Chapter Twelve
Sasori stood at the window of his massive throne room, a frown etched into his features. He'd yet to receive word from his brother or his best friend, and he was beginning to get worried. Four shadows glided over the palace and caused the king to look up into the sky. He smiled slightly, relief washing over him. He could tell by the demeanor of the flight that everything was alright.
He didn't move from his spot and simply waited until the doors to his chambers were opened and in marched all four of the dragon riders. "Welcome my brother. Friends." Sasori announced, turning to greet them.
"You have a dragon?" Gaara yelled, glaring angrily at his brother.
Surprise lit his mug for only a moment before it disappeared. "Dragon?" the elder redhead chuckled. "My dear, insane brother, what are you talking about?"
"Don't play stupid Sasori." Sakura said. "We know about Kogané." She placed her hands on her hips.
"And who might that be sweet, little blossom?" he asked curiously.
Neji looked angry as well. "Do you have a dragon or not?"
The king simply smiled and went to his throne, sitting down. "As you are all aware, I am not a dragon rider."
"Sasori," Itachi said, the only rider who was not displaying a particular emotion. "Is there, or is there not, a dragon living here by the name of Kogané?"
Sasori met his friend's gaze but remained silent. That was until a loud rumbling began to rock the palace. The king was the only one who didn't look surprised or reach for his sword, because as soon as the rumbling died, a large golden scaled dragon pulled itself through the massive balcony window and growled out lowly.
Gaara was wide eyed. "What the hell is that?" he pointed towards the beast. On the opposite balcony the other four dragons curled their heads in to see what was going on.
"Oh." The king laughed. "You mean that dragon."
"Will somebody please explain what is going on?" Sakura demanded, crossing her arms.
The golden dragon lifted its head and assessed the people in his sight. 'We should adjourn to the courtyard. We will have visitors soon…' the dragon breathed across their minds, his voice low and full of power.
Sasori looked surprised. "Do you mean the sacred two?"
'They're coming here?' Kuro asked, turning his large head to the older beast.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Gaara held up his hands, tired of his confusion. "Who's coming?"
Niro lifted his head. 'Let us go down and welcome them in a more open space. You will find out soon my lord.'
The redhead growled out but conceded. They all headed down to the courtyard, joined by the five dragons. Neji crossed his arms. "I don't understand what's happening."
"Nobody does." Sakura grumbled.
Itachi walked over to the elder redhead. "Why didn't you ever tell me about him?" he pointed to Kogané.
"Because I wasn't supposed to." Sasori sighed. "Kogané is an ancient beast that has protected the kings of our county for centuries."
Kogané let out a low growl. 'Things are changing I fear…everyone is in for a stifling surprise.' He whispered, and Gaara could have sworn the dragon was looking at him. Before anything more could be said, there were a couple of loud shrieks that made all of them pale. Never had they heard anything like it before. Gaara and Neji drew their swords, looking around in alarm, but none of the dragons seemed to sense any immediate danger.
'Put your weapons away masters.' Taira said, looking to the sky. 'The sacred two are here.'
Two black masses swam through the air, but Gaara didn't know how, since they didn't have wings. They looked like snakes, or eels, and when they landed on the stone court, everyone was wide eyed and all the dragons bowed their heads in respect. Even the riders and Sasori kneeled down from compulsion, all except for Gaara, who stared at them in awe.
'Your Royal Excellency, Highly Exalted Among the Heavens, and favored by our Mistress the Queen. It is an honor to be in your presence. Oh, Master of the King of the Dragons.' They hissed, lowering their heads.
Kogané looked up in shock, 'Sacred Ones?'
"Did they just call Gaara…well I'm not sure exactly." Sakura said, looking to her love.
Itachi's dark gaze was trained on the two entities before them. "I believe they said he was favored by the Dragon Queen." He said. "But there's no such thing. Is there?"
Both the slick serpents shifted their red gazes to the one who had spoken. Their forked tongues flicked out in interest. 'An Uchiha. Such a noble clan.' They complimented. 'But you are wrong. There is always a Dragon King and a Dragon Queen. Where did you think all the eggs came from?'
"Honestly," Neji laughed. "I never really thought about it. They just arrived."
Sasori nodded. "The Sacred Serpents of the Queen always bring us the predestined eggs from the nest itself."
"But if Gaara is favored by the Dragon Queen, what about the King?" the pink haired rider asked.
The two serpents lowered their heads. 'The Dragon King was hunted down and murdered many years ago by Nardians…the rogues have been causing havoc ever since, and now the queen is falling into despair without her mate. She can no longer continue life, and will perish by the end of the week.'
Gaara went wide eyed. "But… where will the dragon eggs come from? What's going to happen?" he demanded.
The two chuckled, 'Be still young king, and calm your soul. The end of the dragons is no time soon. For we have come to deliver the queen's last eggs and reveal the new king dragon.'
"They called Gaara the Master of the King of Dragons. So that can only mean one thing." Itachi said, his gaze moving to the young redhead.
Red eyes trained on Gaara and then to his massive dragon behind him. Niro raised his head and met their gazes. 'The new King of the Dragons…is Niro.'
Sasori seemed to finally catch on. "Now hold on a second…"
'You are correct in your assessment, King. There is a new ruler who will preside over these lands, the all-mighty Dragon King, Sabaku no Gaara. The first king to be master of the King Dragon. This has not occurred since the forming of Illium.'
Sakura went wide eyed. "So Gaara is higher than Sasori?" she asked.
"That's impossible!" the elder redhead yelled. "He is my younger brother by many years! And he is without child. It goes against everything we built!"
Both serpents roared out, making Sasori back away. 'You will stand down! And you will not tell us what the fates have ordained!'
Gaara frowned. "But…Sacred Ones…it's true. And I do not feel at peace with a decision so unfair. It is my brother's right."
Taira made a loud growl, causing them all to look over at her. 'I hate to interrupt, but my masters, Sacred Ones…my lady is with child.'
Everyone's gazes turned to the pink haired rider, who looked just as shocked as they were. "Um…I didn't know either." She said, looking down and placing her hand over her stomach. "I haven't felt any different."
'The child is not grown enough for you to experience the sickness most new mothers do yet, My Lady.' Taira said. 'But you have been with child since before your capture. That is why I was so adamant on preserving your life.'
"It also means that Gaara would be taking over the throne either way." Itachi said. "Since Sasori is without an heir, or a wife, even."
"But…" Sasori frowned, looking over at Sakura. "So Gaara…?" he sighed, glancing back at his brother, who was as white as a ghost. He looked more uncertain than when the serpents had informed him he would be the new king. His jade depths were focused on one thing and one thing only, Sakura's stomach, where supposedly his child was beginning to grow.
Sakura happened to look up and see her love's gaze. She frowned, lowering her hand. "Gaara?" she asked, walking over to him and cupping his face to get his attention. "Are you alright?" she searched his face then, barely concealed worry on her own.
"Um…yeah…" he swallowed, taking a step away from her. "I'm fine. I just…"
"Gaara?" Confusion entered her eyes as she lowered her hands. She could feel his emotions, but they were so skewed she couldn't decipher them. And it was very concerning.
"But…" he swallowed. His mind was swimming in chaos, since this was just too much to take in. "How can I…?" the redhead focused on the serpents once more. "This has to be a mistake. I can't be…Niro is…" he held his hand over his face. "I'm not a king, I'm just a warrior. I'm not ready to be…" he trailed off, but everyone knew he was thinking he wasn't ready to be a father.
Sakura smiled shakily. "It's okay." She said, stepping closer to him and grabbing his hand, holding it to her cheek and rubbing it soothingly. "I'm scared too."
There was an odd gagging sound and the group looked over to the serpents, who were each coughing up something that seemed to be lodged in their throats. Finally, they leaned over and two eggs slipped out of both of their mouths. Everyone went wide eyed. "Those…" Neji trailed off.
"Dragon eggs." Itachi frowned. But this didn't make any sense. There was not another generation to be passed on to. "I do not understand…" he began, only to be cut off by the snakes.
'These are not the eggs of the chosen ones to come. They have not been breathed into yet. These four eggs…are a gift, to the ones entrusted with caring for her children. They will be the last offspring of the current queen. By the decree of the queen, Niro is to assume the role of King and govern the dragons and keep them under control, while his master takes his rightful place on the throne. And the king must choose his queen and take her to our mistress so she may bestow upon them longevity.'
Niro stood, his head rising to show his confidence. 'My mate, Taira, will be my queen, should she accept.' His strong voice echoed in all their heads.
'I do.' Taira responded with a coo, raising her head as well.
'Then you will accompany us to the queen. Both you and your riders. There is much to explain.' The serpents hissed, launching into the sky. 'Show us you are worthy and keep up.' They called, swimming off.
Without a second to lose, both Gaara and Sakura mounted their dragons and took off after the sky snakes, racing to keep up. They followed the two quite a ways, until they came upon a large waterfall. The serpents flew straight through the cascading liquid, and Niro and Taira did the same. Gaara and Sakura braced themselves for the cold water, shaking it off as they continued to move through the caverns.
'I didn't know this place existed.' Sakura thought as the cave opened up to a large cavern.
'There are many mysteries in the world that you shall never know about, young rider.' A gentle, but firm voice echoed across their minds. Their gazes darted around the room, but they were unable to see anything. That is, until a dragon not much larger than Taira emerged from the shadows, her scales a faded green and her blue eyes full of the wisdom of her many years.
Niro and Taira landed, both dragons bowing their heads as their riders dismounted. 'My Lady.' They both said respectfully.
'So young…dragons and riders…so very young.' The queen cooed as the serpents slipped around her in adoration.
'My Lady, if I may ask, why did you pick Niro?' Sakura questioned once she rose from her own bow.
The dragon shifted, its head slithering closer to the group. 'His heart is like my mate's. He is strong and loyal, everything Shinta was, possibly more.' she said, her voice turning sad. 'Now, on to more important matters. Since Niro has chosen Taira to be his queen I must bestow upon her the knowledge that every queen must have, as well as the longevity that they both need.'
Niro stepped forward with Taira beside him. 'Beloved Queen, we are ready for everything you have to offer.'
'Then live and rule with wisdom and strength. I give the two of you my blessing. May your time as King and Queen of the Dragons be a prosperous one.' She breathed out heavily, but instead of the smoke that normally would have wafted over the two dragons, a white, almost sparkling vapor came out. Niro and Taira closed their eyes and breathed it in, instantly feeling the changes coming over them. And when they opened their eyes, they saw that the old queen was curling up on the floor.
'My time on this earth is now over. I can finally join my Shinta in the afterlife.' She sighed, closing her eyes and breathing her final breath. And when her spirit had left her, her body slowly began to dissolve into the atmosphere, until it was no more.
A heat filled the cave, enveloping all the beings there with the scent of a warm hearth. Gaara and Sakura breathed in the hickory scent. The glow disappeared, and finally they were all left alone with the two servant serpents. They both bowed to the four, 'Your Majesties.'
"Well," Sakura sighed. "I think I've had enough excitement in this past week to last a lifetime."
Taira looked to her rider. 'Then brace yourself, for that is not all that must be revealed to you.' she said, looking to her mate. 'We should return to the palace.'
He nodded and gestured back to his rider. 'Come master. We have something to show you…I didn't understand it before, but now I know why things are changing. The dragon riders will never be the same.'
'Never.' Taira agreed as Sakura mounted her dragon.
The dragons made their way through the cave, dashing through the waterfall once more and then taking to the air, which unfortunately only made Gaara and Sakura freeze. Luckily, the natural warmth of the dragons was enough to keep them from getting ice on their clothing. 'Niro…' Gaara frowned. 'What exactly is it that you need to show us?'
'The last four eggs must be distributed to those chosen by the old queen and then…I must show you what is to come, so that you are prepared.'
The redhead frowned. 'Is it bad.'
Niro glanced back with a small smirk. 'I would not say bad sire, only life changing. Things will never be the same again.'
He sighed and looked over to Sakura, who was staring off into the sky. His gaze lowered to her stomach and he thought about his child. His son. The next head dragon rider. Catching his thoughts, the pink haired warrior looked over and gave him a small smile. 'There is no need to worry. I have faith in you…my king.' She whispered across his mind.
A small smile made its way to his features and Gaara faced forward. Things were definitely changing for him, especially now that he would get to live with his wife. The woman he had finally admitted he loved.
They arrived at the palace once more, now joined by the caretakers of the dragons and Ino. When they landed, everyone seemed in awe, but Gaara couldn't tell why. They were staring at Niro and Taira like they looked different, but to him they still appeared as they always had. Once they had dismounted, both dragons walked over and picked one egg each before trotting over and offering it to their caretakers. Niro placed a stormy grey egg in the hands of Kiba, who was wide eyed and shocked. Taira set an orange egg in Naruto's trembling arms.
The two dragons went back, giving Sasuke a dark blue egg and Hinata a soft lavender one. 'These are yours.' Niro spoke, making all four go wide eyed. 'Raise them well and care for them as you have for us. Thank you.' he bowed his head.
The four nodded and bowed in return, still too shocked to say anything. Neji smiled at his cousin, but then seemed to grasp something. "Hold on…if those are the last eggs then…what of the dragon riders?"
Niro smirked, glancing over to the doorway as Kogané came back in, holding a large cloth filled with round objects. He set them carefully down in front of his new king and bowed to Niro and Taira. Gaara walked forward and undid the blanket, his eyes going wide. 'Yes.' The king dragon spoke. 'These are the next dragon rider eggs.'
"But there's six." The redhead said softly, examining them all. There was a red egg, a few shades lighter than Niro, two soft pink eggs that were joined together, a very large black egg, a sky blue egg, and a deep green one.
'Correct master.' Niro chuckled. 'There will be six…a very odd arrangement as well, so we shall see what unfolds.'
Sakura looked confused. "But how?"
Taira was the one to speak this time. 'Just because my mistress was not indulging in the wonderful aspects of marriage does not mean I was not. Niro and I have always been intimate with each other and thus, the eggs came to be.'
She huffed, crossing her arms. "Yeah, yeah. No need to remind me." she grumbled. Then she sighed. "Everything we know has changed."
Gaara nodded, looking around at all the people he'd loved and then hated. It seemed the ways of the dragons wasn't the only thing that was going to change. "Come. Let's all go inside and spend the afternoon together, like we used to." He actually smiled.
They all agreed with their new king, going back inside the palace and leaving the dragons outside with one another. 'So, you are the rulers of all dragons.' Kuro said, smirking. 'How does it feel?'
'Different.' Taira said, nuzzling her mate before looking down upon her eggs. 'Like all things that have been revealed, this will take some getting used to. And this is just the beginning.'
'Indeed.' Niro agreed, his gaze also trained on the six eggs lying on the grass. The eggs that would forever change the world of dragon riding as they knew it.