A/N: Cue The Doors…This is the end…beautiful friend…the end…
A LARGE Thank You to my slappers- you have been there since step one and I couldn't have done it without ALL of your support.
Thanks to KareBear and Grace who started the journey with me and to Cathie,Erin and Linds who finished it.
If I didn't answer your questions, PM me and I will do my best.
The BIGGEST thanks goes to each and every one of you that has read this.
I have decided to leave the Epi without a Song Title- I couldn't agree on one
Epilogue-7 Years later
I glanced at my watch and sighed, took another sip of coffee and put the paper down. I glanced to my left to see Sampson, my dog looking at me expectantly. He is a six year old pit-bull mix that was a Christmas gift from Emily at our first family Christmas. He is very in tune with the time frames in our house.
"Sampson, do you want to get the girl?" I asked. He jumped off the chair, shook off and traipsed down the hall. I followed him passing the pictures of Edward, Emily and I from the last seven years. He was patiently waiting in front of Emily's door. I barely had a chance to turn the handle before he was pouncing onto her bed to attack her face with kisses. I laughed even though this is the same way I got her up for school every Friday for years.
"Come on, Em get on up." I said as I went down the hall to our room to get ready for work. Typical Friday morning in the Cullen house started with me reading the paper and drinking coffee, then to Sampson and me waking Emily up for school. Once Emily and I were ready to leave the house, I would drop her off at her mom's and then continue on to work. Edward would pick her up from school and bring her home with him.
"Bella?" I heard Emily sing song to me.
"Emily, is there some kind of favor you need?" I could hear her laughing from her bathroom.
"Can you puhleeeeze help me with my hair today? I want to straighten it and I can't get the back right." She's practically begging by the end of the sentence.
"Plug in the straightener and keep getting ready. IF we have enough time, I will run it over your hair."
"Thanks B!" She shouted.
After shoveling some cereal down her throat, I did a quickie job on her hair and tried to steer her out the door. Unfortunately, there is never a smooth exit on a Friday morning. For an almost thirteen year old, Emily has the memory of a toddler. She had to go back to her room two times for her jacket and her messenger bag.
Once we were situated in the car, the Clash's "White Riot" blared out from Emily's bag causing me to giggle. That was her ringtone for Edward. I was able to get on the highway headed to her mom house as she talked with her dad about movie night selections.
We got to her moms with five minutes to spare before they would have to leave for school. Kate and I exchanged small talk and 'Happy Friday' salutations as Emily went from got one car to the other. I waved and took off, headed to work.
Halfway through my day, I heard my text prompt, but I was too busy to pick it up. I had another two days to get the travel claims done for the team to go to Miami. Emmett wasn't going on this trip as Rose's due date was two days ago. That's right, they decided to reproduce.
I sighed and thought about Alice and Jasper for a minute. They were still very happily not married but no longer working together, as Alice was promoted to head of a different department. I hadn't seen them in awhile but we were having a family BBQ on Saturday night.
While answering an email, I checked my text messages to see my standard text from Edward.
Hi Baby. I Love You
Every day he sent that to me, and every day it made me smile.
I packed up my office for the weekend and headed home, only to find a very energetic dog and teenager. I convinced Emily to run around out back with Sampson, kicking his ball for him, and searched for my husband.
"Edward! Where are you?" I headed to our room and found him sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. "Baby, what's the matter?" I kissed his head.
"A BOY walked Emily over to the motorcycle after school today. Last week she had on mascara when I picked her up. I'm not ready for any of this Bella." I tried not to laugh at him as I cuddled his head to my stomach.
"Baby, you know it will happen one day, right? Have you and Kate talked about rules and regulations so you can be on the same page?" I could feel him shake his head no against me. "Then, let it happen naturally. Keep in mind, you're the motorcycle riding, guitar playing 'cool' dad. Now let's eat and watch a movie." I pulled him off the bed and out of the room.
After we had digested our pizza, we were in our comfy clothes and ready to watch one of the Shrek movies. Emily, Edward and the dog shared the bed and I was curled up in the recliner.
"Hey Bella, can you please tell daddy to let me sleep out here? I'm too big for him to carry me down the hall if I fall asleep."
Edward leaned over and kissed the top of her head. "You will NEVER be too big for me to carry. " He got up and retrieved each of us a beer. As he handed me mine, he gave me the look. It was the one I could always read. The one that says, I wish we didn't have Em tonight because I want to be alone with you. I sighed, shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of beer. Emily's set in stone schedule had her at our house Thursday and Friday nights. Kate picked her up by noon on Saturday mornings.
I grabbed a throw blanket and snuggled down to watch Shrek. About forty-five minutes in, I could hear subtle snoring from the couch. I glanced over and all three of them were asleep.
I took a look at my platinum wedding band on my left hand and the claddagh on my right and laughed to myself. Hey, this is my life and I wouldn't change it for anything!
The End, Really..although as this is RL, it continues on
A/N: Love It? Hate It? Please review…
the epi is a VERY true to life version of EVERY Friday during the school year.
Thanks to JRC and ARC without whom there would be no story to tell..ILYBOTH