A/N: This was inspired by (but not at all related to) xNeve and her wonderful USXUK story, "When in America". You should all go read it because it's really awesome. Enjoy (I hope) ;)

Rated T for language and implied... stuff.

Disclaimer: I (sadly) don't own Hetalia.


Of Flowers and Powers

By mya3dan

Chapter 1: This is why I didn't want you to go to America

There is a small flower shop that resides in New York City. It's just as you would expect a flower shop to be; brick walls and different varieties of sweet smelling flowers lining the walls; the sun shines in from the windows, giving the shop a pleasant and warm feeling. It was the kind of shop you would expect a sweet young girl to be at. Those who worked at this shop wore a white apron that had sides of pink lace. Unfortunately, the one who was currently wearing said apron was not a cute girl, nor was he very pleasant to look at. There was a wave of annoyance and humiliation radiating off of him that clashed with the peaceful atmosphere of the shop. As customers moved around the store, they avoided eye contact with him at all costs. There was someone, though, that seemed oblivious the blond haired man's displeasure.

"Thanks for helping out this week, big brother," said a young girl with short blond hair and a German accent. "I didn't know what I was going to do when Roderich had a family emergency."

The Swiss man took a deep breath, " No problem Lili." He let the breath out. He was doing this for her, he reminded himself. Even if she had started this flower shop with his prick of an ex-roommate; even if she had moved to America without once asking if he was okay with it; even if he hardly got to see her anymore.

The apron was a bit much though.

Just as he was about to (once again) question the necessity of said apron, the door burst open with a crash.


The Swiss was about to whip out the gun he had hidden under his apron (the only thing the damn apron was good for) and teach the rude man just what flower shop etiquette was, when something froze him in his tracks.

"Good morning Alfred," Lili said with a bright smile. "What brings you here today?"

"Nothin' much Nothin' much, I just brought – Hey who's that? Where'd the stuffy guy with the glasses go?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! This is my big brother, Vash." Lili then began to tell the 'oh so sad' tale of how that prick's long lost relative, (who was apparently Italian), died of old age and put him in the will, even though they had never met. But Vash wasn't going to let her finish.

"You know this asshole?"

Said asshole responded before Lili could. "Yup! My girl Lili and Rho- what was his name? - The Rhode Island guy were looking for a good place to start a shop, right? Not helping a girl in need is like, immediate hero disqualification, so I hooked them up with my pal Artie, who handles buildings and crap like that, I figured he would get along with the stuffy dude because their both, well, you know…" At this point Alfred closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, a snoring sound escaped him.

Vash only got one thing out of the entire speech. "Lili is not YOUR GIRL and if you EVER refer to her as such again I'll shove a-"

He was interrupted by an obnoxiously loud ring tone that sounded suspiciously like the star spangled banner. There was an awkward silence until Vash couldn't take it any more. "Aren't you going to answer that?"

"Nope," Alfred said cheerfully, seemingly not swayed by the others previous death threats. The ringing cut off and Alfred continued. "So anyway, I decided to be even more of a hero than I already am and bring you customers too!" Alfred stepped aside to reveal a small Asian man with glossy eyes and hair that was a bit too long to be considered short.

"Konichiwa, I am very pleased to meet you," the small man said with a thick accent.

"It's nice to meet you too," Lili said, mimicking the Asian man's bow.

"Was he there the entire time?" Vash said loudly in disbelief.

Alfred turned to him, and with a concerned tone, said, "You should lower your voice, Lash, I know your surprised, but please remember that your still in a shop." Vash's face started to turn a dangerous shade of red, not from embarrassment, but from attempting not to jump across the counter to maim the other. Luckily, before that could happen, Alfred began to speak again. " Yo Kiks, you need to stop blending in to the surroundings, that's Mattie's job."

"We shall see."

"So…." Alfred said with a smile, "Name: Kiku Honda, Occupation: Ninja. Enjoys long walks on the beach and assembling miniature transformers… oh sorry, I mean Gundam. And despite what he looks like, this guy plays a mean game of Mario Cart." Alfred smiled triumphantly and seemed to expect applause or something.

Lili clasped her hands together in delight, "So do you like flowers, Kiku?" A light came to into Kiku's normally vacant eyes, but Alfred began to speak first. "You bet he does, he does some weird Japanese 'ancient art of placing the flower vase' or something. He was telling me about it earlier and I immediately thought of your shop!"

Vash scoffed. He couldn't imagine Alfred listening to anything. And what was with this wimpy Japanese man? He shouldn't let that obnoxious buffoon of a man (was he really a man? He looked and acted more like a teenager) slap him around. Vash was about to tell him as much when the stupid ring tone came on again.

"Would you turn that thing off!" Vash said, becoming increasingly impatient.

Alfred blinked in surprise. "But it might be important." Vash was about to tell him to get the hell out of his sister's store, no matter what Lili might think, when Alfred answered the phone.

"Heeeeeeeeey Artie! We were just talking about you! Kiku says that people sneeze when that happens. Did you sneeze in the last five minutes? Well your no fun. Ahahahaha! Of course I got the paperwork done, the deadlines tomorrow right? It's today? Well I definitely got it done. Rubbish? You know that I don't speak British, Artie. All right, all right I'm coming. No really I'm coming! Jeez why is everything so bloody in England? Isn't it kind of a given that Hell is bloody anyway? You know Artie, threatening people isn't good for your health. Ahahahaha! Seeya!"

Alfred hung up the phone and turned back towards the counter. "Hey I gotta go Lili, mind watching Kiku for a while? Great! Make sure he gets at least three pieces of sushi an hour. And if your going to play Mario cart, what ever you do, don't let him be Yoshi, he will dominate. Thanks again Lili!" Alfred stormed out of the flower shop, leaving Kiku, Lili, and Vash in yet another awkward silence.

Vash sighed and looked at his sister, "This is exactly why I didn't want you to come to America."


The business man paced back and forth, more out of nervous habit than anything. He was wearing a black suit and his shoes were shined, suggesting his importance in the world. His eyebrows, which were slightly larger than usual, were furrowed. So concentrated was he on pacing, he nearly jumped out of his skin when a man walked through the door.

"Heya," said the newcomer softly.

The business man was furious. "Christ Alfred! You nearly scared the shit out of me!" To this, Alfred laughed softly, witch was a change to his usual loudness. The business man blushed and took a deep breath, "Did you do it?"

"Of course I did, how could you ever doubt me?" Alfred pouted. "And there was a new guy there, you said that after Roderich left she would be alone."

The business man furrowed his brows yet again, "I suspected as much, but I was hoping against it. And you bloody git! Why didn't you answer my phone call the first time?"

Alfred rolled his eyes. "I'm not the one who called too early, that Vash guy was on to me, I swear." Alfred looked at his worrying boss with amusement. "Hey Artie, you really aren't cut out for this evil master mind thing, are you? You're supposed to be laughing maniacally and revealing your master plan as your enemies lie on a Conveyor Belt of Doom."

The business man released some stress with a wry smile. "And aren't you supposed to be the hero? You shouldn't even be helping me."

"It doesn't matter as long as I get to be your hero, Artie."

The business man's face turned as red as a tomato, and it was several moments before he was able to speak. "J-Just... make sure he d-doesn't leave that place, you git!"

Alfred smiled a smile that wasn't as innocent as before, "Of course, boss."


It is done! Well the first chapter anyway... What do you think? Good? Crap? WTF Japan and Switzerland? All viable answers. Feel free to record them in the review section.

This is my first actual fanfic (my first was just a messed up dream where I was Kyon), so feel free to rip it apart and tell me how I can do better. Actually, don't feel free, just do.

And I promise that Japan and Switzerland are the main characters of this story, Alfred just likes to take over sometimes... I can't control him. XD