Artemis will be kind of ooc because who wouldn't be in this situation. This is an au story.

Artemis Fowl II tried to wipe his mother's brow with a cloth. She caught his wrist before he could get near. He flinched

"Arty, let me hold the monkey!" Artemis's mother shrieked. He flinched again.

"Lemur," he corrected. This was not his mother. Jayjay wasn't even in the room, hadn't even been mentioned. "Get out of my mother, Koboi." He was trying to hide the tears in his voice. Opal Koboi now completely controlled Angeline Fowl. She could kill her on the slightest whim. Angeline's eyebrows rose.

"Who's going to make me, Fowl?" she demanded. One tear trickled down her son/enemy's cheek.

He didn't answer, but instead he said, "Family is off limits."

"Nothing's off limits! But what is the point in killing you directly when I can break you like this?" Artemis shook his head silently, tears running down his face. This couldn't be happening. His wrist hurt as his mother's hand gripped it tighter. His chest was heaving with sobs, but he didn't make a sound.

"Please," he whispered through his crying. Angeline/Opal threw her head back and laughed. Then she collapsed. "NO!"Artemis shouted. He checked her pulse. Nothing. She was gone. His sobs now were all but audible. He fell to his knees, crying into the silk sheets. Holly practically bust down the door.

"Artemis?" she asked. He lifted his head and shook it slowly; then he put it back down. Holly felt like she had been punched in the stomach. All this just to lose her anyway. For Opal Koboi to succeed in getting her revenge. She put her hand on his shaking shoulder. He just shrugged it off.

"I have to," he swallowed his tears and wiped his eyes, "call my father. To let him know." Holly nodded as Artemis walked out of the room. She followed. "Father?" There was a pause. "Mother didn't-" he choked. "Mother didn't make it." The phone fell out of his hand, but he made no attempt to pick it back up. His entire body was racked with sobs. Something in him snapped. He punched a particularly expensive vase and enjoyed the sight of it shattering with a look of disgust on his face.

"Artemis?" asked his father's voice from the phone. "Artemis! What was that?" Butler picked up the phone.

"Artemis is..." he trailed off. "Understandably distraught." He paused a moment, waiting for an answer. He nodded and said, "Uh huh," and "Yes sir." He snapped the phone shut, and he approached his charge, who was still giving a death glare to a broken vase. "I think you should get some sleep," he whispered. Artemis's jaw tightened even further, but he nodded.

Suddenly his expression softened. "Mother's favorite vase," he whispered as he sunk to his knees. He began gingerly collecting the shards of pottery. Almost obsessively, he gathered every single tiny piece and set them back on the table.

He started slowly towards his room, trying to think of anything but Angeline Fowl. Myles and Beckett. How would they take this? They were young enough, eventually they wouldn't remember, but now it would be so hard on them. He sank onto his bed, not bothering to change or pull any blankets over himself.

Holly must have followed him up, because Artemis fell asleep to a fairy mourning song in gnomish emanating from somewhere in his room.