UPDATE, PLEASE READ: To be honest I hate this fic now. I don't think it started out too bad and there are some chapters that were okay but most of this fic is just...strange. Also some of my A/Ns are a really odd. But I'm not going to edit/remove anything because it's one of my most popular fics. Also I would recommend just skipping chapter 19 as it's basically just ignored in the next chapters.

Hi, all. And hi again to anyone who also read my last fic, The Random Adventures of Darren Shan 8D I was all sad about finishing it so I thought of this last night when I was falling asleep XD I hope you all enjoy this one aswell :) By the way, Xan is me in Saga of Darren Shan form XD Disclaimer time.

Darren: SL-nee-sama doesn't own me or The Saga of Darren Shan in anyway.

SL: Thanks, Darren. I missed you 8D

Darren: It's only been a day since The Random Adventures finished.

SL: You're supposed to say "I missed you too" T_T

Well, this is weird, Darren thought. I have breasts. Why do I have breasts?

"Evra!" Darren called.

Evra mumbled something about goldfish so Darren got up and shook him.

"Evra!" He yelled again. "Wake up!"

"What do you want?" Evra moaned, his eyes still closed.

"Open your eyes."

Evra did as he was told. He burst out laughing.


"It's not a joke - they're real." Darren told him.

Evra laughed more. "Pretty funny but what are those things?"

Evra sat up and felt Darren's breasts. He recoiled when he realized how real they felt.

"What the…?"

"See, I told you they're real."

"But how…?"

"I don't know."

"What about your…is it still there?"

"I-I don't know."

"Well, check!"

Darren crawled into the corner of the tent.

"Don't look!" He cried.

"Sorry." Evra murmured.

Darren pulled his pants down to discover that his manhood was indeed gone. In it's place was, er, that thing that girls have.

"Can I look now?" Evra had his hands over his eyes.

Darren pulled his pants up. "Yeah."

"Well?" Evra pushed when Darren didn't say anything.

"I'm a girl!" Darren cried.

Evra started laughing again.

"It isn't funny!"

After a couple of minutes, Evra's laughing fit finally ended. "S-sorry."

Darren threw a pillow at him. "Now, help me figure out how this happened."

Evra's voice turned to a whisper. "Maybe it was the new girl to the Cirque, Xan."

"The cat-girl? What makes you think that?" Darren enquired.

"I've heard rumours that she's descended from witches," Evra explained. "You must have done something to pee her off."

"But I don't even know…ah, crap."


"On her first day at the Cirque, I accidentally stepped on her tail."

Evra laughed. "That's rich!"

Darren punched the snake-boy playfully. "So, what do we do?"

"Nothing," Evra replied simply. "She's not going to change you back. Looks like you're a girl now, Daryl Shan."

Xan watched as female Darren whined and hit his friend with pillows. She grinned triumphantly.

"It worked," She whispered to herself before skipping off to her own tent.