Pin me to the floor
Never let me go
A shuddery breath
Trembles from your lips
Splayed out like a dream
Your voice in my ear
Damp tongue across my skin
Fingers in my hair
I'm dieing inside
Waiting for the end
Can't stop these feelings
Not sure if I want to
What have you done to me?
Why can't I stop this nightmare?
What will happen tomorrow?
Why don't I care?
Show me that this isn't for nothing
Help me to remember how to breathe again
Mark me so much I can't remember my name
Make it so I'll never forget yours
Your pushing and pulling me apart inside
Forcing your desires upon my skin
Shredding my soul into tatters
Carving your eyes into my heart
Blood and tears rain down on us
Heaven or Hell I couldn't tell you which
I'm suffocating under your weight
The feel of you making me real
This dream of ours now reality
What was I before you?
What were you before me?
Can we ever be separate again?
It should terrify me
The not knowing
Yet your eyes on me
Your touch makes everything fade away
Asleep or Awake
Dream or Reality
Heaven or Hell
Death or Life
I don't care
Just stay with me
Pin me to the floor
And never let me go