Kurt Hummel didn't believe in heaven. If he did, though, he suspected it might feel something just like this.

He burrowed more deeply against Blaine's side. Blaine's arm slid slowly up his back, his palm coming to rest between Kurt's shoulder blades. The comforter wrapped them in a soft, warm cocoon, and every breath smelled of a combination of Blaine's soap and Kurt's designer shampoo. And – he smiled as he picked up a whiff of it – just a trace of Bijan for Men. He honestly couldn't think of how the moment could get better.

And then Lady Gaga began to sing, just behind them.

Kurt smiled and sighed against Blaine's neck. Well, that did it. Now they had the perfect soundtrack to a perfect morning, and–




"Sndtrick," he mumbled in response. "Perff sndtrick."

"Kurt, your phone is ringing."


Blaine groaned sleepily and reached a hand out from under the comforter, blindly groping at the surface of the desk behind them. Finally his fingers closed over the cell phone, and he thrust it into Kurt's hands.

"Hlo?" Kurt muttered, his eyes still closed. Gaga continued to sing.

"You have to press the – oh, for–" Blaine fiddled with the phone and handing it back to him.



Kurt cracked an eye open blearily. "Dad?"

"How're you feeling, buddy?"


"Did I wake you up?"


"I said, did I wake you up?"


His dad chuckled. "Go back to sleep. Finn and I are going to shovel out the driveway, and then I'll come get you. Should be there in three hours or so – the main roads have all been cleared. Dalton's classes are canceled again, though."

"Oh." Kurt rolled onto his back, and Blaine whimpered at the loss of contact. "Kay."

"I'll call you when I'm near the campus, all right?"

"Yeah, okay. Bye, Dad." He mashed his fingers on the screen until the call ended, then dropped the phone back on Blaine's desk. The sunlight trickling in through the window was too bright, so he burrowed back against Blaine with a faint whine.

Blaine slid his arm back around him, chuckling softly. "Not a morning person, are you?"

"It's cold," Kurt mumbled, shivering a little when his lips accidentally touched the crook of Blaine's neck. "You're warm."

Blaine just hummed in response, resting his cheek against Kurt's forehead as both boys closed their eyes again.

It wasn't as though Kurt had never had a sleepover. He'd even shared a bed with two girls at once, and there'd been some serious cuddling going on that night. But those puppy piles had nothing on this. It felt as though every nerve in his body was simultaneously alert and asleep. Sensory overload didn't begin to cover it. He listened to the sound of Blaine's slow breaths, felt the shift of his leg–

"Crap!" Kurt opened his eyes, pulling back. "Your ankle! Is it okay? Should I get more ice?"

"It feels all right," Blaine said, flexing it a little. The ACE bandage was still secure, but the skin around it didn't appear swollen anymore. "Wes is actually really good at first aid. I don't want to chance taking off the wrap to check on it – but I think it's better. What about you? How's your seatbelt bruise?"

Kurt lifted up the front of his shirt to check. Sure enough, a dark purple bruise stretched across his chest. "I think it looks worse than it is," he said. "It hurts a lot less than it did yesterday." He looked up and was surprised to find Blaine staring at him with an inscrutable expression. "What?"

"You could have been really hurt in that car accident," Blaine said quietly.

"I know," Kurt admitted. "It shook me up."

"Me too. When I heard the crash, and I couldn't talk to you... Those ten minutes were terrifying."

"I'm fine, though."

"I know. It was just, yeah. Terrifying." Blaine sighed. "But you're here now."

"I am," Kurt said. "As are you." They smiled a little dreamily at each other. "By the way, I think your bed has magical healing properties," he teased. "For both of us to have bounced back from our injuries so quickly."

"It does feel kind of magical."

They kept watching each other, afraid to break the still of the silence. Finally, Kurt let out a sigh. "You totally want to sing something right now, don't you." Blaine looked pitifully back at him, so Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Oh go on, we both know it's coming."

Blaine smiled brightly, his eyes as warm as his embrace. "I will watch you heal, I'll watch you heal with me," he sang to Kurt softly. "I will sing you morning lullabies... You are beautiful and peaceful this way–"

The next line would never make it out, as Kurt leaned in and pressed his lips firmly against his. Blaine let out a pleased sound of surprise, kissing back with fervor. They were both a little clumsy; bumping their noses and clanging their teeth accidentally. But after a few minutes, they got the hang of it. Kurt rested his hand on Blaine's waist as he sucked his bottom lip into his mouth.

"God," Blaine groaned. "It's about time we did this. I thought I was going to die of frustration from waiting for you."

Kurt pulled back, ignoring Blaine's noise of protest. "Excuse me? I've been waiting for you to make a move for ages."

"I couldn't make the first move."

"Why not?"

"Because I wanted to know for sure that you were ready." Blaine stroked his arm lightly. "It's not for lack of wanting, Kurt, believe me. I'd been planning to ask you out, but then everything with Karofsky went down, and I didn't want to pressure you–"

"Do you mean to tell me," Kurt interrupted, "that we could have been doing this for months?"

Blaine laughed. "That really is a tragedy."

"We'd better make up for lost time," Kurt said. Blaine hummed in agreement as Kurt leaned in to capture his lips again.

Blaine had dressed and styled his hair by the time Kurt emerged from the communal shower. He gestured toward the laptop balanced on his knees. "Power's back on," he reported cheerfully. "How was your shower?"

"Cleansing," Kurt replied. He looked down at himself bashfully, his fingers brushing the surface of the terrycloth robe Blaine had lent him. "I, uh... I mostly got dressed. But I could still use some help putting a shirt on."

"Of course." Blaine hopped up from the bed at once. "Do you want to borrow something of mine?"

"That'd be great, thanks."

Blaine limped slightly as he went over to his wardrobe, pulling out a red hooded sweatshirt. Kurt untied the robe and stripped it off, folding it over a chair. He felt exposed, standing there in only a pair of sweatpants, but Blaine's appreciative gaze lessened his apprehension.

"You have really hot shoulders," Blaine murmured. "I always thought they looked good in shirts, but like this, they're just... wow." He placed a gently kiss on Kurt's clavicle, before easing the sweatshirt over Kurt's head and arms.

"Thanks." Kurt felt his cheeks grow warm, and then he heard a familiar sound that he was quickly beginning to despise.

Lady Gaga was interrupting their moment again.

He grabbed his cell phone off the desk and answered it. "Hi Dad. Are you close?"

"Yeah, we're around five minutes away."


"Finn came along for the ride."

That was odd, Kurt thought. "Okay, we'll meet you outside Brighton Hall."

"We?" Burt parroted back teasingly.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "You're hilarious. Drive safely." He ended the call and turned back to Blaine, who was watching him with sad eyes. "What?"

"I wish you lived on campus and I could see you all the time," Blaine replied wistfully. "I wish that every day could be like yesterday." He paused. "Well, except for the car accident part. And the twisted ankle. And the botched Warblers practice."

Kurt kissed him, because he could. "We'll find ways to spend time together."

"I know." Blaine kissed him back, stroking his cheek. Then he straightened up suddenly. "Oh god, I forgot to ask. We're dating now, right?"

"Oh." A tingle of pleasure trickled down Kurt's spine. "Yes?"

"Okay." Blaine's grin was blinding. "Okay, good."

"Good." Kurt was smiling too, and it make kissing all the more difficult.

They did their best, though.

By the time Burt pulled up outside Brighton, Kurt and Blaine were outside holding hands, bundled up against the cold air. Burt got out of the car, and if he noticed the hand-holding, he was tactful enough not to mention it. Kurt dropped Blaine's hand when Burt enveloped him in a tight hug.

"I'm okay, Dad," he murmured.

"Don't scare me like that again," Burt said roughly. "You're..."

"I know. I'm sorry."

They pulled apart, Burt swiping at his eyes with the back of his hand as Finn came up beside them.

"Hey bro," Finn said. "You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's good." Finn was looking around at the campus. "So this is Dalton. It's pretty cool."

"Thanks," Blaine said, when Kurt didn't respond.

"Do the house elves live in your dorm?"

"Ah... no. No, they don't."

Finn nodded, clearly disappointed.

Burt cleared his throat loudly. "Kurt, I called the garage where they towed your car yesterday. The mechanic said it needs some extensive bodywork, so you won't be able to get it back for another week. Possibly longer."

Kurt groaned. "How am I supposed to get here for school every day?"

"Well, today's Friday, so obviously you'll be home for the next couple of days. After that..." Burt glanced at Blaine with a guarded expression. "I spoke with your headmaster, and due to the circumstances – I'm sorry, but using phone trees is ridiculous in this day and age – he felt a bit responsible and said the school could accommodate you."

"That's nice and all, but I can't very well miss a week of classes, even if the headmaster approves it. It'll take me forever to catch up on what I miss."

Burt stared at him blankly. "He said the school could accommodate you, Kurt. As in, provide accommodations."

"It means you can stay here till the car gets fixed," Finn supplied helpfully. "He had to explain it to me too."

"That's great!" Blaine said, reaching for Kurt's hand again and squeezing it.

"The headmaster said there's an empty bed in Brighton," Burt said, looking back at Blaine briefly. "So that's where you'll be sleeping. In the empty bed."

Kurt bit back a giggle. "Yeah, we get it, Dad."

"Okay, well, let's get you home, so Carole can make a fuss over you. She's been worried sick." Burt nodded at Blaine a little awkwardly, then got back into the car.

Finn took Kurt's satchel from him and set it in the trunk before folding his tall frame into the passenger seat. He'd left the trunk door gaping open, so Kurt strode over and reached up to bring the door down hard. "He's so considerate," he said with a raised eyebrow, returning to Blaine's side. He noticed the other boy was smiling broadly. "What?"

"Funny how you were able to shut the trunk door," Blaine said. "Reaching over your head and all that."

"Ah." Kurt flushed. "Yeah, about that."

Blaine let out a loud laugh, and gave Kurt a quick hug. "I'll see you Monday," he said.

Kurt nodded. He climbed into the backseat, and his dad drove away from Dalton. After they had been on the road for a few minutes, his cell phone pinged with a new message. He held it up to read it.

I miss you already. How am I going to get through the next two days?

He smiled, and typed back, Courage.

The End