Author's Note: So I am back! Finally got the internet up here, and if I believed in coincidences, I'd say this was one of them. I got internet the day Grey's Anatomy's new season aired and I updated Lie To Me the same day as well. Well technically the day after, but hey that's just splitting hairs now. Haha Well anyways! I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope it was worth the incredibly long wait! I shall be updating a lot more now, seeing as I now have internet. :]

Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy in any shape or form! Nor do I own any of it's characters. I only own this story! ENJOY!

Lie To Me


April couldn't believe that Jackson would eavesdrop on such a private conversation like that. What the hell was he thinking? Okay, yeah sure, she and Mark should have picked another MORE private place to talk, but Jackson should have had the decency to just walk away when he heard them talking.

April looked over to the right of her bed at the small kitten sleeping next to her. The kitten had found a nice cuddle buddy with the stuffed panda bear that her young patient had given her. She couldn't help but smile well watching the scene before her. The kitten and small toy really did make her feel a bit better, even if for a moment. It was actually pretty surprising seeing as April never saw herself as being the kind of girl who found comfort in an animal or small toy. She turned her gaze back up to her ceiling, the whole scene from downstairs replaying in her mind.

"Please April, I am so sorry. You don't know how sorry I am. I know this is all my fault, but please just give me a chance. You're my best friend and everything we went through together was real! It wasn't a lie! I put so much emotion into this too. All those feelings were real! I felt them too! You're not the only one! I was there for you, because I wanted to be. I was there for you, because you were ALWAYS there for me and I could NEVER repay you back for any of that, but I will spend the rest of my life trying. I took care of you because I felt this unexplainable need to. April, I've told you so much, and I've came to you for help with all my problems, you're not the only one that is hurt here! Just please April, give me a chance!"

Should she really? Should she trust him again? She felt the familiar stinging sensation occur at the back of her eyes and make its way forward. She wanted to! She really did, but she couldn't, because he had chosen this. He was the one who ignored her first, so why was he playing victim? Wasn't all this what he wanted? She sighed and rolled over on her side. How did everything become such a mess?

She closed her eyes, wishing time could just go back, wishing she could have stopped Jackson from ever dating Lexie! 'Ugh! I can't believe I'm being so bitter! Sure Lexie was the cause of all this mess, but she only did it because she was jealous. And jealousy is a part of a relationship. Jackson was the one that messed everything up. Instead of just talking to me and asking me, he decided to just ACT! Act as if I actually was in love with him! What the hell possessed him into thinking it was even actually TRUE! That stupid, arrogant bastard!'

April was mad, and she was determined! She was going right downstairs and up to Jackson and telling him that he ruined everything for a stupid rumor, that wasn't even true! She couldn't believe she even thought about possibly forgiving that jerk. She decided then that she was no longer going to be the girl that everyone rejected, even when she didn't confess to them! Even when she didn't even possess those kinds of feelings for them! That punk was going to hear it from her.

She marched down the stairs, passed a bored looking Mark drinking water in the kitchen, passed the downstairs bathroom, and straight into Jackson's room. She was met by two pairs of eyes staring back at her, surprised. She hadn't even heard Lexie come in. Oh well, that didn't matter because she was going to get this off her chest now. She didn't care who heard it, all she cared about was making her feelings known.

"W-what do you want, April?" April's eyes snapped over to Lexie who now had a slightly irritated look on her face. "I only came in here to get something off my chest." Lexie cut in before April could continue, "Oh and what would that be?" April could see Lexie's stance turn to one that was guarded. She had crossed her arms and shifted all of her weight to her right leg, slightly leaning against the side of the bed. April then shifted her gaze over to Jackson, who stood there looking as if he was seeing a ghost.

"I thought you and Jackson should know that, you are wrong. I don't love Jackson. I never seen him in that way and honestly I don't think I ever could, especially now." April then turned all of her attention onto Jackson at this point. "You did all of this for nothing. You acted on something that wasn't even true, and now our friendship is over 'cause of that. I just thought you should know." April felt that irritating lump start to form in her throat and she could feel that her eyes we're becoming heavy. She looked over at Lexie and slightly bowed her head and whispered, "Both of you. I thought that both of you should know." She nodded her head once and quickly turned on her heels and marched out the door. She passed Mark, who had been standing at the hall entrance, listening to the whole thing. He sighed and decided to follow her up to her room. Sure, he wanted to make Lexie jealous by using April, but he wasn't completely heartless. He had just listened to a young girl, rip her own heart out and lie to herself and the guy she loves. And he had just witness her walk away from someone she had probably never pictured herself ever walking away from. No one deserved to be alone after doing all of that, going through all of that; no one.

April went to close her bedroom door behind her, but Mark caught it. "Hey, I thought you might need someone to talk to." April let him in, even though all she wanted to be was alone at that moment. She didn't think saying all of that would hurt so much. She had said it because she believed it was the truth, but then, why was she hurting so much. Why did seeing Jackson's reaction to everything she said, kill her inside. He looked so hurt. Like he wanted to cry, but Jackson never cries! 'H-he told me! He told me he hardly ever cries! So, why did what I say make him look as if he were/ Why do I feel so horrible?'

April was pulled from her thoughts by Mark's voice, "Look, Kepner, you really shouldn't have gone down there and said all of that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hate that damn Avery, but no one deserves that kind of reaction; those kind of words. And you didn't deserve having to say them. I know that what you said wasn't true. You were just lying to him and yourself. And one day, you're going to look back on all of this and wis-".

She couldn't take it anymore. She slammed her hands down on her dresser counter. "D-don't okay? J-just don't! I know what I feel and I know what I said down there was the truth! I told him because he deserved to know! He is the reason why I feel like this!" April turned on her heels and glared at Mark, "He's the reason why I'm in so much pain! I didn't do ANYTHING wrong! I was there for him, I cared for him, and I tried my best to make him happy, an-and he goes and does THIS to me! It's not fair! I never wanted this! I don't want this!"

Mark walked across the room towards April. She was startled by the sudden movement and stepped back away from him, only to run into her dresser. He stopped an inch away from April and looked down into her eyes. "M-Mark, w-what are you doing?" He chuckled lightly and bent down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. April's eyes shot wide open.

Downstairs [In Jackson's room]

"Wow. Can you believe that girl?" Lexie let a dour laugh escape past her lips. "I can't believe she actually came down here and said all of that. She sure can be quite" Jackson's eyes flashed towards her, stopping her from continuing. "Quite what Lexie?" She could here in his voice that he was frustrated, but she could also hear the tone of sadness in his voice. She gasped.

"Oh my god. Oh my god! Jackson, don't tell me that all of that actually got to you! I'm your girlfriend! Remember? What the hell are you thinking Jackson? What the hell are you feeling?" Jackson growled, "I don't know, Lexie! I honestly don't, okay! I just I need some time alone to think. Please?"

Lexie scoffed. "I can't believe this Jackson." She went to walk out his room, but stopped at the doorway, "You know, most guys wouldn't have a problem with this. Most guys would see what was right in front of them." She then grabbed the door handle and marched out, slamming the door behind her. Jackson didn't mind though. He just laid back on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.

He could feel his heart beating sporadically. Hearing April say all those words to him, crushed him. Everything felt heavy to him. He felt as though he couldn't even lift his own head, if he wanted to. She said she didn't love him, so what. That shouldn't matter to him, but it did. It mattered a whole lot to him. Lexie had just stormed out of the room, pretty much stating that she knew he was confused on what women he wanted, but he couldn't find any ounce of him to care about that; about following her.

'What is wrong with me? I have a Lexie! Why isn't that enough?' He felt his heart jump into his throat, his eyes began to sting, and his stomach was clenching uncontrollably. And before he could even stop them from coming, the tears made their descent down the sides of his temples. 'Lexie's not enough, because I don't want Lexie…I want April.' It took losing her, for him to realize that she was all he ever really wanted. All he ever really needed.

'No! I'm being an idiot! I'm just confused, because of everything going on. I'm just upset because I lost my best friend.' He shook his head at that last thought. 'No, I didn't lose my best friend. I'm going to win her trust back, and then everything will go back to normal. Everything will be fine again.' Avery turned on his side and looked over at the clock on his nightstand. It was barely 3:14 and he was already done for the day. He decided to call it an exceptionally early day and go to sleep.

It's funny how you can come so close to admitting the truth, but right when it's about to come out, you hold your tongue and let the lie seep through…again.

Author's Note: Well I hope you all enjoyed. Please review and give me any feedback you'd like! :] Oh! And quick side note, did you guys see the subtle moments between April and Jackson on the new episode. Even though they were not really romantic, they are sweet. I think that is why I love this pairing so very much, because even though I am not sure they will have any kind of romantic relationship, they do have this connection with each other. They have these sweet tiny moments and you can just really see them as good friends to one another, even though they fuss and get intrusive with each other. They have really do have this connection with each other. It's sweet. :] well okay! Enough with my rambling! I hope you all enjoyed! Please review! Thanks!

Opps! P.S. I have read back and I seriously feel like I am making Lexie and Mark out as these not so good people, when in all honesty I really do like Mark. He's a sweet guy! And as for Lexie, well I may not really care for her character, I still respect her character. She has some good qualities to her. I enjoy her character more then I did in the past, is what I am trying to say. Haha okay NOW bye! :]