Don't worry, never drank before in my life. I know all this from watching Glee and family members getting drunk.
Disclaimer: I don't own HoA, but I wish I did… Btw, just call me Charn =]
Mara's PoV
I woke up early Saturday morning, a week after prom. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs. "Trudy, are you up yet?" I called as I went down the steps. I heard no answer, so I went into the kitchen. "Trudy?" I said again, but she wasn't there. Where is she? As if he read my mind, Jerome walked in and gave me an answer.
"Trudy's mother is in the hospital and she left late last night."
"Oh…" I felt bad.
As if he read my mind, he spoke up again. "It's not your fault, Mara. Now if you'll excuse me, I need food."
I noticed I was standing in front of the fridge. "Oh, my bad." I stepped out of his way and made it to the common room to watch some television.
Soon enough, everyone woke up and was all fighting for food in the kitchen. I didn't want to take part in it, so I stayed on the couch.
Victor walked in. "What's going on here?" He boomed.
Fabian spoke up. "Trudy's gone and we're all hungry."
He looked confused. "Where did she go?"
"Her mom's in the hospital," Nina replied.
"Well then… Listen up, all of you. I will be gone for the entire day and part of tomorrow. I expect everything to be the same as it was when I get back." Victor announced. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jerome and Alfie exchange glances.
I turned my attention back to Victor. "When are you leaving?" I inquired.
"I will be leaving in a matter of minutes." He replied.
I nodded.
After ten minutes, Victor left. Right as he closed the door, Alfie and Jerome called everyone into the common room.
"What is this about?" Mick asked as he sat down next to me.
Jerome glared at us, but soon turned his attention back to everyone else. "Alfie and I will be throwing a party while Trudy and Victor are gone." He said.
"What?" We all said in union.
Alfie piped up. "It's gonna be awesome! But only for us, no one else invited."
I looked up at them curiously. "I know I'm going to regret asking this but, is there going to be alcohol?"
Jerome nodded and Fabian stood up. "You're joking, right?"
"Nope," Jerome said with a smirk.
"But it's against school rules! And we're not even old enough to buy any!" Nina said.
"So?" Jerome said, still smirking.
"So how do you expect to get any?"
"Oh, dear, naive, Nina. You just don't get it, do you? Victor has a liquor cabinet in his office. He hasn't opened it in ages, so he won't notice anything's missing." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. For some reason, I felt a ping of jealousy when he did this. It's probably nothing, right?
"B-but…" Nina said.
"No worries Nina. Everything will be fine…" Patricia said. I looked over at her. I gave her a "what the hell" look and she shrugged.
"Oh and I almost forgot. There's a dress code, but only for the girls." Jerome said as he handed me a note. I looked at it and then looked up at him with a disgusted look on my face. He just smirked.
Amber, Nina, Patricia and I were getting ready for the party. The dress code was just short skirts, but it still felt degrading. I had to borrow a denim skirt from Patricia and Nina had to do the same. Amber was the only one who seemed happy about wearing short skirts.
"I'll kill Jerome when this party is over…" Patricia said, putting eye liner on. I sighed and continued to brush my hair. Patricia put make-up on me earlier so I looked like "New Mara" again, except I didn't straighten my hair this time.
"I don't understand what you all are so upset about; I think this is going to be so much fun." Amber giggled.
I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm ready. How about you guys?" I asked, setting down a brush.
"Ok, let's go rock their worlds." Nina said and we all laughed.
We all walked downstairs and all the guys stared at us. I blushed when Mick came up and kissed my cheek. "You look amazing Mara…" He said.
"Thanks." I replied.
We all walked into the common room and all across the coffee table were bottles of, I assumed alcohol. Jerome stepped in front of us and clapped his hands once. "Ok, since this is all awkward for us, we're all going to have one shot before we start the party, just to loosen up." He said to all of us. He took a bottle and poured its contents into eight tiny shot glasses. He handed each of us one. "On the count of three. One…Two…Three…!" We all threw our heads back and poured the drink down our throats.
I gagged. "Whoa…" I said, barely audible. Everyone else seemed to have the same reaction.
"That stuff is really strong…" Fabian spoke up.
After a couple seconds, the taste calmed down, and I felt relaxed.
"Ok, let's party!" Nina said. We all cheered and Jerome pressed the "Play" button on the CD player.
Mick took my hand and we started dancing. He did his weird dance and I laughed. Jerome came up and handed us both cups of God knows what. "Here"
I took the cup from him and smiled. "Thanks Jerome," I said so he could hear me over the music. I then to a drink of it. It wasn't as strong as the other stuff, but it still burned my throat.
Soon, everyone was drinking a lot. I couldn't stop laughing. Neither could everyone else. Nina, Patricia and I were hanging out with each other, laughing at stories that weren't really funny.
"M-Mara… You'll never believe this…Ha-ha!" Nina said as she sipped some of her drink. "The house, it can come to life!"
I laughed and so did Patricia. "D-do you think we should be telling her this, Nina? We could put her in danger!" She giggled.
"It's fine, don't worry. Anyway, the house can come to life! Isn't that nutty? Oh and there's this Elixir of Life Victor's dad created and Victor's 95…!" Nina threw her head back and laughed.
I laughed too, not realizing what she was telling me. Suddenly, Mick came up behind me and kissed my neck. "He-e-e-e-e-y…" He said.
I turned around and kissed him full on. Soon enough, we were on the couch, snogging like crazy. Jerome came over and pulled us off each other.
"What the hell Jerome?" I asked.
"I don't like you two doing that!" He yelled.
Mick glared at him. "You're just jealous Jerome!"
I laughed. "W-why would he be jealous…? He likes Patricia!" I giggled. They laughed along with me.
"I do not!" Jerome said, still laughing. "Hey, we should all play spin the bottle!" I cheered. "Hey, guys! We're going to play Spin the bottle!"
Soon, we were all in a circle around a bottle. "Ok, so here are the rules. You have to kiss the person it lands on, even if it's of the same gender." Jerome said, pushing his hair out of his face. I noticed his hair was messier than usual. I laughed.
"I'll go first." Patricia said, chugging down some of her drink. She spun the bottle and it landed on Nina. Everyone "Oooh'd "when they kissed each other. They broke apart after a while, laughing.
Next up was Fabian. He spun it and it landed on Amber. He leaned over, kissed her, and quickly backed away.
Now it was Amber's. She spun it and it landed on Mick. She giggled, leaned over and kissed him. They stayed like this for awhile, until they finally broke away, smiling.
Up next was me. I took the bottle, and spun it. After a couple spins it landed on someone. I looked up to see Jerome's eyes staring at me. He leaned over, ready for my kiss. I was about to kiss him when Aflie said, in a drunken voice, "You finally get what you want mate!" I rolled my eyes and pounded my lips against Jerome's. The first thing I noticed was that his lips were super soft. I put my arms around his neck and he took his hand put it on the back of my head, deepening the kiss. After what seemed like forever, I broke away. His eyes were shining and I blushed.
After the game, I started drinking more and more to the point where my vision was fuzzy and I was slurring my words. I didn't know what I was doing or any recollection of what happened until I finally fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning with a terrible hangover. Suddenly I noticed I was only in my bra and underwear. I wasn't in my room either. I noticed there was person at my side, sleeping. I looked over and gasped at what I saw.