It had only been a few moments since the strange British guy had left before Buffy suddenly spoke up.
"Giles I think that was the guy from my dream."
"Buffy what about Riley." Willow couldn't help but ask because of everything they went through to get Buffy and Riley together.
"What?" Buffy then blushed on realising what Willow thought she meant. "No. The guy from that weird Slayer dream. The one that was trying to help me find you guys and spoke for the First Slayer."
"So he's a good guy then?" Asked Xander hoping to hurry along the conversation they had Tara's party to get to after cleaning up the store.
"I...I don't believe it necessary makes him good or evil as Buffy did say Adam or the man that would become Adam was in her dream..." Giles started with his cautionary speech.
"And Harmony in mine." Piped up Willow from beside Tara who she was still comforting.
"Seeing him was just a portent of things or in this case who to come." Giles had to take off and clean his glasses to resist doing something to Xander when he started snickering.
"Does that mean the guy with the cheese will be showing up as well?" Buffy asked with a confused frown.
"Dear Lord I hope not."
It was coming on nine the next morning and Harry was taking a walk to the Magic Box he was going to meet at least a few of the people who had been there last night and hopefully try and sort things out with his daughter. That was something he wanted to know, he hadn't recognised any of them except Dawn and she hadn't been the age she should be. But even so he had thousands of questions about her; what did she like? Could she do magic? Would she like him?
The large blue sign of the Magic Box was looming over him now as he stood at the front entrance. Inside the elder gentleman from last night could be seen getting the shop readying it for customers; checking display cases and items on the shelves. No doubt double checking to make sure no damage from last night still remained.
He had apparently noticed Harry waiting outside as he moved to unlock and open the door, stepping aside to let him in without saying anything. Either he didn't have very good manners or he knew about inviting vampires in. That brought a new worry to Harry's mind. Was his daughter involved in anything to do with vampires?
"Ah yes Mister...I don't believe I caught your name?" Harry smirked at this he never gave it and the other man knew that and he knew that he knew that. He was just being polite and not asking him outright.
"Potter, Harry Potter." There was no flash of recognition across his face so either; he didn't know of him or was very good at controlling his emotions.
"Well then Mister Potter what can we do for you at the Magic Box." Harry couldn't help but notice that the other man still hadn't given him his name.
"I was told to be here at a specific time...Yesterday to meet my daughter."
"Your daughter? To my understanding all the girls know who their fathers are and where they are. Besides if you don't mind my saying, aren't you a bit young to have a child over the age of three?"
Smiling at him Harry decided to lay his cards on the table. "I was informed by my bank that I apparently have a daughter. Given both my political standing and my wealth you can imagine that I am very careful about that sort of thing. So imagine my surprise when I was told that with a women I've never heard of in a country I've never been to I have a child." By this point the other man was paling. He probably knows something. "So I came to America got a little mystical help while being very vague about what I was looking for my -as I was led to believe- few month old daughter. Dawn Marie Summers."
The man seemed to being trying to make up his mind about what he could or could not say before finally. "I need to make phone call." The look clearly said 'your not leaving my sight' so Harry decided to go along.
"I just look at what you have on display."
What was on display was interesting. Books that Hermione swore up and down no longer existed; Hermione had become just as blind as the people who grow up in the Wizarding World after all this time and barely being with her parents. Amulets, statues and icons of various gods and goddesses, ingredients like newt eyes, aconite and others. Harry was very impressed with it all and had politely been ignoring the owners (he still didn't know his name) phone call.
"If you would come with me Mister Potter." Clearly not a question.
"Where to?"
He didn't really get an answer not with the pistol crossbow pointed at him.
Harry and the gentleman who had finally introduced himself as Rupert Giles as he was driven in Mr Giles' red sports car to a house in Sunnydale where they were met at the door by a beautiful women. If Harry had to guess he would say the blonde women was in her early forties and knew Mr Giles who addressed her as Joyce before Mr Giles' pistol crossbow made a reappearance having been hidden while out in public. Harry was directed to sit on one of the sofas while they all sat and apparently waited for Buffy, so now Harry would get to meet the mother of his child.
They didn't wait long before the short blonde from last night burst through the door.
"What's going on? Is Dawn OK?" Quickly flew from her mouth before she had even looked to see who was in the room. Then her eyes landed on Harry. "Your the guy from last night."
For a few moments the only response to her statement was a raised eyebrow from Harry as they studied each other. She was short for one especially given how tall Harry and Dawn are compared to her. Wearing tan trousers and a white shirt or is it supposed to be called a blouse? Either way she seemed to be glaring at him now.
"Yes that's me. Harry Potter." Holding out his hand for her to shake which she decided against.
"Giles said your bank told you that Dawn's your daughter." Buffy was still glaring at him; apparently he'd done something wrong although he couldn't think what.
"Yes. Being one of their wealthier clients they keep track of things like that in case someone tries to make a fraudulent claim of being an heir."
"So how do they keep track then." Crossing her arms and leaning back slightly.
"It's a magic bank." Harry really couldn't keep the smirk off of his face when he said that, as it was he was getting tired of these questions and wanted to see his daughter. How she was in her teens could come later. "If it would help I could do some magic but I think you would be more interested in this first." Reaching into pocket Harry took out his wallet, opening it he pulled out the same thick piece of parchment that the goblin had read Dawn's lineage from however now it had extensive genealogy from both his and Buffy's families and handed it over to Buffy who just glanced at it then passed it to Giles.
After spending a few minutes reading through it Giles turned to him. "Provided this isn't an exemplary forgery what are your intensions towards Dawn. None of us will let you take her away."
Sighing before starting Harry took a moment how to phrase what he was going to tell them, he couldn't tell them everything yet but he needed to trust him. "Dawn's my daughter the only family I have left, all I want is to be a part of her life. I would like to know how she is a teenager when she supposed to be a few weeks old and how exactly you erased my memories after sleeping with me because I check regularly for alterations to my memories."
"Buffy what is he talking about. You know as well as I do that Dawn was born in 1986 in LA your Aunt Arlene was there and you were at home with Lolly and Celia when Hank and I brought her home." Joyce questioned. This was all new information with Harry and while he wasn't as smart as Hermione he was certainly intelligent...Just not a genius. Besides he had always been better at figuring things out than her.
Buffy and Giles shared a long look before Giles took off his glasses to clean them and Buffy sighed. "Mom. Dawn didn't exist until a couple of weeks ago..."
"In light of the new information 29th September." Giles put forward earning him a glare from Buffy.
"Right. Some monks in Czechomina..."
"Czech Republic." Both Giles and Harry said simultaneously.
"...Were guarding this thing called the Key and found out they were going to be attacked so they made it human. They got some of my blood and quote 'took some blood from the most powerful magic user to ever walk the Earth' to make her then altered everyone's memories."
"I wouldn't go as far as to say 'most powerful'. But I would like to know how you know all of this?" Harry asked while processing what he had just been told.
"I rescued the last of the monks as he was being tortured for information on the Key. He told me all of this as he died."
"And your sure that it is Dawn, this Key and as a result she's in danger." asked Harry with thoughts and plan running through his mind.
"Given what was discussed between Buffy and this monk from the Order of Dagon yes." Giles answered for Buffy.
"Right then." And with that Harry stood up, his wand snapping into his hand from its forearm holster and was already weaving wards and casting protections spells on the house before any of the others could say anything.
"What are you doing?!" Suddenly snapped Buffy as she leapt at Harry and was bounced back by a barrier that Harry had placed to stop anyone from interfering.
"Given how Mrs Summers' memories are of her being Dawn's mother then that means that Dawn likely lives or at least spends a lot of her time here. I am adding to the magic protecting this property." At this point Harry was putting down a number of obscure wards to prevent Dumbledore or any like him from discovering them or detecting Dawn's magic when she undoubtedly begins doing accidental magic.
For Giles, Joyce and Buffy as they watched Harry was waving his wand and a multi-spectrum of colours were coming from it interspersed with runes that Harry cast in the air with the tip of wand before they sank into the ground or expanded outward encompassing the whole house. This stopped when he quickly turned to face them.
"What do you have in the way of weapons to fight off anyone who makes it past the wards?"
"I am the Slayer so I have plenty of weapons." Buffy told him with a slight air of superiority.
"What is a slayer?" Harry asked in confusion. Was he supposed to know what one was? "It doesn't matter right now. What weapons are they?"
Giles took to answering this one. "A number of stakes, holy water, crossbow bolts and of course a few crossbows to launch them from."
"No swords or guns? I thought every single American owned at least one gun." Harry actually got a small smile from Giles for that, luckily he was stood behind Buffy and Joyce so they didn't see.
"I have a sword and a couple of axes. I don't like guns so we don't use them."
"Well anything tries to harm Dawn and I'll be using one regardless of whether you like them or not." Turning away from and ignoring Buffy for a moment as Harry decided to lay another card on the table so to speak. "Kreacher."
Kreacher suddenly popped into the room, all 2 foot miserable 3 inches of him, with his bald grey skin and mumbling to himself anyone who had read Lord of the Ring might have mistaken him for a short Gollum.
"Half-blood Master called Kreacher."
"Kreacher, my daughter lives here. She needs to be protected, take some of the swords, axes and armour from what I brought here and place it in this house where you can find room."
Rather than speak Kreacher simply popped away. A second later there was another pop followed quickly by another. Kreacher had evidently found somewhere to place them and then left without bothering to ask permission.
"What was that. I don't want any demons in here..." Buffy started only to be interrupted by Harry.
"That was Kreacher one of my house elves, they not demon more a servant magical beings, they are bound to famines." Having returned to setting up the wards. "The wards I'm putting up run from protecting the building itself so no doors or windows being broken in, wards to prevent scrying and other forms of using magic to locate someone. Protecting tied to the emotions of those living in the house so either Mrs Summers or Dawn feel threatened them the house will shift slightly out of this dimension making it next to impossible to attack it from this dimension. The only things existing in this dimension are oxygen light and a couple of my properties so the house and those within will be safe there." With that there was a ball of light and Harry finished casting and chanting, the ball glowed blue and purple and mixed in whites for a few seconds then expanded to encompass the house before disappearing.
Turning back to the others Joyce was still trying to grasp what was happening and had been said, Giles was giving Harry calculating looks but Buffy clearly didn't trust Harry.
"Giles call Willow and Tara and have them check all the magic he just did." After that Giles was already on the way to the phone resting in its cradle beside the sofa to make that call.
What followed was an awkward 20 minutes where Harry stood in Buffy and Giles eyesight while they talked quietly with Joyce explaining something there were aware of while waiting for Willow and Tara to arrive. Harry spent them on say on the sofa while the others where between the only ways out...If Harry was to use magic.
The front door opened followed by a 'Hey Buffy.' From Willow and Tara as they walked into the living room.
"I need you two to check the magic that Harry here just cast he called it wards." Buffy pointed at Harry and was apparently in a hurry as she didn't bother greeting either of them.
Harry gave a small wave in reply when both girls looked at him before watching them as they straight away started unpacking ingredients and crystals. Willow had began burning something and was chanting under her breath while Tara was setting up crystal around what appeared to be a small map or blueprint of the house. The burning incense and chanting apparently did something as that diagram of the house began to glow various colours which meant something to Willow and Tara as they both leaned back with looks of awe on their faces.
"Um...Buffy. Whatever Umm...Harry did was really powerful and well this is probably the safest place on Sunnydale. I mean if I had a year I don't think I could bring these wards down...I...I haven't heard or recognise most of these." Willow began explaining to Buffy and to Giles and Joyce who were listening in.
"Th...Thes...These are the strongest I...I...I've felt." Tara added, given that she had learned magic from her mother.
"I got all tingly when I walked in." Willow finished with a smile.
"There is one last one I would like to add but we need dawn here for that." The looks Harry was getting from Buffy and Giles he needed to explain further. "It's familial so we need the family here and that ward would get stronger with the whole family under."
"How strong?" asked Giles while cleaning his glasses.
"Too the point where if Mrs Summers, Buffy and Dawn were all under it the ward would thrown any demons clear across the road. If it's tied into some of the other wards like to intent based ones then it will affect anyone or thing will ill-intent." Harry answered.
That had them all looking at each other while they thought about what Harry had just said, and while Harry didn't know what was at the forefront of their minds was the woman/demon that Buffy had just barely escaped with her life.
What followed was again Buffy, Giles and Joyce of to one side talking quietly between themselves and keeping an eye on Harry, while Willow and Tara picked Harry's brain about everything magic related they could come up with. Starting from the wards and moving over to foci and methods of casting magic in general. During this Harry learned that; one the both witches in front of him were more wiccans, two that the magics they did were more ritual in nature requiring chant and incantations for the most part, and three they have never used wands.
Granted this kind of discussion was more of Hermione's thing but he explained what he could and they went over what spells they could do with having to use a ritual. They tended to involve a long chant but it was something to look into later, especially if he could combine it with the magic he does. Being able to do his own magic wandlessly would be a big help.
Given how it was only mid-day Dawn would not have finished school yet and would not for a few hours, given how Buffy and Giles did not trust him the final wards he wanted to place that required Dawn's presence as well would have to wait until she had been picked up from school by someone called Riley who was likely the other American at the Magic Box last night. Harry would then do the wards under the scrutiny of Buffy, Giles, Willow, Tara and probably this Riley person.
Of course waiting a few hours under distrustful eyes a multiple people who you are trying to help was going to be awkward, then through in that you haven't eaten since breakfast and that Mrs Summers on more than one occasion tried to offer something to eat or drink only to be pulled away by Buffy and/or Giles who clearly didn't even trust him that far.
Fun times.
"Mom! I'm home. Why did you need Riley to pick me up?" The sound of Dawn entering this with Riley close on her footsteps.
"Hi Mrs Summers" Before heading straight for Buffy who greeted Riley with a kiss.
Dawn looked just as she had the night before although in the sunlight coming from the windows her hair looked to more brown than black, but her eyes were the same shade of green as his, as his mum's. Riley who apparently wasn't the other American there last night, was taller than everyone else there-maybe 6'2 or 6'3-with blond hair and blue eyes, almost Aryan was what sprung to Harry's mind. Well built so either works out or given how un-surprised they were by that demon last night, perhaps a hunter?
Dawn had apparently noticed Harry observing Riley and remembering him from last night came over to talk.
"Yeah they do that. It's really gross, they'll probably go upstairs to have sex soon." Buffy had clearly heard as she turned around to say something to Dawn.
Harry quickly decided to step in for Dawn, after all she is his daughter.
"Actually I was surprised to see that she didn't need a step ladder. I wasn't aware that she could stretch that far or that Riley...Could stoop that low." That comment earned a laugh from Dawn and a glare from Buffy. So one point in favour of getting along with his daughter even if she is not aware, and minus a point for getting along with her family. "Harry."
Holding his hand out with a smile to Dawn, aware that everyone else was watching him closely to see if he would do anything to hurt Dawn.
"Are you a Watcher? Everyone else I've met with an English accent is a Watcher...Or Spike" Dawn asked while shaking his hand, her brows knotting in confusion.
Harry signed before answering. He didn't want to some of this to come up. I always sounded like boasting and people always treat him differently afterwards.
"I keep hearing that term but I have no idea what a Watcher is. If I'm to formally introduce myself...Harry James Potter, Marquees of Salisbury, Earl of Salisbury, Viscount Cranborne, Baron Cecil, and a few other titles that I don't care given the low option I have of the people who gave me them." Dawn's eyes clearly widen at that and was unsure of what to say. Frankly Harry was just going to wait for the inevitably questions.
"Other titles?" Looking over at him Harry sure the Giles had taken of his glasses just before asking that and was cleaning them now with a piece of cloth.
"Boy-Who-Lived and Man-Who-Conquered, both of which are hyphenated and ridiculous given to me by a group of very cowardly magic users, the first one after surviving something that should have killed me when I was a baby. The other after I defeated Voldemort and his forces, although those magic users were as I said cowards and wouldn't even refer to him by name it was always He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name and You-Know-Who again hyphenated. They like hyphenating things." Hopefully that would be enough as Harry had no interest in getting into it anymore than that.
Giles was cleaning his glasses a little more vigorously, thinking over what Harry had just reluctantly revealed, Willow and Tara clearly had questions, likely about magic and the magic users he mentioned. Both Buffy and Riley were appraising him or in both case re-appraising him, how much of a threat, what did they think he could do before they stop him. That sort of thing. Dawn had moved over to Joyce's side, who looked a little less confused than earlier but decided to move things along.
"You said we needed Dawn here for the rest of the wards?"
"Yes...Um could I have a bowl preferably glass that has not been used for any kind of magic or ritual?" Joyce went into the kitchen to fetch a bowl for him. Turning towards Buffy given what she had said about the weapons in the house before. "I also need a dagger."
That caused people to shift about, Buffy, Giles and Riley now looked ready to attack him at a moment notice.
"Why?" Buffy just about growled at him.
"Like I said these final wards are familial so will require some blood from yourself, Dawn and Mrs Summers to tie them to your family. It's also why I need a bowl to have had no magic done using or in it before." Harry replied calmly as he began mentally going over the wand movements.
"Why not conjure a dagger or knife." Was Giles' question and also got a quick look from Willow and Tara. So Harry assumed it was a test of sorts. No idea what kind of test though.
"Like with bowl it needs to be something that has not touched magic before. I didn't use or suggest any of the weapons I had Kreacher bring over earlier for that same reason." No one moved so they must be waiting for Harry to explain it a bit more. "The weapons brought over are enchanted and have been dipped in Basilisk venom, the slightest nick from one of those will poison and kill a human with a couple of minutes and a vampire in about five to ten minutes. I don't want you to kill yourselves while I'm setting your wards." Harry finished with a smile hoping to lighten the mood that had permeated the house since he arrived.
Joyce had obviously overheard as she came back into the living room with a glass bowl that might be called a dish given how it was a little large than average size ash trays, it probably held fruit or ice-cream at some point. Doubtful that it would again.
"So the three of you just need to cut the palm of your hand doesn't matter which and let your blood drip into to the bowl for a few seconds." Seeing the look on his daughter's face Harry softened his voice and offered. "I can cast a charm to numb your hand before and then heal the cut and then taken to charm back of after if you would like?"
Dawn looked at the knife which would probably never be used in any way for cooking after this and then nodded her head. Before Harry could take out his wand to cast Buffy took the bowl from Joyce's arms and handed it to Riley, waved Willow and Tara over to watch and then cut the palm of her left hand squeezing it over the bowl until the very lip at the bottom was covered in her blood.
Harry at approached and with point and with a roll of his eye because Buffy clearly felt she had something to prove, he waved his wand once and the cut on Buffy hand closed and healed before their eyes. Buffy indicated for Joyce to go next and so she walked up to Riley and the bowl.
"Would you like me to numb your hand first?" Harry asked.
Joyce looked at Buffy first who herself looked at Harry apparently judging him before nodding. Joyce held out her hand of the bowl which Harry took as agreement and cast the numbing charm on her hand and nodded to Buffy. Joyce like Buffy squeezed her hand once cut while her blood mixed with Buffy's, once she opened her hand again Harry healed it and then removed the numbing charm.
Harry turned around to beckon Dawn over and found she was already waiting with her hand out. Giving her a smile and then a numbing charm Dawn quickly had her hand over the bowl waiting for Buffy to cut it. While Dawn squeezed the blood from her hand and watch it mixing with her mother and sister's. Harry heard the whispered 'cool'. Buffy had to lift Dawn's hand away from the bowl as she was to engrossed in what was happening, another healing and de-numbing charm and the final part was ready.
Harry reached for the bowl and tried to lift it out of Riley's arms, however Riley refused to let go. Harry rolled his eyes at this and dripped the end of his wand in to the blood for a few second before turning around and cast the necessary runes into the air. As he did both the tip of his wand and the blood in the bowl glowed, the wand brightly enough for there to be an after image in everyone's eyes. This continued for a few minutes before the blood in the bowl flared a bright blue then vanished and Harry wand tip stopped glowing.
"There we go wards finished. I imagine that Buffy will want the two of you to test them." The last part said to Willow and Tara which Buffy confirmed a second later. It only took them a couple of minutes to test them and confirm they were even stronger.
"So why are you here. Aside from making the house safe I mean." Dawn asked when it started to get awkward as no one knew what to do next.
Before Harry could think of how to answer Buffy jumped in.
"Giles hired Harry. He's big with the mojo and with this crazy demon chick around we just want to be safe. He'll be staying in town to help as well." While Harry wished that she had said that so he could spend time with his daughter she clearly didn't want him to let dawn know who he was to her. Harry gave them a smile which he hoped didn't show what he had realised.
"If that is all I'll head home. I can ward the Magic Box and anywhere else tomorrow." Harry turned to leave through the door but didn't get far before Giles questioned.
"Where do you live?"
"There's a castle on the outskirts of town, I bought it about a week ago, cheap to apparently something to do with the previous owner dying recently? They still haven't turned the electricity on although I do have water." Harry answered. "So with no power I don't have phones sorted or even know what the number would be and I haven't gotten around to getting a mobile either."
With that Harry finished walking out the door, those that could see through to window saw him walk off the edge of the property and then disappear.
"Willow can you or Tara teleport like that?" Buffy asked Willow who looked shaken and slightly put out.
"No. It takes a look of power to teleport."
"Bu..But he did say he does a different kind of magic. Maybe it's easier for them to teleport." Reasoned Tara who then frowned for a few seconds thinking and stated. "He looked sad when he smile before he left."
Buffy exchanged quick looks with Giles and Mrs Summers that no seemed to catch before replying.
"Well he did say that he didn't have the power yet a Drac's old place, probably going to be bored. TV won't work." Shrugging her shoulders trying to act indifferent.
"Right well Mr Giles, Riley, girls are you staying for dinner I was just about to start?" Joyce asked looking to take everyone's mind off of Harry as she caught the sad smile after Buffy had lied about why he was here. Of course now she had figure out what she was going to do with that knife and bowl as she would be using them again.
AN: To begin sorry about the time between update, I cite changing jobs a couple of times, short attention span and lack of time off work for this. I will try and get update out sooner for FotPtB and SotA.