Lena gasped. Eragon's visage followed suit as she watched his jaw drop. Behind her, she felt Durza shake as he laughed at their reaction. Eventually, Lena gathered her composure to ask, "How can this be? Surely, you lie!"

Lena had no expectation for an answer as the knife around her throat crossed her mind once more and fear crept into her as she knew she'd die not knowing the truth, that is if Eragon was unable to come up with a solution to save her. He was always coming up with something last minute, however, their current predicament left them with very little options.

Her thoughts shifted once more as Durza stopped laughing. To her surprise, he obliged answering her question. "Your bracelet gave you away, my dear," his tone mocking once more. "As soon as I saw it on your wrist a few days ago, I knew I recognized it, however, I had to be certain. After some research, I discovered that indeed, I was right and then had to inform the King. That's when I had you placed in nicer accommodations. However, the King had nothing to do with you once I told him the news, and now here we are."

"Her bracelet gave her away?" Eragon asked, meekly.

Adding to his question Lena asked, "Fine, it gave me away, but you still never said how you recognized it. You had to have seen it before now and I want to know on who? I've had this bracelet for as long as I can remember, so I am utterly confused."

Lena actually did not believe Durza; somehow she felt he was making up a story just to entertain them, yet deep inside of her, she had a twinge of uncertainty. She had all the "What if…" questions run through her mind, but then she would shake them off and tell herself how ludicrous they sounded. However, she had to remember that she had crossed over into a mystical, medieval land with dragons and magic, so everything could really be possible at that point. Though thinking she was from this land made her very uneasy.

"I know what you are doing, stalling my hand, however, if it is answers you want before you die, Lena, then so be it. I can be accommodating once more. I mean. it's not like you will relish in the truth for very long." He laughed again. He was enjoying their torture.

"Well," Eragon prompted, getting annoyed. He too was very uncertain about the story Durza said, yet somehow he had hoped he was telling the truth for it would make sense why two women had come from the same place, yet he was still puzzled by how she was supposed to be this 'Guardian.'

Durza hissed at Eragon, "Do not rush me boy!" After, he quickly composed himself as if he never snapped at all, and said, calmly, "Lady Aribell, your supposed mother, previously had the bracelet. She was married to Lord Delvin Sabre, a man who had never sworn loyalty to the King. That's why, Lena, he has nothing to do with you."

Now, Lena was even more confused, her parents were not from Alagaesia! She was born to Elizabeth and Brian Penn...or at least that is what she had always known to be true. Now that she was in a strange land being fed a bunch of stories, she had no idea what was really truth and what was fantasy. Her head reeled until she felt a headache come on.

Becoming impatient, Durza continued, "I know you think I am lying, however, later you may discover that it is all true, for I may be one for torturing, but I do not lie. Whatever her relationship to Aribell and Delvin, she cannot be trusted, unless she is by your side joined with the King, else she is only a threat."

"Then why did you place me in nice quarters? If you knew about the bracelet belonging to a, well, a traitor, then why try to show me decency?"

Now Durza really started to become irritated. "I already told you, I love torture, now let us move on from these petty questions and get back to the point. Eragon," he tightened the blade against Lena's neck until blood started to ooze from a cut, "Will you join the King, or not?"

This was it-the final moment-and he hated the idea of joining the King, yet Lena life was also at stake and he would never forgive himself if she was killed when he could have saved her. He figured he would find a way to get away from Durza, and the KIng, yet today was not that day, he calculated. He could find no other way of escape for either of them, save for maying the words that would leave a nasty taste in his mouth.

"You said you did not lie, so I take it if I give in, you will spare Lena?"

Durza stilled. "Yes, I said that, now go on," he prompted.

Eragon was about to take the hit and surrender to the Shade when a commotion behind the man, or creature, as Eragon saw him, made him stop. The soldiers next to Durza looked at each other in wonder, to which Durza made a sharp demand for them to stop lollygagging and to find out what was going on as hope kindled in Eragon's stomach.

"Now what were you saying?" Durza asked once the soldiers were out of the room, almost giddy.

Unfortunately, the commotion was not enough of a distraction for Eragon to take advantage of, so he had to go back to his original plan, to his dismay. Though, as he was about to tell Durza he was going to submit, a "Stop!" rang across the the hall behind Durza. "Stop, the King changed his mind," the words continued.

That's when Durza seethed and turned his head to see a man in a commander garb push his way through the two foot soldiers. Eragon recognized the voice, and tried to hide the smile that tried to force its way to his face, thinking it was about time his friend, Murtagh, showed up. This time he had an opportunity to grab his bow and notch an arrow. He took aim quickly, and let go just as Durza was turning his head around. The arrow landed in the middle of his forehead.

Lena sighed in relief when she heard Murtagh's voice distract Durza. She watched Eragon take up his bow and shoot an arrow at the creature with maroon hair and felt herself become giddy with newfound hope. Once the arrow struck, she stomped on Durza's right foot and pushed his arm away from her neck with all her might in order to get out from under his clutches before he fell to the , that never happened.

To their shock, Durza began to fade, dissipating like a tornado after its reign of destruction. That's when the guards called for backup before Murtagh cut them down. He rushed into the dining hall after saying, "We must hurry, I've no idea how long we can hold this ruse." He stopped next to Lena.

"Where's Saphira?" Eragon asked as he raced towards Lena a well.

"Hopefully, not far behind," Lena chimed in.

"No, but I'm not sure she can even make it back here in time. I propose that Eragon quickly dress as a soldier and follow my lead. I'm sorry Lena, but you will have to be our prisoner."

Lena's eyes narrowed in annoyance, "Of course I am."

"Well, if it gets us outta here fast and safely, then I'm all for it." Eragon with Murtagh's help quickly undressed one of the dead men and got dressed. Lena stood guard while they worked. Finally, Eragon was read and grabbed Lena with her arms behind her back.

"Let go of me!" she hissed, startling Eragon to the point where he did let go, making Murtagh laugh.

"Sorry did I hurt you?"

"No, silly, I'm trying to make this look as real as possible, now grab a hold of me like you mean it and drag me as I resist. Don't worry about hurting me, we have to make this real."

"She's right," Murtagh said as he took the lead, "Now, let's go!"

They exited the dining hall as half a dozen soldiers rounded a corner. "Stop! Just where do you think you are going?"

They were coming up from behind Eragon so they did not see Murtagh in his Commander uniform. "Taking an escapee to Durza, what are you doing questioning me?" Murtagh walked around past Eragon and Lena, who was still struggling, to face the soldiers.

"I've never seen you before," once questioned, to which Murtagh sneered.

"And I've never seen you yet I do not ask stupid questions in the face of authority, now leave us to find that damned Eragon,who has also escaped. I've got to bring this broad to Durza, now begone!"

The men recoiled at Murtagh's venom, and bowed. "Yes, s-s-si-i-r," one stammered before ushering the others to leave them. They carefully tried to avoid crowded hallways as they made their way out of the building. Every time they were questioned, Murtagh would growl at them like he had done the first time and they would always get away unscathed, impressing both Lena and Eragon. Murtagh definitely had experience with authority and for the first time he fully used it to their advantage.

Out of the old, tall, black building that served as Durza's home and prison to many, the sudden light made Lena and Eragon cringe. They had to stop for a moment to let their eyes adjust while Murtagh observed their surroundings. Now was the tricky part, getting them out of the city of Gil'ead.

Saphira, where are you? Eragon opened his mind, waiting for her response.

Not far, Little One. I'll try and pick you up near the city entrance if you can somehow make it there. My wings are wounded and I fear I cannot travel far within the city without causing too much alarm and risk getting more arrows in me.

Understood, we'll do our best! With a quick chat with Murtagh, they planned to steal horses from the stabled and race on them towards the entrance, knocking anyone out of their way. Guards lurked everywhere and now that they were out of the castle, if it can be called that, they had to come up with another excuse why they have Lena.

"Why not let me go ahead first and you chase me to the stables like I escaped from you?" Lena asked, hoping they would like her idea.

Murtagh thought for a moment then said, "Well, do you have a better idea, Eragon, because I do not." Eragon shook his head and said something about how Lena's idea would probably work, as long as other guards do not partake in the chase.

"True," Lena sighed, "but then you'll have to fight them and that would create a scene, yet I've no other idea as well."

"Then let's take our chances and do this!" Eragon exclaimed, looking around carefully at the guards wandering around the castle aimlessly. Without further ado, Eragon let Lena go and gave her a decent head start before they started to chase after her. In order for them to look legit, Murtagh yelled after her, and that is what caught the distant guards' attention. They too began to chase after Lena, but she was quick as she veered around the people, carts, and buildings as she raced towards the stables at the far side of the castle. She even pushed debris in the way of the guards to put more distance between them.

She almost made it, Eragon and Murtagh catching up to her when she tripped over an uneven stone in the pavement and almost fell, but caught her balance, but at a terrible price. As she was about to fall, her ankle had caved inward and catching her balance made her put tremendous weight upon the ankle, making her cry out in pain. A few steps forward and she tripped again and this time she did fall on her hurt ankle.

The two men watched in horror as she fell in pain. That's when Murtagh made the decision that Eragon carry Lena and go while he fended of the soldiers.

"What all by yourself, don't be daft?!"

"Don't argue with me, Eragon!" Murtagh snapped, "Take Lena and go! I'll catch up with you later."

Eragon hated the idea, but didn't press further as the soldiers pressed forward behind them. Murtagh turned around and drew his sword, taking the soldiers by surprise. Once he slew one, they all drew their swords and they battle began.

Meanwhile, Eragon lifted up Lena bridle style and raced towards the stables. Inside her set her down quickly to fight off a few soldiers himself. Not much time passed before he had disposed of them and began to calm one of the spooked horses. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander to a tan horse with golden spots, the name upon the stall was Dandelion. Such a feminine name, and he wondered if this belonged to one of the ladies who may reside in the castle. Eragon shuddered at the thought of anyone living in that hideous building with Durza.

He managed to calm Dandelion and take her out of the stall. Looking around, he saw that he had no time to place a saddle upon the horse, so he picked up Lena and carefully mounted her upon its back. He then climbed up, sitting behind her where he held her close to his waist. "Take hold of her hair and hold tightly, alright," he quickly explained to Lena.

"Got it," replied as she listened to Eragon. He then lightly kicked the sides of Dandelion and led her past Murtagh and the soldiers heading towards the gate. It was then he saw Saphira in the distance.