She watched him again pass by the abandoned warehouse she was dwelling in. Sakura Haruno saw a lot of people who passed by her domain, but this boy was the one who interested her the most. He always wore a business suit and always had the same blank expression on his face. His hair was always untidy and he always glanced at the warehouse as if he had known somebody was watching him.
Today was different though. This time he didn't have on a business suit and his hair was crazier then ever. He was sitting on the broken platform above her window just staring into space. What was he thinking about?
She decided to get a closer look at him and went down to the door, hiding in the shadows.
He was even cuter closer up, not that it phased her. All men were the same, they dirty dogs and she hated dogs.
He was listening to his iPod, his head lightly rocking forward and back. Because of her keen sense of hearing she could hear that he was listening to 21 Guns by Green Day. She really liked that song.
Getting caught up into the tune of the music her tail knocked over a can that was sitting beside her. The boy glanced back at her. She cursed in her mind. Why was she so stupid?
"Who's there?" He asked in a rather deep voice.
Sakura bit her lip. She thought if she didn't answer he would go away. She was wrong.
The boy stood up and removed his ear plugs. He advanced in her direction slowly.
"Who is there?" He asked again.
Sakura took a step backward. She was in the shadows of the warehouse so he couldn't possibly see her.
He sighed and scratched his head. "If you don't show yourself I'll come and hunt you down."
Sakura froze. He was bluffing.
"You know, I always thought I felt someone watching me when I passed by here everyday but I always disregarded it thinking that it was just my imagination." He shook his head. "You proved other wise."
Sakura still didn't move. She wasn't going to give in that easy.
He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Fine then, I guess I have to report that there's a person living in an abandoned factory.
"No!" Sakura cried and covered her mouth.
"So there is someone there. I thought for a moment I was just talking to a rat, I guess I fooled you huh?"
Sakura hissed. How dare he trick her!
"Now show yourself or I really will call the police."
She had no choice but to show herself. The police would take her back to the orphanage in China and once again she would be sent to a home where her father would abuse her and back to the orphanage again and the cycle would continue. It always had for the past ten years and in those ten years she had been through at least fifty homes.
As she stepped into the sunlight she expected him to be shocked by her appearance. It wasn't everyday you saw a neko child around. They were rare, 1 in 1,000 actually. You saw more robots that resembled humans and demons but not a neko. She was unique and being unique sucked.
His faced remained emotionless except for the slight arching of his eyebrow.
"A neko huh?" He asked. "I've heard of your kind before, but I never actually saw one."
"My name is Sakura Haruno thank you." She spat at him.
"Oh, well okay." He didn't seem fascinated by her name as he turned to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?" She asked.
"Home." He picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder. "Later."
Sakura ran in front of him cutting him off. "You can't leave!"
He pushed her head moving her to the side. "Yes I can."
"No! You'll tell on me and they'll pick me up and take me back to the orphanage."
"And that concerns me why?" He continued to walk.
"Because if I go back men like you will do bad things to me!" She yelled at him.
He suddenly stopped. That caught his attention.
"Men like me?" He looked back at her. "You know nothing about me so don't compare me to sick people like that. Look, I'm sorry that you've been violated but like I said before, none of that concerns me." He said and hopped off the platform.
Sakura watched him turn around the corner and disappear. She could kiss her peaceful home goodbye. There was no point of running so she would wait for her escorts to lead her back to what seemed like hell.
Days past and no one came to pick Sakura up. She didn't even see that boy again either. She wondered if he had even told her on her. Well wasn't he the Good Samaritan. He wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut for long. He would tell, she just knew it.
Sakura shivered as she tried to take in as much heat as she could from the tiny fire she had made. It was winter now and she would have to steal some clothes in order to stay warm. The food was most likely to go scarce too. She hated winters.
"Hey catwoman."
Her ears perked up to his voice. She looked up from the fire and saw the boy heading towards her.
"What are you doing here?" She asked bitterly.
"Thanks for the warm reception. I would think I deserved a little gratitude for not ratting you out." He shoved his hands into his pocket.
Sakura scoffed and looked at her fire again. "Just go away. You'll tell sooner or later."
When he didn't reply to her she looked up at him to see him staring at her.
"What?" She blushed slightly.
"Do you want to stay with me?"
Sakura blinked. Did he just ask her to come with him?
"Never!" She growled.
"Why not?"
"I trust no one, especially men like you."
"I told you I'm not like those men."
"That's what they all say until they get me alone and…" She trailed of and looked back at the fire.
"You don't want me to call anyone and you'll die out her from frostbite. You value your life don't you?"
Sakura didn't answer him.
He held out his hand. "Come with me."
Sakura looked up at him and for the first time she saw him smile. It was a gentle smile that she wanted to trust, but was afraid to.
"I'm not going to hurt you I promise." He said.
Sakura lifted her hand up slowly.
"But no one thing." His voice deepened.
"Since you have no job or anything, you'll have to work for me for your room and board."
Sakura's tail swished to the side. "And that would be."
"You have to become my slave." He said.
Sakura thought about it. He didn't promise to not hurt her, but all men did that, yet there was something different about him. It was that same something that had caught her attention from the first time she had scene him.
She grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her up. "Deal."
"Then let's go." He said turning away.
She followed him with her head hung. Why did it feel like she had just sold her soul to the devil. Was she going to regret being with him?
It startled her when he wrapped his jacket around her shoulders. She looked at him confused.
"If I were this, you'll be cold."
He shrugged. "I have a scarf and besides you need it more then I do."
Sakura stared at him. Was this guy for real?
"Oh by the way, my name is Sasori."
"Sasori." She let the name roll off her tongue. She liked it.
As they walked away from the old warehouse she spent numerous of years in she couldn't help but smile.
Goodbye old friend, it's been nice knowing you.
A/N: I don't know what made me think of this story! I was just minding my own business and it popped up! I tried to ignore it and focus on Total Eclipse but it just wouldn't go away so I wrote down the first couple of lines and it became a chapter! I hope you liked it ^ ^ Since I have my plate full, I won't make it a long story so that means longer and fewer chappy's. ^/^