrs. Grawly," the librarian shrilled.
Hermione grimaced; Mrs. Grawly was getting a bit worked up. She'd better cut to the chase and get out of here soon as possible. "Mrs. Grawly. I really need your help finding a book. I have project due and summer is over in a week."
The irrational librarian sighed loudly and started tapping her foot. Her mouth tightened into a little line and Hermione bit her lip. The librarian wasn't going to give up until she had had one of her world's longest chat with Hermione. "How about I come back some other time? I am a bit rushed and I need to get home soon because.. my mom's expecting me."
It took a while for Mrs. Grawly to accepted Hermione's answer, but finally she spoke. "Wella...alrighty-o I guessa. You musta come for tea sometima!"
"Yes yes yes I'll come for tea! But can you please pleeeeeeeeeeease help me find the books that I need!" After Hermione said it she regretted it. THAT would not go over to well.
Mrs. Grawly's face went from an expression of question to one that looked as if she was ready to spit nails. It must have taken her quite a bit to keep her cool, "Fine thena. What isa the subjecta thata youra wanting to finda?"
Hermione took a deep breath, "Dreams. Analyzing dreams actually."
Mrs. Grawly gave Hermione a suspicious look but still kept the steam from pouring out of her ears, "We do hava some ofa thosa kind ofa booksa. Follow me." Hermione followed Mrs. Grawly without speaking. They passed what seemed like miles of books until Mrs. Grawly stopped so suddenly that Hermione almost bumped into her. She snatched a book off the shelf and handed it to Hermione. And then another. Then another. And another and another.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump!
Mrs. Grawly piled books in Hermione's arms until they towered over her head. "Thatsa all the ones I hava. Is there anything elsa you maya needa?"
Hermione smiled as brightly as she possibly could and replied, "No. This is everything. Thank you."
"Willa you be taking these outa?"
Hermione swallowed, "Yes please."
Mrs. Grawly snatched the books out of Hermione's hands and stomped over to the checkout counter. Flipping the books open she started putting stamps on the little cards that said when the books were supposed to be due. "Herea youa are. They are due in a weeka. Goodbye." Hermione could almost feel the heat of the fire burning in Mrs. Grawly's brain. She quickly grabbed the stack of books and practically ran out the door.
It took Hermione a while to get home. Mostly because of the huge pile of books in her arms. But also because she kept letting her mind wander and she'd stray down the wrong street, then have to find her way back to where she was walking before.
Hermione was filled with excitement about going back to Hogwarts. School started in a week and she couldn't wait to start her sixth year. She also couldn't wait to see Harry and Ron. As soon as fifth year had ended, Harry had been shipped off to the Burrow, but Hermione hadn't been able to visit either of them yet this summer. Hermione wondered what they were doing right now. Probably both stuffing their faces with Mrs. Weasly's fantastic food or maybe playing Quidditch. Hermione sighed and shifted the books into a more comfortable position in her arms then continued walking.
Finally Hermione arrived back at her house. Unlocking the front door, she stepped inside, and then slammed the door behind her. "MOM? DAD?" Hermione hollered. No one answered so she assumed they were still out, trying to find a way to get home. Hermione entered the living room, lugging the books to the coffee table and then dumping them on top of it. Placing herself in the midst of the mess of information, she began reading.
By 2:30 am Hermione had more or less managed to skim through all of the books. She leaned back and hugged a pillow to herself and began to read the notes she'd made from all the important information she'd found. She had copied down some of the more important paragraphs and meanings and so on. Most of it wasn't new stuff. What she gathered from the library books was that the dreams she'd been having, were about her worst fears and she was going to have bad luck and blah blah blah blah blah. Hermione didn't understand how anyone could read straight though that seemed completely pointless to her. She herself had fallen asleep numerous times in the middle of paragraphs.
Lifting her feet onto the couch and closing her eyes, she fell asleep, only to have her horrible nightmares claim her.
The next day...
Hermione woke the next morning to the mouth watering smell of bacon and eggs. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, she sauntered into the kitchen. Her mom was standing there flipping some scrambled eggs around in the pan. "Hey mom," Hermione greeted sleepily, "when did you get home? I didn't hear you come in."
Her mom smiled brightly up at her, "well you wouldn't have, you were sound asleep when we came in...And it was pretty early when when we got back!" Her mother laughed cheerfully and Hermione smiled.
"What happened to the car? Did you find out at all?" Hermione asked.
" completely broke down. What the mechanic said was it basically went kaplewy so we bought a new one," mom explained.
Hermione's looked up at her mother amused. "Kaplewy?"
Mom laughed again. "Your dad could probably explain it better to you if you like sweetheart. All that car stuff is so dull to me."
Hermione's father walked into the kitchen at that moment. "What can I explain?" he asked, raising his eyebrows and grabbing a slice of slightly burnt toast. Kissing Hermione's mother on the cheek and Hermione on the top of her head, he sat down at the table.
"Daddy!" Hermione said affectionately, leaning against his shoulder. "Mom was trying to explain what happened to the car. But the best possible adjective that she could come up with was 'kaplewy'." Hermione giggled, poking fun at her mother.
"Kaplewy, eh Claire?" Hermione father chuckled as he took the last bite of his toast. "That is a bit of an understatement darling." Turning to look at his daughter he explained, "the engine fell out."
"The engine fell out?" Hermione raised her eyebrow at them both.
"Bruce, don't be so dramatic!" Claire exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly and dishing some eggs onto plates for her husband and daughter.
"Then engine fell out," Bruce nodded solemnly.
Hermione's mother broke the seriousness and started laughing. Hermione looked back and forth between her ridicules parents and smiled. "I love you both, you know."
"We love you too honey," Hermione's mother chimed, flipping some bacon onto their plates.
Platform 9 3/4...
The rest of the week went by quickly. Hermione finally got to se the new car that her parents had bought, she and her mom went to Diagon Alley to get the school supplies, clothes and necessary items for school, and Hermione kept on having her dark dreams.
Finally Hermione was rushing through the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 to get to the Hogwarts express. Hermione looked up and saw the giant, red steam engine. Hermione took her time getting aboard because she was early and found that the usual compartment was free.
Stowing her bags away on the luggage rack, she sat down and stared out the window, watching all the kids and parents saying goodbye to each other. Cats and mice and rats wove their way around and between peoples feet. Not seeing Harry or Ron anywhere in sight, she got up to get a book to read, but slipped and fell.
Her head crashed into the side of the compartment and Hermione instantly felt dizzy. She felt a sudden jolt, but paid no mind to it and focused all her might on focusing in on the world. Hermione opened her eyes painfully, but all she saw were blurs. The whole world was like a smudged up pastel picture and Hermione was not enjoying it. She could almost see the stars swimming around her head. Closing her eyes, she made a moaning sound, and abruptly heard voices.
"Holy shit!"
"What the hell?"
"Wormtail, get a teacher, quick!"
Hermione focused all her strength on trying to see who was speaking. All she saw was four, very blurry figures before everything turned black.