Rei-Chama: Ho-Holy crap, what the frick is wrong with me! O . o" No really! I- I think I'm trying to kill myself… WHY! WHY, MUST YOU TORTURE ME STUPID MIND! WAH~~~~! TT ^ TT What in the world would possess me to put up another multi chapter story!

Hime: Now, now…

Rei-Chama: You shut up! Go back to Anime Jumpers and MTAW!

Yume: I greatly apologize for these two you see, we are the two sides of Rei's personality… as you can probably guess Hime is also Rei's muse, and I'm the one that helps her stay sane. Hime is also the host of another fic because Rei was too paranoid to put her screen name on aarinfantasy as herself. (it also used to make her nervous since it was a hint to her name, but spelled completely different…)

Rei-Chama: Anyway I'm most likely going to regret this but anyway, Happy belated Valentine's Day! ^ ^ Oh, and beware of extreme perverseness~ And NO I'm not going to torture Kamui like CLAMP screws him over (even I'M not that mean… - . -' Though I'm still contemplating if I should kill Kotori or not…)

Hime: This is also her first shounen ai/yaoi fic so be nice! (This took her two months to get it the way she likes it…) Oh, and one more thing, IF YOU DON'T LIKE YAOI (BOYXBOY) YOU SHOULD FRIGGIN BE HERE! Enjoy the fic! = ^ . ^ =

One borne of wind

Another borne of water

Witch children

Together as twins

Both will deliver from the Great Evil

They will deliver

Though, none will be saved if fate is defied…

Chapter One:

The Dream


"You both smell delicious…" Kamui scoffed at the flame headed vampire advancing on him, his twin brother Subaru, and their step sister Kotori.

"Subaru go take Kotori and get Karen-nee-san*," sure he was confident and he was pretty certain his brother could hold his own. But, Kotori hadn't been trained to hunt vampires; she was trained in healing magic and knew only a couple self-defense spells at best. And today, Kamui wasn't really willing to take chances since they were currently trapped in a deserted alley way…

"But Kamui-chan…"

"It's just an extra precaution. I don't want you getting hurt, Kotori."

"You can't do this on your own…!" Subaru began protesting.

"I'll be fine, even if I can't beat this E-level bloodsucking parasite…" the vamp hissed in response to the insult, "I think I can hold him off long enough for you two to get away –!" Kamui was cut off as the rouge vampire lunged for his throat.

Cursing the teen whipped out a silver rosary and swiftly held it in front of the vampire's face; shrieking like a banshee he crumpled to the ground and scrambled away from the cross, "Kamui –!"

"Just go!" he said firmly, channeling his power into the rosary, he glanced behind him only for a moment to make sure his siblings had slipped safely out of the alley. The vampire's hisses finally reached his ears as piercing violet eyes finally fell onto the cowering form of smoldering vamp.

"Oh, what's the matter? You don't like the cross?" Kamui smiled mockingly, "And just think, you could have avoided this situation if only you wouldn't have screwed with me of all people…"

Practically roaring in fury the vampire lunged again; only to miss as Kamui, using his shoulder as a stepping stone, did a flip over the vamp's head. Still in mid-air, his eyes flashed as he noticed an opening while his opponent turned to somehow stop his attack. Not missing a beat, Kamui quickly drew a hidden short silver dagger from his rosary, coated in holy water. The raven swung up, ready to drive it straight through the malicious bloodsucker's back.

Unexpectedly his arms locked in place; paling rapidly Kamui tried in vain to move his arms from their position. He bit down on the inside of his cheek as his opponent smirked in sickening triumph, Stupid, Stupid, STUPID! , his mind screamed as the vampire gradually turned around; his once onyx colored eyes bleeding in to a predatory gold. He had miss read his skill level; this rouge had to at least be a C or B-Level vampire to be able to have psychic abilities! Soon he was completely turned around, giving Kamui a full view of his sick minded grin.

"My, you are a pretty one…" the teen was semi horrified and confused to the vamp's advances; he silently noted his back hitting the alley wall, "How about I give you the honor of becoming my personal concubine?" he leaned in closer, the vampires lips virtually brushed against his.

Dangerous, this situation has turned dangerous…!, head still spinning Kamui drew the line as he felt a leg shift between his.

"Burn in HELL you dirty bloodsucking BASTARD of a parasite…!" he snarled through clenched teeth before proceeding to spit in his face.

Scowling at the raven he swiftly whipped the spit from his face, "Fine, suit yourself then," his eyes bled into a predatory golden and he put his lips to the teen's neck, "Besides I don't think I could have been able to resist the smell of your blood anyway…"

Kamui drew in a breath as his back hit the alley wall; he cursed himself and his entire being for being so careless… How could he have been stupid enough to misread this guy's power level! The vamp worked quickly slamming the both of his wrists above his head and tilting back his head; Kamui silently noted the metallic sound of his dagger clanging to the ground. Shit.

The raven let out a small yelp of pain as the sharp fangs penetrated the side of his neck; he could feel his knees buckling biting back a scream, Kamui gritted his teeth. He'd be damned if he was going to give this bastard the satisfaction! Though by instinct he feebly tried to push the vampire away, slowly the hunter felt his strength slip away as his soul was sucked out of him.

Gradually the raven's violet eyes began to dull slightly and slip closed, Kamui faintly noted the familiar voice, and he was grateful it was an incantation he knew all too well, "Incinerate!"

Karen…nee…? , the last thing he remembered was the fading and frantic sounding voices of Kotori and Subaru…Then intense pain in his left wrist.

Kamui awoke to an endless plain of summer grass, when he realized where he was he let out a deep, tired sigh, "I hope this isn't one of those 'death dreams'…" the teen let out a bitter laugh, "Otherwise it sucks the last thing I am going to see is the same landscape I've been seeing for years."

This place came with puberty. Around the time when he turned thirteen he began dreaming of this grassland every night, to be honest it really scared him out of his mind… It even got to the point where he stopped sleeping; maybe it was due to the lonely feeling it gave off, hell if he knew it just unsettled him to be anywhere alone in this place. Especially since it was a completely open plain and even his family began worrying since he wouldn't tell them anything. But all of these things changed when he met –

"Kamui!" a deep yet familiar voice called from a couple feet behind him, grinning widely he twisted his head back slightly to face warm amber colored eyes.

"Hey, Fuuma…" he greeted his brunette haired friend fondly while in response the older teen sat down beside him, "I haven't seen you in weeks!"

He laughed awkwardly, "Ah… that, um… let's just say I haven't been getting too much sleep as of late."

Kamui's violet colored eyes quickly clouded over with worry, "Ah! A-are you feeling alright?" furrowing his eyebrows he crawled half way onto Fuuma's lap and press his forehead to his, checking his temperature, "Are you sick?" the older teen grunted as the raven's legs shifted slightly grinding into a… not so innocent place…

"U-Urm… K-Ka-KAMUI…!"Fuuma made an uncharacteristic squeaking sound; the boy cocked his head in a cute sort of curiosity as he pulled away from the older teen's forehead.

"What is it?"

Fuuma began to turn a light shade of pink as he noticed a not-so-innocent tightening in his jeans, "Yo-Your too close…" he mumbled knowing full well Kamui wouldn't get the urgency of the situation. He nearly sighed in relief as the teen's legs shifted yet again – this time to get off.

Kamui yet again sat down in the grass beside him, "Oh, sorry! But are you really alright?"

"I'm fine."

Still not thoroughly convinced Kamui glared at him for another couple seconds then looked away scowling, the two had met two months into when Kamui began dreaming. He had been forcefully drugged and put to sleep by Karen and was waiting impatiently to awake; as soon as their eyes met the two immediately knew that they had a deep connection. Soon they began talking to each other and suddenly Kamui wasn't lonely when he went to sleep anymore… he began sleeping again – much to Subaru and Kotori's relief – and he learned a lot of things from Fuuma. Apparently, this place was called the Dreamscape and only a few gifted and experienced seers could enter but then again he could care less about that useless information. The only thing that stuck with him was that the Dreamscape mirrors your true personality and also the twisted ugly part of you or it can also show the good inside of you.

"So, why are you here so early? It's only 4 o'clock you know…" Fuuma asked after a long yet somewhat comforting silence.

The teen stiffened in response, and forced an easy smile on his face; though it seemed fake, "N-No, it's nothing…"Kamui felt a shiver go down his spine as he remembered the horrible feeling of the vamp's fangs pierce into his juggler and the repulsing feeling of his soul being sucked from his body.

Fuuma's eyes narrowed at the site of his paling friend, "You wouldn't have that expression if it was nothing."

"I said it's nothing…!"

"Kamui…" he said in a warning tone.

The raven scowled for a couple of seconds before answering, "…Blood-loss…"

"From," he bit his lip as he watched Fuuma's face steadily darken.

"Subaru, Kotori, and I were out shopping for dinner… I think he may have caught our scent and gotten curious…Vampires really like the way Subaru and I smell, remember?" he looked over and met Fuuma's amber eyes; which were blazing with an intensity the teen hadn't seen since a rouge vampire had broken his left arm in a struggle.

"Go on," he all but growled.

Biting his lower lip to the near point of bleeding Kamui continued with his explanation, "I didn't want to risk Kotori getting hurt so I sent the both of them to go and get Karen-nee to exercise him," he shivered slightly, "I didn't have enough equipment on hand to do an exorcism… but I had just enough to hold him off for a while… though I think I miss calculated his power level…" he finished quietly, refusing to meet Fuuma's eyes.

In response the brunette tilted his chin up to meet violet eyes, "Kamui… you shouldn't have fought this guy alone."

"Yeah, I know… and to make matters worse he could use mind control, he made me 'freeze'," the boy gulped as Fuuma looked at him disapprovingly, "And he also asked me…"

"What did he ask you?"

"…Damn it Fuuma, don't make me say it!" he flushed a deep pink.


"H-He asked me to be his concubine…" he watched Fuuma's eye give a noticeably annoyed twitch.


"Err… h-he pinned me against a wall and bit me." He yet again observed amber eyes flash with anger.

"He didn't inject any venom did he?" Fuuma asked with a deadly calm.

"No…" Kamui trailed off as he studied his friend's eyes; they melted from fury to sadness then to… Wait, what was that emotion, shame, guilt...jealousy… lust? While in thought he failed to acknowledge their faces leaning closer to one and other.

Before Kamui could study him farther a soft voice filled his mind startling him to quickly draw back.

.: Kamui, are you alright? Please answer me, wake up…! :. Subaru's voice echoed.

Sighing and reassuring his twin he would wake up soon Kamui carefully crawled back onto Fuuma's lap – earning an embarrassed gasp from the brunette – though he couldn't figure out why. This had become a habit at thirteen, "I have to go, Subaru calls…" he smiled softly as a still flustered Fuuma gave a curt nod.

"Be safe," he mumbled lamely still a bit pink.

"And you have a nice sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Y-Yeah," Kamui noticed him shift his legs as if hiding something, but it the process pulled Kamui closer to him. Then Kamui felt a 'pock'; from between Fuuma's legs. He slowly looked down at his friend's crotch then back at Fuuma's panicked – almost painful – pleading expression. He blinked, looked down, looked at Fuuma's face. Repeat.

"Fuuma… do-did you…"he trailed off and flushed as he saw Fuuma also blush; as he was about to question the older teen farther the connection was cut off and he disappeared from Fuuma's lap.

"…" when he was sure the raven was gone he let out a relived sigh, "Thank the Goddess…", now alone Fuuma concentrated on waking up so he could deal with his 'issue'…

Kamui's eyes blinked open and he shot up in a sitting position; his face felt like it was on fire, N-No way, Fuuma couldn't have gotten an e-e-erect... his thought broke off and hesighed looking over and noticing an extremely concerned looking pair of chocolate colored eyes.

"KAMUI!" he cringed at the pitch of her voice as a familiar blonde clung onto the surprised teen's bandaged neck.

"Ko-Kotori," Kamui wheezed.

"I was really worried you know! And it took me over two hours to fix you up too –! Do you realize that he broke your wrist in three different places!" tears welled up in her eyes as she let out a choked sob, "Do you know how scared I was? You lost so much blood! I was scared you wouldn't make it…!"

"Kotori-chan… I think your suffocating him." Subaru bit his lip in anxiety.

"Oh! Sorry Kamui, but are you alright?" she switch from squeezing the poor raven to frantically patting him over, "Are you alright? Do you have any lightheadedness, pain?

He shook his head slowly regaining his composure, "No, you're a miracle worker, Kotori!" blushing at the complement she let out a huff.

"It took ten blood reservoirs to get your blood flow back to its normal state. Honestly, Kamui…! Be more careful will you! I don't know what I'd do if… if…!" she broke off as her voice began to crack.

Panicking Kamui pulled his step sister close and began stroking her hair soothingly, "I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm fine see?" he smiled slightly as she nodded shakily and sniffed; getting off.

.: You're really alright?:.

Yes I'm fine, stop asking!

.:You worried me when you didn't wake up right away…:.

Kamui flushed again, making Subaru raise an eyebrow. Again, I'm fine!

.:But Kamui,:.


As the two continued ranting away, the raven suddenly noticed a click of the front door and footsteps, "Looks like Karen-nee's home." he said plaintively as the said pinkette entered the apartment with a big grin on her face.

"What's with that get up?"

She giggled, "Oh this, you like?" Karen whirled around, showing off her lacey maroon colored lingerie, "A costumer gave it to me!"

Her adoptive son rolled his eyes, "I see…"

"Why would a customer give you underwear?" poor Subaru furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"It's my job!" she winked.

"What's your job?" he asked curiously. Kamui and Kotori immediately choked as the younger raven simply looked blissfully innocent.

"Ah, you see Subaru-chan I am what you call – OWCH!" Kamui chucked one of the couch cushions at her head.

"Don't dare taint Subaru with your dirty mind you sick, uneducated, bit –"

"You mustn't use that type of language, Kamui." She scolded lightly, giving his forehead a little flick, "Really, I'm legally your mother you know!"

"B-But you absolutely cannot be mean to Subaru, Karen-nee!" Kotori lectured.

Karen sighed and leaned against the door way, "You three used to call me 'mama' and 'mommy', now how in all the seven goddesses did you begin calling me 'sister?" she pouted slightly.

"It's actually simple really. When you began training us in the ways of magic at seven, we saw you in a new light. You suddenly too frighten – err we looked up to you too much to call you, 'mother', or anything of the sort; plus you wouldn't let us call you 'master' so we ended up calling you 'big sister'." Kamui said bluntly.

She laughed dryly, "Oh, you're no fun… but how are you holding up?" Karen's smile thinned out as she sat down on the arm of a nearby chair.

Kamui was about to respond with a 'fine', when a sudden sharp pain shot through his wrist; gripping it tightly he bit back a yelp. Kotori quickly began examining him, "Kamui, you have to be more careful! I managed to regenerate a few of the broken sections but it will take at least a week at minimum before you can begin using it like normal…!"The teen exhaled as the blonde proceeded to wrap his wrist in tan wrapping to keep the bone straight.

Smiling sweetly, her hand shone a deep indigo color as Kotori scanned his arm again for anymore breaks she may have missed, "There, your all set!" satisfied, the teen pulled back her hand, "But stay off of it for a while; don't go over do it!"

"Do I still have to start going school in two days?" he asked.

"Yep, if I'm going you're going." She grinned teasingly.

"Why, Karen-nee's homeschooled us and trained us just fine until now!" Subaru protested.

"And why the goddess would you transfer us in the middle of the year?" Kamui glared at the pinkette defiantly.

The call girl smiled in response, "But, I also want you guys to make friends."

Kamui narrowed his eyes, "I don't want to get involved with vampires and magic-users Karen-nee," his violet eyes flashed in a silent warning, "And I refuse to put Kotori or Subaru in any type of danger."

"They are Pure-blooded vampires Kamui besides; most of them have Charges anyway. Plus, humans also go to this school." As their back-and-forth continued, Subaru and Kotori began talking about what types of things to take when they move into the dorm tomorrow. After a while Kamui joined into, soon the three were in their own little world; just for them. Karen again smiled and began reminiscing about when she first saw the twins.

She had been eighteen at the time; a young exorcist in training if she remembered correctly. At an early age, Karen had always had the gift of fire but her mother thought that she was evil, a Halfling child she gained from rape. And in the end she had been beaten to the point of near death and left for dead in the snow. Luckily a nearby priest picked her up and adopted her; Karen had resolved to pay off the debt by becoming a strong exorcist in return for his kindness.

However, when she found two newborn twins on the doorsteps when she was cleaning the church late one night she remembered nearly fainting! After a little while after she calmed down enough, Karen found a note inside of their little basket; it read:

"To whoever finds my sons, leave Central immediately! Do NOT take them to the police either or else it will be traced back to you and they will kill you! Please, this is why I left them in front of a church, I realize this is a lot to ask of a stranger but I have yet more to ask of you. Raise them in the ways of magic and shower them with love and affection; and when the time comes send them both to the Pentagram. The one with emerald eyes is Subaru and the older twin with violet eyes is Kamui. Please take care of them!"

Karen had memorized the entire letter by heart and to this day she still didn't know exactly why she obeyed. But, something told her she just had to or else something bad would happen, so she dropped everything; packed the bare minimum and leaving a single letter of apology to the priest left and moved to a small port town on the other side of Clow Country. When she began to notice the… attraction vampires had to Subaru and Kamui's blood she decided to train them to be vampire hunters – which are also called exorcists on occasion – she began training the brothers at age seven. Then another three months later she ended up adopting her orphaned niece, Kotori; apparently her mother had a sister and she was the next available relative. The girl literally had zero talent for combat and in the end the woman ended up training her for healing. Turns out she had a real knack for it; plus at the moment she was showing signs of being a seer. Karen had originally planned on home schooling them on the out skirts of the country until they could live on their own but a couple of weeks ago she had a dream that told her:

"Take them to the "Pentagram" now is the time…" This dream has continued to repeat itself without fail and at first the red head was utterly confused as to what the 'Pentagram' was. But when she finally realized Karen felt very stupid, Clamp Academy! Of course, it was in the shape of a pentagram! So she enrolled the three of them into the High School Division despite their protests and now she would be sending them off tomorrow. Lost in her thoughts she had failed to notice that the three teens had fallen asleep talking.

Kotori lay curled on the cushiony chair by the heater, passed out like a light. While Kamui had fallen asleep sprawled on the couch; though what brought a smile to her lips was the way Subaru fell asleep. The emerald eyed twin had crawled onto the raven's chest and nuzzled into the crook of his big brothers neck. Kamui however had a big smile on his face, as if he was having a very good dream.

Just as Karen was about to leave and get the sleeping teens some spare blankets, Kamui mumbled something that made her pause and wonder, "Fuuma…"

Who is Fuuma?

Rei-Chama: YAY! It's done! And YES YES Fuuma got a hard on for Kamui XD!

Hime: But in the process you have condemned yourself to an early grave…

Yume: I hate to admit it but I agree… Though this is most likely the most wonderful thing and the longest chapter you have ever written…I feel sorry for your other stories…

Rei-Chama: And also, this is my one and only story that I am going to update on reviews so therefore, with that logic, 5 or more reviews and you get a new chapter. AND YOU CAN STILL REVIEW EVEN IF YOU ARE ANNONOMOUS… or in other words, you don't have an account. So therefore you have no excuse and if you didn't like the AU… flame me. There you have my permission and it also still counts as a review ^ . ^!

Hime: And if you don't know what to say, just say what you think XD!

Yume: Thanks for reading~!