Love Is Dead

Transformers Fanfic


Chapter One



'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems
In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.
For the story that you are about to be told
Began with the holiday worlds of old.


A month had passed since Alaina left the Autobot's base, and therefore Sideswipe. Since that fateful day, she had found herself an apartment and with the money Ratchet had given her, was able to pay the down payment. Granted, it was a small, dingy apartment in downtown Tranquility, but it was a roof over her head that she could call her own, and for that she was happy.

She had also been able to find herself a job that she could walk to and from at a small, but often busy, bookstore. She worked every day that she could – except for Sunday, seeing as how the shop was closed then – in order to make sure that she would never be out on the streets again.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Angie," Alaina said as she exited her workplace.

"'Bye Alaina! I'll see you tomorrow," Her boss said.

She was extremely happy she had been able to get the job; Angie was amazing, and paid very well.

As Alaina exited the small corner store she pulled her hair – now a neat mid-back length with bangs – off of her neck and into a messy ponytail to escape from the heat of summer in Tranquility. Getting ready to start the seven block walk home, she was only mildly surprised when the cheap cell phone she had purchased started ringing. Smiling at the name that popped up on the screen, she answered.

"Hello, Ratchet." The medic bot had contacted her as soon as she had turned her new phone on, and she still didn't know how, exactly. Ever since, he made it a habit of his to call her at least once a day, to check up on her and make sure that everything was going fine.

"Good evening, Alaina. I hope you are doing well?" He asked her. She laughed lightly.

"As best as I can be, Doc.," She sighed. "How is 'Sides doing?" A question she asked every day.

"Sideswipe is doing the same as always. He and Sunstreaker have chosen new alternate forms. They are now Lamborghini Gallardo's." He huffed with annoyance. "As if those two need another way to stand out in a crowd."

"Are they still patrolling every night?"

"Of course. They aren't going to stop until they find you. You should know that."

"And Optimus?"

"I've been keeping him updated. He still wishes that you would at least agree to a guardian, but he respects the fact that you wish to not have one." When Ratchet had told Optimus Prime that Alaina had chosen to leave, the leader of the Autobots wasn't exactly pleased, but he understood her decision. He had wanted to have an Autobot become her guardian – much like Bumblebee was for Sam – but she refused. Alaina wanted to get away from giant transforming robots, not have one follow her around every minute of the day.

"So, umm," she took a deep breath, "How is Sideswipe, aside from patrolling every night? How is he doing emotionally?"

"He is suffering," Ratchet said hesitantly. "He and Sunstreaker can feel the loss of you not being near them over the bond…" He paused for a second. "Can you?" His medic side wanted to know.

"No. Goodbye, Ratchet," She said abruptly, hanging up her phone with a snap.

Entering her small, one bedroom apartment, she threw her jacket and bag onto the kitchen counter and walked into her bedroom, curling up on her bed. Truthfully, she felt the loss of Sideswipe so very deep in her being, getting worse and worse every day.

Had she just made the biggest mistake of her life?

A/N: Well, here's the first chapter of the sequel to Endlessly, She Said. Yes, it's short, but it's the first chapter, and I figured it was a good place to stop. Might take me a bit to type up the next one, I spent Friday night in the hospital because my horse threw me then decided to kick me in the head...

Please review, and tell me what you think! Any ideas, suggestions, or thoughts, I'd be happy to read them!

Thanks for reading,