I know, I know: "Aw crap, an AN? I wanna freaking chapter!" Yeah, well SUCK IT UP! What Max said. Suck it up. Just kidding… but seriously. I don't like this ( . . . okay, maybe a little . . . or a lot. A lot's good) any more than you do. Hey… it's about time we did this, Max.

Okay guys, this news is pretty much gonna suck. Curse Lex for winning at nose goes. Hmph. DON'T SHOOT THE MESSANGER! *scoffs* The messenger who can't spell messenger. Whatever!

Okay, since Lex and I write almost every single thing (like, 90-95%? Yup. Maybe more. Just saying) in the Revolution (OEPBHC, The Mansion) plus we got our joint stories (To Be a Friend [CHECK IT OUT!], possible ones in the future [Danny Phantom, *cough, cough*]) AND our personal stories (Abyss [Ah crud.], Prank Wars [CRAP!], etc.), we have to go on a short hiatus. *crowd boos* GET OVER IT! DX

*grabs mallet and crushes can*

I prefer the canned laughter. Anyway, so if you wanna new chapter of The Mansion or OEPBHC or SOMETHING, leave a message after the beep. Or, if you're too impatient, call us at 1-800-this-is-totally-not-a-real-number-obviously-you-turds.

. . .

I just had a laughing spasm because of the last paragraph. Genius, genius. Pure brilliance.

Just kidding. But seriously, if you want more chapters, PM someone from the Rev (or just use the Rev's account or Lex or mine) and we'll see which poor sucker—I mean victim—I mean, HELPER, we can get, k?

(*cough Terra, Gigi, cough*)

We'll be gone for like, what, a week? Two weeks?

A month? Two months? A year? Two years? FOREVER?We'll see, and try our best to come back as soon as possible. Well, I will at least.

Now, before I leave, there's gonna be a few words from Lex, but let ME end on these few words: blubbery, pie, ghosts (DANNY PHANTOM!), and big bouncy inflatable green ball.

Thank you for your time/patience/whatever. MAX BE OUT! PEACE~

Well, hi. It's Lex, obviously. Like stated, we're on hiatus now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we suck, blah, blah, blah, WHATEVER.


You'll be happy to know that certain authors(ah… Terra) may be writing some stories for ZHE MANSION! *crowd cheers* Yeah, yeah, yeah.

And the hiatus is partially to blame on me going on VACATION! YUSS! Screw you. My summer's ruined cause of my stupid relatives. TT-TT And I was SO close to going to New York . . . So, yeah. That, and we keep getting this brilliant ideas for new stories, no good ideas for our old ones, etc. So, yup.

Sorry(no, no really) for the inconvenience. Did you just say you're not sorry or sorry or what? I'm sorry . . .
