I've decided to start a new series based on the "love gives me hope" website. Whenever I can, I'll look at the first entry I see on the website and write a oneshot for it. Heres the first:


Kagome carefully folded her clothes to put them in her suitcase. Anything she knew she wouldn't wear anymore, she tossed to the side to be donated. Every time she lifted her hand, the koorime tear gem on her left hand sparkled in the light streaming in from the window. She smiled every time it caught her attention. Although he had not understood the human tradition, Hiei had known it was something special. It only made it more special for her that the ring had his tear instead of a diamond. That was much more precious to her.

Kagome reached onto the top shelf of her closet to feel for more sweaters, but her fingers hit a small chest instead. She took it down and brought it out of the closet, examining it. She didn't recognize it.


He turned to look at her.

"Do you recognize this?" She held it up.


Was that a slight coloring to his cheeks?

"What's in it?"

He turned away and Kagome grinned, knowing it must be good. She opened the chest and was amazed to see tons of crudely folded pieces of paper shoved in it. Some were tied together with twine. She opened one.

You are a foolish wench. January 8 2008

Kagome scowled.

June 26 2010

Roses are Red, Violets aren't really blue

But I adore you, dumb miko.

She huffed and glared at him. She opened another.

I met the stupid miko today. Tried to kill her, failed. This must be rectified. But she is attractive. August 16 2007

January 21, 2011

I'm done for. You said yes, so now you're trapped too. But I love you.

Kagome smiled. "One for every day?"

Hiei was definitely blushing now. "Yes."

Kagome got up and kissed him. "I love you too." She smacked the back of his head. "But I'm not dumb."

"Today, I was helping my fiance pack up the things in her apartment so she could move in with me when we get married.

I pick up this chest and asked what was in it. She told me to open it, I did, and it was every single letter I have written her ever since we were 15. We're both 24 right now. Her LGMH."